General Discussion

General DiscussionAbbadon

Abbadon in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    srsly, abba wr this month -> 57.42%

    What the hell?


      there is always this 1 teammate that attacks him during his ult and basically give him a free fountain trip, what do u expect

      Ples Mercy

        still, he shouldnt have a winrate like that, srsly. He can protect abit give a small buff and a small heal, thats it, how the hell is he the hero with the 3rd highest WR, doesnt make any sense. Damn those normal bracket n00bs D:


          He is pretty much the best earlygame harasser of DotA, nullifying the farm of enemy carries if done right. If you can end the game fast or have strong carries yourself, that advantage becomes quite important.


            u mean it should be higher right?

            waku waku

              maybe they should give him the blade mail visual effect when he ults to further discourage attacking him, i know people are more reluctant to attack someone who has blade mail than abaddon, and blade mail is op

              Ples Mercy

                if you would stop getting orchid and a sheepstick instead you would have killed him ez.

                bullshit, usually i see him die alot early game. If you want harras, then get something like silencer, lion, bane, treant and so on.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  The hero is fucking good wtf. 6 seconds cooldown on a spell that removes everything on a hero (mostly spells that have a higher cooldown) a 250 HP heal with only 5 seconds cooldown as well. Starts with 21 INT and mana costs are not even that high. The hero is better than you think he is I guess.

                  Ples Mercy

                    well obviously, otherwise he wouldnt have such a high winrate, but still. Yes his shield is not 2 shabby and his heal isnt bad either, but i really cant see him being that good.

                    I rly think treant is much better at being a bitch in so many ways.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Because nobody likes playing Treant in normal bracket and that's the place where most heroes get their winrate from.

                      one paw in front of the o...

                        The shield is an absolute bitch early on, both in damage and EHP it provides. The ulti allows to tower dive relatively safely too, and his Q is really useful in those scenarios when you're chasing down a low hp hero... You can be very aggressive and not worry about getting killed.


                          I had an enemy Abbadon recently, , that kinda went huge early game, was highest level in the game was raping all over. Then we hung on and took it late and stomped all over him and them, despite some on my team calling gg earlier.

                          Seems he's great early and dies a death late game, even with satanic and AC and basher and veno orb and shit.

                          Yes, a lot of the early kills were me. Yes, normal bracket scum.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Lol I'm pretty sure OoV overrided that lifesteal and he didn't even realize it.

                            tveni tveni

                              oov works with lifesteal

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Was it just a buff placer? Hmm. Still who would need that in 50 minutes.


                                  He certainly went from fuck all health to full in about a tenth of a second...


                                    He is a broken hero, if you lane him right. Try a Trilane with Abba/Tree/Weaver or even a duallane Abba+Slark/Weaver. If played correctly even in very high bracket games he is just amazing. You can make an earlygame squishy hero dive and get kills. An early fed slark/weaver/spiritbreaker is simply nothing you can deal with mid/late game.

                                    He is nearly as broken as tree.

                                    Ofc lowbob abbas will try to farm and carry, even he has NO carrypotential at all (No damageamp., no huge aoe, no strong illus, no magicimmunity built in, no flashfarmingability) He is just tanky, thats it. Some decen nukes finish him off early. Just get Lion/Lina/Necro against him and Nuke him right before his ult triggers (not after!). Or a doombringer.

                                    Ofc a Lina, that nukes on his ulti is no fun. A decent player should be able to time it right. Esp lion counters him hard. Just hex right before he ultis and use finger. Hex just rapes abba.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      He's also pretty new. His win rate will settle a bit. I'm more surprised warlock's is so high.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Doom doesn't cancel his ulti btw. It just activates itself but Doom still stays.

                                        waku waku

                                          i did kill him silly, it's just that i killed myself with my ult along the way


                                            I mostly play in normal bracket and Abaddon is pretty awesome there. He's very little farm dependent(I don't get why people try to carry with him), for a support he's quite tanky so he isn't attractive target and his shield is amazing(the range on the Mist Coil is great too). And when even I(still pretty inexperienced player) can get pretty decent winrate on him, I'm sure everyone else can too.


                                              Just abbadon's shield against a Batrider or any channeling stun (sry I meant disable) = OP.

                                              Retard Security Detail

                                                Got bored, read this thread, picked Aba.
                                                Was an easy 11/1/16 or something. But i play in revolving door retard bracket, sometimes i get em, sometimes they do.

                                                And I agree that you dont wanna build him carry, I usualy do more support items(mana boots, mek, urn, sheep) and still can carry, save or tank like axe wishes he could.


                                                  I think he's a really strong hero. I pick him when enemy lineup has a lot of spells that I can dispel with shield.

                                                  Vlads early on gives him enough mana regen, treads/phase if we lack dps or chasing power, arcane boots if no one has any, then my core is done.

                                                  Throughout the game I decide whether we need purely a tank/support, or a tank/semi dps or even just straight dps. Then I build items accordingly. He is naturally tanky cuz of his ult, hard to ignore cuz of his low cooldown heals and shield, but also does decent damage.

                                                  I'm not a good Abba, just posting my build that works well for me.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Why doom dont remove Abbadon ulti ? Isnt doom a skill that should counter every fucking shit in this game ? I mean even backtrack disappear when void is doomed.