General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to not lose playing with retards?

How to not lose playing with retards? in General Discussion
Sugar Show

    I like to play off-lane drow, but teammates always ruin it.

    one and half gun

      your kda is quite positive for drow ranger off lane but why off lane and not safe lane? seems like you are the one ruining the game for your team

      Autism is great

        dota 2 is a team game
        if power of retardation is too strong on your side its gg no matter what


          Your last 3 matches, all lost, were up against np. I think you should ask yourself this: how is drow really contributing to the game? Because she isnt that good of a carry, she isnt mobile at all and can be easily countered. She has strong rightclick and silence... Thats pretty much it. In some of your games your partners didnt benefit from aura buff, cause they were melee or supports. Drow imo has fairly bad early game, needs some items BADLY... Alltogether- picking her, not just as an offlane, might not be the best idea by itself. Making her offlane just makes things worse.

          In the long run you simply cant say that its teammates' fault.

          Quick maffs

            "I like to play off-lane drow" You must be very luck to not be against a trilane ..... The last time i played timber offlane i was against a bane, lesh, skeleton king trilane ..... game was hard :/


              you dont level silence at all from 1-8!
              you buy HH on drow? when you can easily farm up to daed or satanic?
              and some times you build phase boots -_-

              ^if you want to watch a good drow :D

              and dont listen to the 1st reply he ruins dota in general

              SMELLY APE

                try to kill the enemy hero thats fed (preferable solo). i remember one game slark was 15-0 by 17 minute, killed him once, gained 800 gold + 4 levels , took 4 ancient stack and took 3 towers + roshan , game was ez. Earned close to 3000 gold in 3 minutes lul

                Sugar Show

                  Mother of drow! lul
                  Ya, I'll watch them when servers works again.


                    playing drow offlane is not safe, drow should be played in the middle lane. You can have a look at my games/records, if you want to improve your game. I'm quite noob, just on dota 2 for 8 weeks or so. Have a look at the strategies that i employ. Im an old school dota player. If you want to play with drow your GPM has to be at least 500-600+, if not she'd be quite useless.


                      Drow shouldn't be played in mid at all, unless it's not a good mid in the opposite team


                        too bad all those games are in normal bracket
                        too bad all your games are in normal bracket...
                        too bad you have under 50% winrate in normal bracket...


                          im russian retard))))) love u all xoxo


                            @Tea Rex

                            Ur a small dicked bitch, stfu fag.

                            one and half gun

                              a 49% normal shitter who is probably a griefer in dota is saying someone is ruining games :( flawless

                              King of Low Prio

                                This player has been flagged for exploiting. They are not eligible for inclusion in any top player rankings.

                                Sugar Show

                                  @Tea Rex
                                  y the 90% of those games are normal bracket and on Europe west server.I guess is more easy there play drow lol

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    You just have to be lucky


                                      wow, qopking, so embarrassing,
                                      I would uninstall dota if I were you


                                        Sugar Show it is probably a lot easier to play Drow on the US East server since people there tend to be quite bad.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          qopkingbar will prob change his name again and try and forge a new identity


                                            @Tea Rex
                                            as i shared my account with a friend ( that was not in the beta and couldnt get a key. at least he only played huskar and riki (and i hate both heroes) your argument is invalid

                                            im done

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I don't like drow middle either, too easy to harass her with proper positioning. She's just so fragile.

                                              Moja Moja

                                                Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're the retard? :P

                                                Sugar Show

                                                  @moja moja
                                                  Offlane drow flawless victory.