General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Razor and his team roles

Playing Razor and his team roles in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    There was a thread a while ago about playing Razor but I can't find it, so making a new one. I've been playing a lot more Razor lately and with pretty good results. I almost always safe lane, gone mid once, and I pay a lot more attention to my items now. My typical item build is treads, basilius, urn, yasha, aghs and ac in some order. I'll skip bas or urn if the supports have them. I'll go ac if I need to hard carry, aghs if we need more push. I don't do much ganking or roaming, just try to farm hard and then be involved in every team fight to clean up with storm and plasma field.

    Basically it seems like most Razor's position wrong and buy bad items. My brother swears by manta. I tell him it's garbage, you don't have anything that benefits illusions, get aghs for stats or ac for dmg and effective hp. Lots of other razors complete yasha with sange but again, razor is so fast why do you need the maim? And str is always good but money is better spent elsewhere. A lot seem to go deso, and I get that for stacking armor reduction with storm but ultimately razor needs survivability to get full benefit from link. I also hate vanguard, don't get why it's core, so bad on ranged. I will mix it up and go butterfly over aghs and ac sometimes if it's all right clickers. I haven't tried refresher plus aghs yet but I want to. Just haven't found the right battle yet for it.

    What I love about Razor and I think one of his biggest strengths is he can fill multiple roles on your team. He isn't exactly a hard carry in the sense of overwhelming damage, even though he can 1v1 nearly all other carries. He's like an anti carry. He can also push, he can nuke, he has major team fight presence. I usually hang around the outside of team fights and wait for their carry to come in, link them, pop all the other abilities and then destroy their supports with my linked dmg. He's not a shutdown ganker sans disables, but his speed and plasma field range he can score kills during ganks when the ganked start to run. I'm not sure if I love him as the hard carry on a team, but as a second he's perfect.

    I also am not sure if I love him mid. His dmg and last hit ability is pathetic early and I don't like his animation much. He's extremely reliant on link and it's just too easy to run back to the tower and break link. If you harass with plasma field he goes oom too fast. He's ok mid if you have no other options but I think he's a lot better safe lane using more effective mids.

    bum farto

      Played him last night, his ability to last hit is dependent on the skill of player. I was solo against Clinkz and bullied him with denies and last hits. I don't play razor very much and I don't think he is all that great but he is definitely an underplayed asset.


        Not that great? One of, if not the best solo mid

        Dire Wolf

          Vs a high dmg opponent with good timing they will always deny you because razor does 45 base dmg while some opponents have ranges upwards of 60. They can deny hit a split second before you can last hit and it does matter. That's why he's so dependent on link. I suppose with better link timing and positioning I could mid razor and deny their farm every half minute but I have yet to do it.

          I think he really is all that great if in the right role. I think too many players try to hard carry and go all dmg items and don't position well/kite well with him.

          Dire Wolf

            Well that's why I'm asking how you play him mid, cus I haven't done well there.