General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage

Visage in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Why don't people play visage more? He's 3rd least played but his win rate is 51% so obviously pubs do ok with him. Is he played much in tournament play?

    I only have a few games with him and not high rated but he's amazing. Super tanky nuker, his nuke is low cooldown with great range, his snare is really good for ganks. He doesn't have aoe, but his single target is pretty unmatched in a small team fight. There's usually enough damage he gains full soul charges every 4 seconds for a 400 dmg nuke. Pretty sick. Grave chill can somewhat shutdown a carry who needs a ton of attack speed too like a mjolnirs alch or PA. It's not as good as enfeeble but it's pretty strong and much lower cooldown.

    I think part of the issue is players don't want to micro the familiars. The familiars are extremely useful, they can scout, they can stun, they do decent dmg. The thing is, visage would be a sweet hero even without his familiars. If you simply group control them with yourself and only use them for dmg they're useful just for that. I think players maybe try to hard to line up perfect familiar stuns instead of just focusing on good use of grave chill and soul assumption.

    My builds I support on visage so I buy wards and then usually build ring of basilius, power treads, urn and mek. Visage doesn't really need arcane boots but I guess you could skip the ring and get those if your team needs more mana. I prefer leaving treads on str though and getting more hp. After that I usually stack more armor with shivas. So far it's worked pretty well.


      always go with arcane boots

      Dire Wolf

        Treads are on the recommended items for some reason and I haven't had any mana issues on visage. Arcane boots are probably much better for the team though.


          I mostly use medallion stick and normal boots. If I find the manapool i have not sufficient I upgrade into a wand, usually its all you need and its cheap. If I need hp regen i go tranqboots.
          From there on any Item which is required for winning the game.


            Visage is pretty much picked all the time in tournament play.

            Dire Wolf

              Nice. Medallion is definitely under used. I'll try it next time.

              You guys think the pubs are scared off because of the familiars?


                I only see Visage on games where I pick him or somebody gets him on random.

                And yeah Visage is good but i feel he's too familiar reliant. But that's just my opinion.

                People probably are intimidated w/ micro intensive heroes.

                Dire Wolf

                  I think he's good even if you half ass the familiar usage. In pubs you can definitely get away just setting the on auto attack on your nuke target.


                    Visage is one of the best heroes in the game at this moment so he is quite a lot better than "good".

                    Tight dota player

                      he is easily top 3 support atm (wisp naga being the other two), 4k nuke with familiars if u have aghs and resummon, 9 sec combined aoe stun, grave chill which is one of the best disables in the game, incredibly tanky with 30+ armor at lvl 10, and on top of all this soul assumption, the skill that everyone knows the power of.

                      also he doesnt really take that much micro compared to chen or ench, he is a lot more about decision making, when and how to send ur familiars into the fight, how to position them on the map etc. i.e. u can use ur familiars to stack several camps simultanously, block enemy ancients or farm an open lane but if u get initiated on and dont have them for the teamfight, or have to burn your resummon immediately cos of that, its all for nothing.

                      obviously skill cap is still very high, even in pro games you see visage players feeding more than 10 familiars during a game, this is partly cos he is very team dependant, i.e. if ur team is struggling u might want be to a lot more offensive in terms of ur familiar usage but also cause some of them lack decision-making in crucial situations (qqq, xtinct, ddc are one of the few within the pro scene that truly master this hero).

                      anyway if u have above average micro and feel like a challenge, practice this hero in pubs, whether u play him as hard support buying all wards and going stuff like urn, arcanes, mek, hex or as a semi carry with medallion, treads, aghs, ac he is very strong and i think most players can achieve 60%+ solo queue wr with him if they learn how to play him at a decent pub level. in the right hands he is truly broken.

                      personally i instapick him every pub, the fact that his potential is so huge just motivates me.


                        yea i usually group controll them when im alive but when im dead (that rarely happens) i go full micro on them. but in fights all my enemies are stunned :D

                        90% winrate with it one of my favorites but dont play it cause i stack with noobs

                          King of Low Prio

                            I suck with micro'n creeps so I avoid heroes who need them to be played well :P

                            Dire Wolf

                              Well I can't wait to play him more. Going to try stacking and scouting with the familiars, hadn't thought to try it yet. Really unlock their potential. Visage is definitely challenging jakrio, bane and disruptor as my favorite support.

                              Jay Ashborne

                                Sampson sucks in general. I totally agree visage needs to be played more. My personal favorite support.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Melody lets not start your backtalk again because I dont want to have to bring up the fact that you are a normal bracket support player who blames his teammates for all his losses and is too braindamaged to realize it is because of his horrible play as support.

                                  Jay Ashborne

                                    Nah I don't blame my teammates. However, I don't scream deward when there is 25 seconds left on the ward either. Please sampson, lest I refer this thread, to the previous thread where you complained like a girl. :(

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      You made a thread talking about how you play support know all your stuff and your teammates cant carry and its all their fault blah blah blah. I pity you and play a game with you and you dont know anything about playing support( you push lanes u dont deward you pulled at horrible times etc.) When I tell you to deward you start giving me attitude then flip out and quit the game the end. Had you not lied on your thread you would have saved me displeasure of playing with you

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        I'd love to sit here and bicker with you over what you feel happened in X game, but I really don't care lol. Whatever makes you happy man, two thumbs up Sampson best girl 2013 #MileyCyrus

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          you cared enough to make a comment about me, you are still mad that I didnt validate your claims that it wasnt your own fault you are in the normal bracket. Your lack of skill put you there sorry :(


                                            Visage has very strong laning phase. with a simple nuker and stunner can be an easy killer( his W is very powerful. 215 damage on level 1, scales very well). and his Q is devastating as well. (good combo with juggernaut-likes) . the shield is not that important, because it's destroyed easily and only retard will nuke you with 64% extra magic resistance. familiars damage is very high at early-mid game, can turn enemy ganks around. Damage falls out late-game but with aghanim's scepter even 9 SECONDS STUN is possible.(Q, tab, Q, tab, Q, tab , R , tab ,q , tab, Q , tab, Q)(stun with familiars one-by-one , resummon them and repeat it).
                                            And, of course sticking to the same lane all the time is a bad idea because visage is very good roamer-ganker.


                                              I won those games without any decent familiar microing. simple as that.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                       hardlane Visage.
                                       support Visage. The thing with him is when you get Agha, you can kill almost anyone other than the carry alone. The birds just do so much damage.

                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                  I think you misunderstood Sampson. I don't care to nit pick about why I left that game with you screaming like a girl. Lest you forget the last time we had this conversation and a thread, multiple forum members called you a girl, said you bitch a lot, and complained about you. Yes bro, I'm in normal mmr. Who carried you to high, because you damn sure don't play like anything else besides scrub tiered baddies.


                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    multiple people? you have selective memory you had people on your friends list come to the forums to say how you are "the best support I have played with"(Have you gone pro yet???). I was nice until you started arguing and started a childish rant and left game. I honestly dont get how your brain works that you (a normal bracket player) is carrying me ( a very high bracket player). I can understand people in the VH bracket arguing on who is better and who sucks but you literally play in the lowest of the lows. VH bracket isnt even the "cream of the crop" more so it is that VH is a standard of knowing the basics of dota (which you clearly are lacking)