General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy everybody thinks they're good.

Why everybody thinks they're good. in General Discussion

    Ironically, the MM system is the reason for it.

    The MM is setup in a way that everybody more or less gets a chance to own but these ends up disillusioning everyone into thinking they're actually good which leads to all these egoistical people.

    As a result of everybody thinking they're the better player, we get this. You know, this community.

    It's alright

      sometimes its fuck up and some ppl just dont like it and whining. example : me


        It might fuck up now and then but I'm telling you, its near impossible to find a player that has never pub stomped before.

        It's alright

          what if they pub stomped so many times and 9/10 game they just owned and the reason why they still in normal or high is cause they stack with lower bracket friend :)

          Died cause of lag

            I dont get it- why dont they just make it like it is in Hon?
            With the mmr system - I had/have 1926 mmr in hon.

            when I played with people with higher mmr I pretty much picked what they said (or what we needed)
            When I was the the one with highest mmr I asked for mid or carry - and most of the time I got it.

            there will allways be people that just dont care and pick what they want instead of what would be best for the team.

            Feeder Chan

              Because some people are better in certain roles. For example if I have mmr of 1900 and someone who hasn't really done mid often has a 1980 mmr, and he wants to try mid oppose to a carry or support your team may bully me to play a different role.

              Juke Ellington

                Cos ppl with a bad MMR get discouraged.
                Steam want you to think you're good. It's good for the business.
                They don't really care if it's biased.

                The important thing is to have fun. Not anybody want to play too srsly.


                  "what if they pub stomped so many times and 9/10 game they just owned and the reason why they still in normal or high is cause they stack with lower bracket friend :)"

                  Story of my life, or just my life...

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Because MMR is depending on WR and WR is not skill.


                      ^Just don't throw some wrong information.
                      I know player with 50.30% winrates and if they play they are always on the first page of live matches.
                      Unless Alliance and Na`Vi are playing a pub game at the same moment...


                        MMR is not based on WR. Definitely a no...

                        The game does need a sort of visible MMR system though, whether you like it or not. It might create e-penis losers that brag but who cares? They're probably shithead without friends.

                        Having visible stats encourages people to improve, you can quickly see who is good at what/etc. It also allows you to more or less gauge people's skill.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          NO. I mean the MMR system in HoN. It just gives you points if you win and takes points away from you if you lose. MMR in Dota 2 is a complete enigma. Even Gabe doesn't know how it works. All I know is if you are really good you are gonna get to top pages.


                            If i recall correcetly, Valve stated something along the lines that they dont want to have a visible MMR or Rating (now even games won) to avoid excluding palyers.

                            What i dont understand is how is hiding a rating going to cause the situation to be worse? ppl get already excluded or reported for feeding etc.

                            I think a visible MMR or some sort of rating the whole community can indentify at would be much better


                              A lot of people are at a rating/bracket that is much lower than their skill level.

                              Its actually very difficult to move up if you have a high number of matches played - this mainly goes for accounts where people have started with little to no experience with DotA or any similar game, as opposed to those who are experienced. In HoN, for me to move from 1690-1700 took an extremely long time, because many of the matches that I played at the time, I was the highest rated player in the game, and as a result many matches were +0 or +0.1 with I would need many, many wins in a row to move up. And then when i did reach 1700, I was often the lowest or one of the lowest on the team, and getting to 1750 was an absolute breeze.

                              That said, there are definitely a lot of shit players that think they are a lot better than they really are, and its pretty funny to watch them whine about it.

                              DotA 2 MM makes absolutely no sense to me, there seems to constantly be players in my matches that are way out of their depth. Replace those 2-3 players, and you have a good game on your hands.


                                ^ The poster above me is terrible. No, not his name, his dota skill. It isn't hard to move up solo queue at all.


                                  Right, look at my opponents in my last match and tell me it again.

                                  On my main I play on the first couple pages every match, all solo queue as well. I am merely stating the issue that others face, congrats on being a shitbad with a 50% win rate though.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I don't think I'm good at all. But I also don't care cus I get matched against bads and win half my games regardless.


                                      I don't think I'm good... however I'm still better than most people because most people suck a lot


                                        ^that sums it up really


                                          ...where do you guys see your MMR?

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            They don't.


                                              This terrible guy is playing on a smurf account and boasting about his winrate. Let me clue you in: high win rate with that few wins is inevitable, and anyone else who has 60% simply stacks more often than not.


                                                No actually, there are a lot of players that have ~55% win rate that solo queue in VH. You play with friends infrequently, have a 50% win rate and have 2 heroes with over 500 GPM, get over yourself. Just a reminder that you were the one calling me out lmfao


                                                  Players with 55% win rate either have sub 600 games played or queue often with friends. I am ridiculously good at dota.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    That sentence touched the heart of this thread.


                                                      Anything below 60% winrate is possible even when solo queue. Simply pick heroes like batrider/spiritbreaker/visage/ursa situationally and you can pretty much snowball everygame if you're decent. Thing is, its boring.

                                                      It's alright

                                                        vissage is fun actually, and a pub stomper as well if he got a player who used to play with meepo or chen etc....


                                                          @ C, if you choose gay ass heroes you can pretty much NONsituationally reach 60% solo queue. E.g. my lifestealer is 57% wr mostly solo queue. And he started off with 40 games @ 40% wr (I used to jungle him exclusively way back in the day). To see the shift in win rate, simply check out my 1 month win rate with him or check my games played only lifestealer. You will see strong streaks of red in the past followed by a sudden lighting of green. Weaver safelane or mid is another one of my 65% solo queue win rates in the past month (and it will continue).

                                                          But if you solo queue, you cannot get the meaningful roles every time. That's why, even if you concentrate on picking the snowballing heroes, it is hard to achieve 60%. You will be put to support or jungler every now and then, and it is much harder to carry crazily without safelane farm. Aside from that, playing ls and weaver every single game would just be a bit boring - though not too boring!

                                                          To put the problem in perspective, I couldn't have played sniper and medusa a combined 18 times over 6.78c (with an obviously vastly negative win rate) if all I cared about was my total win rate. If you think those 2 heroes are viable solo queue, then you've never solo queued. I can't tell you how many times I've been tower dived for 30 to 45 seconds by only 2 or 3 heroes at the safe lane only for no one to TP. The team will then blame me for having bad farm. It is crucial for you to pick a lifestealer or a weaver to carry the game - then if your team doesn't TP, you can still get by most likely. Now, I also get great teammates too. It depends on time of day and chance. But you get the picture. We want the most likely win ASSUMING your team will never help you. You must prepare for the worst when it isn't that unlikely if you want to focus only on solo queueing high win rate.


                                                            What really grinds my gear...

                                                            Do you guys think, that the carryrole is harder to play than the support?

                                                            It is clearly not!

                                                            A carry has one objective:

                                                            Get Fat. That mostly means: Find a safe spot and farm your BKB/DPS Item.

                                                            A support has so many tasks to cover in a game:

                                                            1. Ward/Deward/Smoke

                                                            It takes so much expierence to ward proper. It is not simply done by warding the runespot for the first 10 min. Esp mid late, you determine with your wards, where the teamaction has to happen. There is no point in warding the enemy jungle, if you are behind and have to play safe. There is no point in warding your jungle, if you want to attempt T 2-3 towers. Common mistakes.

                                                            A sentry before a towerpush can stop that nyx/naix combo to initiate on you.

                                                            Why you think in the pro scene are rarley the carryplayers?

                                                            The only reason you put the better player on carryrole is, because it is too frustrating to support someone who does poorly.

                                                            2. Be always where the action is.

                                                            You have to rotate lanes def.

                                                            3. Create space for your carry.

                                                            Ward for him, stack creeps. Outzone enemy heros, secure the carry kills.

                                                            For me support is way more complex.


                                                              9v1 definately agree with you man, just the way i see the game being played too

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                They actually don't put better players on carries. Most pro teams have their captains on support role.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Carry is harder to play in a pub because people don't support properly if at all. With good warding, protection, defensive rotations, carry is super easy, but it's rare you even get consistently rune wards in pubs.


                                                                    Also doesn't help playing a carry when no one knows how to set up lanes properly, can't even count how many times lanes have been an utter disaster. Then again when you do see support played properly and your carry still only gets 100 last hits / 30, you have to wonder


                                                                      They've already enabled the choice to enable match sharing. Why not add a personal MMR that you can choose whether or not to make public?

                                                                      Only people that would feel excluded are the elitest people who have (it turns out) a much lower MMR than they think, although that is worth the personal improvement number to judge your recent performance based on, imo.


                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I need to amend my comment, jungle carries are ridiculously easy to play in pubs. Enemies rarely come into the jungle to harass or ward. I can free farm ursa jungle to lvl 10 with vlads and rosh kill by like 10-12 minutes. It's literally like playing with bots. I can have armlet and power treads on lifestealer around 12 mins in all from jungle. It's retarded easy, my win rate with lifestealer is 80% albeit with only 35 matches.

                                                                        Lane carries that need a lot of support early are a lot harder like spectre or medusa.


                                                                          im best


                                                                            @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah

                                                                            In pubs they think the best player should carry or mid. I agree with mid, but not with carry DK and Allliance have their carry as captain. but mostly its a Pos 3-5, who is captain.

                                                                            Just take a look at navi xboct is for me the "worst" (still a great player) in their team. He often Rambos etc. The best Alliance plays on TI 3 for me were made by Akke.



                                                                              It's NOT that proper carry role is harder to play than proper support. It's that if carry role is not played proper, you will pretty much lose if their carry is doing well. On the other hand, through sheer luck/cautious play/doing it yourself as carry/it being halveassed but still a bit decent, non-proper supporting doesn't automatically result in a loss. You can carry off still and win the game.

                                                                              Let's say you're playing with some really bad support who is willing to listen. You can tell a guy "Can you please upgrade the courier? Can you please buy a ward and put it here *ping*? Can you please not single pull and stack it first?" They can execute these orders. But if you have a shitty carry who cannot last hit, you can't say "Can you please stop missing last hits and farm better?" The difference is that support is more knowledge and instructions ("fact based" memory like "USA is a country") whereas farming takes more "mechanical knowledge" like riding a bike. You can tell someone a fact, and they can act on it. It takes training to develop the riding of a bike...

                                                                              Sōu ka

                                                                                okay ti 3:
                                                                                hao tongfu
                                                                                orange mushi
                                                                                liquid tc
                                                                                alliance s4
                                                                                dk burning
                                                                                lgd xiao8
                                                                                zenith iceiceice

                                                                                obviously the captain is mostly support, oh wait
                                                                                and being captain does not automatically mean you are the most skilled player on the team


                                                                                  I love how KDA is factored into rating. Gives me easier matches.


                                                                                    Let's say you're playing with some really bad support who is willing to listen. You can tell a guy "Can you please upgrade the courier? Can you please buy a ward and put it here *ping*? Can you please not single pull and stack it first?" They can execute these orders. But if you have a shitty carry who cannot last hit, you can't say "Can you please stop missing last hits and farm better?" The difference is that support is more knowledge and instructions ("fact based" memory like "USA is a country") whereas farming takes more "mechanical knowledge" like riding a bike. You can tell someone a fact, and they can act on it. It takes training to develop the riding of a bike...

                                                                                    liking your comparison here. although, i think relentless said somewhere in the forums that lasthitting practice will not help much after a certain while due to the fact that genetically you will have a pre-determined reection speed or something like that ha!


                                                                                      Guys, what about support who helps you to deny? i've seen many games where we lost also because we didnt deny properly and the opposing carry had a lot more farm than ours


                                                                                        When ever I read the topic of a post, I'm like okay Imma say this this and this, and after I read all the posts and get to the bottom, the topic has shifted so much I don't even know if I'm in the right place anymore.
