General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the reason "has been flagged for exploiting"??

What is the reason "has been flagged for exploiting"?? in General Discussion

    Good night, I would like to find an objective assessment of the bans. In fact the essence of the ban and exclusion from the rankings.
    You often throw players from the rankings, but never answer for whatever reason, if you throw out the players, etc. Dear administration of the resource, with so kind least,make the criteria! That is to say the rules, as the children! What can and what can not! For intentional feed banned for unintentional not banned, although *removed name* ban is not .. Although he did fidom myself, and I'm such cases are not hunted, and he did it not once!

    *removed link*
    *removed link*
    Just can watch the latest games specially fused to the fakie
    *removed link*

    All I now want to bring that many players simply want to learn your criteria and nothing more. What are the guys?

    Sōu ka

      wnat teh actual fukc

      Ples Mercy

        Google translator rly sucks

        Woof Woof

          you are rus so only way u could reach rank 1 is by abusing / no hombre

          Safe Base

            My apologies for our lack clearly stated rules regarding the Top 50 players list, we will post a set of guidelines on what would result in being removed from the list.

            The Dotabuff team take our users seriously and will try our best to answer your questions. If you feel we are not responding to your questions fast enough please submit a support ticket as well. I noticed you have already sent a support ticket, I will answer your question in this topic as a reference for other players who would like to know why they were removed from the list.

            You have 12 pages of match history, but almost all matches were in "Limited Hero Pool". The most recent games were in "All Pick", however all games we saw were stacked in "Low Priority Queue". The list is supposed to give a rough indication of the highest performing players in pub games, we do not feel stacking and winning in Limited Hero Pool and Low Priority Queue are in the spirit of this list.

            We will investigate players who are reported, and remove them from the list if we think they manipulated win rate.
            Please be patient, we will post the guidelines so you and other players can understand what may result in being removed from the list.

            I hope this answers your question. The community is important to us, we will try our best to help!


              >The list is supposed to give a rough indication of the highest performing players in pub games, we do not feel stacking and winning in Limited Hero Pool and Low Priority Queue are in the spirit of this list.

              If you honestly want the list to mean something you should just up the required amount of matches played to maybe 600 if not 1000.


                It seems like you guys get one of your teammates to abandon or do something to avoid games that place you on Radiant. Why are all of your games Dire? o.o


                  It's a level one Roshan strat, designed to win the game really fast. All the games are short stomps.

                  Woof Woof

                    @Safe Base werent you a normal dotabuff user like a week ago?;

                    Safe Base

                      We will take that suggestion into consideration.

                      Yes. Riot plz nerf your observation skills!


                        He's one of our new community managers. Jason and I are really bad at it and we want to spend more time making the website happen.


                          Guys, please, change the minimum number of games. 200 is too low. 500 would be a hundred times better, because it would discourage this smurf-tryhard-lowpriority-limited hero pool mania. Can't you see that the top 5 is made of smurfs 90% of the time?


                            Btw i reported you
                            Flame meh


                              Yes, 500 games is a much better number. That way, people are less likely to stack and smurf so much just for a title.


                                LOL OP ENGLISH, DAT ENGLISH


                                  Did I understand correctly? If the group is people with low priority I will need to remove it from the group? Since the mod is good, but still not right to do so, we must make one single regulation, etc. At the expense of rankings, etc.

                                  I need some answers,whether to play in the group 5t man with fake accounts and low priority, or if anyone will be at REPORTS Livs or whether they can stay in the group or it will be disqualified!


                                    We will do everything differently, give us a unified regulations for which we are not banned, and we will do it differently

                                    And can I leave a new account, if there is 65-70 games in such a fashion, but I can play other games on all pick and then not abuse this mod, or do I have to register a new account!?

                                    And why this person was disqualified from the top?

                                    And this is not? *removed link*


                                      If you are taking suggestions here.
                                      Make top #50 most played games as same.
                                      Example: Top #1 most played sandking
                                      Thank you.




                                          This player has been playing wisp before time began. He didn't just do it to get good stats and get to the top of dotabuff, he has been around for ages doing wisp games. He isn't a smurf, dodger, limited hero pool stacker but a legitimate wisp player and not like the 200 games played wisp/treant players out there.

                                          The second person you mentioned has 270 games with about 80 games dodged, that in itself as touched on by safe base, is robbing the essence of what "top" player means. Lance Armstrong was the "top" cyclist out there but he got there by illicit means which in effect is what people like you do to Dota2. Yes you will get to the top of dotabuffs lists but do you deserve to stay there? Have you actually worked for your stats over a period of months or years or have you made and remade smurf accounts till finding the right hero combinations, stack, or game mode?

                                          Safe Base


                                            I will try to answer your question again, however we do have Russian speaking staff it might be better to wait for him to respond to you.

                                            Your concern over the lack of clear "regulations" is being worked on, we will put up some guidelines to help players understand better the purpose of the list and what may result in being disqualified from the list. Please be patient, it is on our to-do-list.

                                            Please let me clarify it again, it wasn't just some of your games were in low priority that got you removed from the list.
                                            - 12 pages of match history, about 10 pages are in Limited Hero Pool
                                            - About 2 pages are in all pick, we saw 8 games all of them were in Low Priority Queue
                                            - All 10 of the most recent games were on Dire side, indicating that Radiant games were all abandoned
                                            *Dire Rosh advantage, your team most likely TP/Smoke run to Rosh. Taking a level 1 rosh is fine, abandoning all Radiant games to take it is obviously not fine.
                                            To answer your question, it is not ok to play in a group where 5th man is on a fake account and have low priority. This will disqualify you from the list.

                                            @Everyone else
                                            Personally I completely agree with increasing the number of games, 500+ would be much better.
                                            I'm not promising this will change but be assured we have read your suggestions and will discuss making changes according to the community's needs.

                                            @Havoc and OP
                                            I have removed the exploiter tag from this player -
                                            I would like to apologize on the team's behalf, sometimes we do make mistakes. We will try our best to correct our mistakes.
                                            I have seen many of his games before. He genuinely plays high level games in the top pages of live games, and often played with other high level players such as ph4nny, d3xtr.

                                            The player OP complained about multiple times have been tagged as an exploiter and he will be disqualified. He has a large number of dodged games because they are using the 5th player no pick trick. I don't want to go into that in more detail on the forums.
                                            I have removed all the links to his profile in this topic. Please do not publicly call out other players! If you feel someone is exploiting, report the player through the tab at the bottom of the page. We respect the privacy of all players and don't want to discuss anyone in a negative way publicly. I also respect your privacy, however you opened the topic to discuss yourself and I had to answer your question.

                                            I hope this answered some of your questions. If you are still unhappy with our decision, please wait for our Russian speaking staff to help you.


                                              gj Safe Base, keeep up with good work :)


                                                Oh yeah, congrats on the new role safe base.


                                                  If I understood you correctly .. In my next account should not be more than 10 games in limited hero pool because I can play them, because I need to complete the training, I think you are allowing it.
                                                  Second all games should not only be for the darkness, but also for the light, in order to give equal, or is it not important??
                                                  3rd We did not have to play all the games at low priority,but only as much as possible.

                                                  There are some essential requirements?? Can I have them read out, or make a separate page in several languages, it would make a more affordable solution to many problems in the gaming area.


                                                    1. Don't play Limited hero pool - It is for genuine new players only not smurf stacks.
                                                    2. Even if you were to do the Dota2 training this does not give you a free key to LHP. (If I understood correctly)
                                                    3. Sides are assigned to you at the start of each game, stick to them. Its not about equal ratio its about not manipulating the game in anyway to assist in stat whoring or win rate percentage. Just play the stock, out of box game as it was meant to be.
                                                    4. If you are in low priority then something is inherently wrong with your play style or social skills in game. I have been in low priority for 48 hours out of 3200 hours, there is no excuse for staying in low priority or playing with a friend who is permanently in low priority and profiting from it.

                                                    "affordable solution to many problems in the gaming area." You're kidding me here right? The kind of people that do stuff like this are the problem in the gaming area. Like Counter Strike, Battlefield, Dota2 etc. people will always find a way to abuse the game. The plague that is currently the MM system in Dota2 is swayed primarily by large (massive) amounts of smurf accounts causing an imbalance in skill gauging.

                                                    Only like 1 out of every 8 accounts I look at has more than 500 games. Seriously? Most of the posts I see are smurf accounts bitching about the bad MM. Looking for team. Looking for Try Hard stack. Looking for Very high players. GG Valve suck. With 140 games? Get the hell out out of LHP, Stop smurfing, live with the God damn mistakes on your main account. Stop abusing the game. You abuse a system for long enough if will eventually crumble, thats life. You messed up the game through misuse, misconduct and abuse now live with the consequences. Get banned.


                                                    Created 6 Hours ago - Lets see what you come up with this time.

                                                    @Safe Base

                                                    Suggestion. Maybe it would be good to have (like no stats recorded) a low priority drop down in the matches area.

                                                    Safe Base

                                                      Thanks Havoc and Water!

                                                      I can't keep replying to this topic, so this may be my last one for a while.

                                                      Yes it's important to play the game fairly. "Not only for darkness but also for the light" if I understand you correctly would be in the spirit of the list.
                                                      Try to play games in Low Priority "as much as possible" as you described clearly is not.
                                                      We are working on the guideline, please be patient and you will be able to read it.
                                                      We recognise the importance of Russian, Chinese, Spanish and other parts of Dota community that may not speak English that well. Where possible we will translate pages into some other languages too.

                                                      I will make it very clear here so you and other players won't be disappointed. I keep using the word "guideline" as we will not be posting detailed rules.
                                                      We have more details rules, so we can be consistent and relatively fair but these won't be posted.
                                                      I think posting detailed rules on what is considered exploiting would just become a tutorial on how to cheat. There are only a very small number of players who can get into the Top 50 Players or any other list. There could be thousands of players who would learn to exploit in ways they didn't know about before if I post in detail what is considered exploiting. It does a lot more harm to the community than good.


                                                        I think the most important point is the amount of dodged matches:

                                                        Dodging matches is an exploit to keep your WR high,




                                                            you don't know how happy I am that this russian trash can player got banned as well as his friends for exploiting and playing against new players
                                                            they should be banned for life, not only on one account


                                                              Is this about monies? Can high ranked dota accounts get sold for financial sums worth bothering with? How much would you pay for an account telling the world you're one of the best Pudges around?

                                                              If it's not about making money and is just about e-peen and bragging rights...I weep for the future. If it IS about making money...fair play, at least they're trying to show some enterprise, but I still weep for the future.

                                                              -apm 400 player

                                                                @safe base my nigga.


                                                                  @.:ne:. Monkeh
                                                                  Why would you spend money on an account where you'll get your ass kicked every time you are using it?


                                                                    Can I leave in 10 games stucked limited hero for training?


                                                                      Now that you have been called out your are ratting out your friends. That's just a new level of low.

                                                                      It is impossible for the admins of dotabuff to cycle through what could be as many as 100,000+ smurf accounts and look for exploiters its just not viable. If he should get up onto the main page for stats no doubt he would be picked up as an abuser and get justifiably banned from the top ratings.

                                                                      Isn't this what children do when they get caught doing something they shouldn't? Instantly try to pass the blame or pull others into the corrective action so they don't feel singled out for what they've done. I think you just need to grow up and play the game as it is meant to be played, I am sure you have some skill in dota2 and why not just stack and give it your best shot instead of recreating accounts and griefing the community.


                                                                        He was never friendly, and this person was not always adequate, likely as he led the ratio of us, I just want that to him it was a lesson.

                                                                        Especially, let it be fair!




                                                                            Fair? Now you want what is fair?

                                                                            After just over a month of doing what you have done in dota2 you suddenly want a fair verdict passed on everyone? Sure everyone has tried out the Limited Hero mode but no one really stayed there except the people that wanted to inflate their win ratio and now the fiddler has come for his cash so to speak.

                                                                            To each man his due and his time will come, forcing the hammer of punishment just makes you look like a sniveling weasel, a douche unable to take correction like a man.


                                                                              Would be good to get a little notification when you are in a game with these players and go gank them at rosh. I can only imagine the rage when they lose rosh to the radiant. Probably too late to early abandon by then too.

                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                @I play with a different
                                                                                post more dotabuffs!throw everyone under the bus \D|


                                                                                  @Volvo shield me plz

                                                                                  I think this was the one you wanted (╯°□°)╯


                                                                                  That would be dumb as level one roshan is a legit strat, abandoning games till you get dire is an exploit.

                                                                                  FG. Adweedy

                                                                                    Well, its fair to u.

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      This fella is sad he is not in top 50 when he doesn't even deserve it lulz.


                                                                                        His DBR is zero anyway. He can't get top50 whether he is banned or not...or did you mean the overall winrate list?


                                                                                          @I play with a different
                                                                                          I would like to say thank you for pointing out the obvious exploiter. I suppose you would like to know that he was flagged and is no longer eligible for Top 50. At the same time it does not relieve you from the responsibility for past misdeeds. We are striving for making a better community where everyone can aspire to become a Top 50 at some point, but we have little tolerance to people exploiting the Matchmaking system.

                                                                                          Now, if the community will excuse me, I will translate that into Russian:

                                                                                          @I play with a different
                                                                                          Мы бы хотели поблагодарить Вас за выявление очевидного эксплуататора рейтинговой системы. Этот Игрок уже забанен и более не имеет права быть частью Топ - 50. В то же время, это не освобождает Вас от ответственности за прошлые проступки. Мы стараемся создать теплое коммьюнити, где каждый может стремиться однажды стать частью Топ - 50, но мы не будем толерантны к игрокам, эксплуатирующим рейтинговую систему. Если у Вас возникнут еще какие-то вопросы, или Вы знаете еще кого-то, кто нечестно накручивает себе рейтинг, Вы всегда можете написать мне.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            Russian on the forums, how low have we sunk.......

                                                                                            waku waku

                                                                                              you did not have to translate it i can understand english pretty well


                                                                                                @Havoc Badger : I know it is legit, but these guys just do it every time and always want dire so their smoke is not revealed by a rune watcher. So in the same way they abuse the game, it would be good to have a way to abuse them back. Once you knock their win rate down a bit they'll just give up.

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  I am glad that the admins are doing this .....

                                                                                                  Keep the good work guys.


                                                                                                    I'd like to suggest distinguishing custom lobby games from games that were MM but didn't count. Right now, there is one huge category "games that don't count." And people use that to measure the honesty of a player. If they're going to do that, at least take steps to make it as accurate an indicator as possible.

                                                                                                    1.) Have "custom lobby games" tab and "MM games that didn't count" tabs.
                                                                                                    2.) Have a statistic "MM games that didn't count per 100 games" (raw # of pages is meaningless without considering how much you've played).
                                                                                                    3.) Have statistics on w/l ratio of games that didn't count. The hypothesis is that if you didn't abandon yourself a bunch, the ratio should be roughly 1:1. Your teammates will abandon about as much as your opponents perhaps. Any ratio more:less would also leave you looking innocent. People just dodge YOU rather than you dodging them. Nothing you can do about that.
                                                                                                    4.) Have a statistic of losing abandons on dire ratio to losing abandons on radiant. Again, this should be roughly 1:1 for a legitimate player whereas any swing one way or another would indicate foul play.
