will work, only problem is possibility of lina getting interrupted, telekinesis frosbite, etc etc
say in a pub going to the off lane where usually it'll be a carry & 1 more support
viable? tony is just so good with linda and kotol
Why do you keep calling tiny tony? And now lina is linda? And Keeper Of The Light = KOTL not KOTOL. And wtf is stronk? Too much l33t sp33k.
FYI its irritating as fuck, stop doing that. Its not "cool", its just plain dumb. For your own good, if you want people to answer your posts, mind your language. If you just want to troll, go elsewhere, there are already enough of this sort in this forums.
not soo good need better iniciation tiny and lina stun are hard to land maybe change lina with sd
Why do you have to copy singsing ? why ? why u do dis ?
And yes i usually do tiny + lina on pubs. Pretty fun.
Cause linda is 2stronk for pubs to handle in general
Unless you get 4 retards on your team linda carry is best carry
"..ppl are discovering dota, after 10y"
Yeah fuck those guys who didnt play the shitty version of dota 1.
OP, thanks for the cancer. Now please type like a normal person so people maybe try to take you seriously.
kotol will provide the mana for linda and tony for the nukes, tony can toss linda to set up LSA and followed by tony's stun and adding in illumanti from kotol, absolutely wrecking the opponents
any commends? thanks