General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with carry pickers that can't carry?

How to deal with carry pickers that can't carry? in General Discussion

    Saw a safelane spectre buy 40 min vanguard. Last game, PL goes manta then SNY. Game is hard. Winrate drops 4% in 2 months. Should i just pick carry and fight for cs?

    Low Expectations

      If you want to win yes, I suggest to pick a carry cuz support cant win alone(well maybe rubik or warlock). I got a better example for you just finished my game. dont know why I am stuck with a bunch of morons on my team when all they do is feed. Nothing else. This is like the fourth match today that I pick a support and the carry gets a 30 min vanguard and by that time (our carry peaked my earlier) its too late do do anything.
      I dont know what Valve is doing but they should seriously fix the match making system because this is just a waste of time


        Match Making can't be truly fixed until it can recognise and rank by champion per user... which can't happen unless it knows what you will pick before matching.

        I'm carefully watching how Riot's new system plays out, as I think a similar system in dota may make for better games.


          Pick a hero you are strong with, dont fight for cs with the other players. Fighting for cs will make your games worse and less enjoyable. Also something that helps me is, don't give a fuck about whats going on during the early portions game (ex. tp to fights 10 min in) unless you are a support. If you do though happen to pick a carry, then someone else picks/randoms a carry don't fight them for cs, just go to another lane and try to get as much cs as you can. You never know, they might be good at carrying, you just don't give them a solid chance to prove it to you.


            The only reason that works in LoL is that, unlike DotA, every game of LoL is exactly the same in line ups. There are just no variations to the 1 mid, 2 lane, 1 lane, 1 jungle.


              LoL != Dota therefore there is nothing at all to learn from other games... in fact lets take it further. Dota is so different from every other game ever made that the devs should not even think about any other game at all. Dota lives in its own sphere completely separate from all other games.

              Some game have a really nice user interface with a radical new way for users to interact with social networking integration? Who cares? It's not Dota.

              Some game is trying out a new experimental ELO like system that is a variation on the the TrueSkill branch which allows for a more accurate multi-factor regression with multiple unknowns? Who cares? It was made for another game that is not Dota.

              A company makes a new algorithm for networking that allows for higher throughput with a lower footprint and lower latency? Who cares? Dota doesn't need to improve.

              I don't understand the mentality that Dota is so special and unique that it is not possible to learn from other games (especially similar ones).


                It's all about the superiority complex.
                Dota fans, along with other games like LoL, truly belive they play the best game and it doesn't need to be proved.
                Its the same idea as racism, thats human psychology for you :/

                SWAG DRAGON

                  Secret to having fun in match making

                  on your next SOLO QUEUE winning streak, 5-10 games in a row........after with friends and win another 5-10 games and it will bump you up to high / very high and if you TRULY belong will stay....i dont.....i belong in high...only very high if i play with a friend or 2
                  in high / very high...people mostly do their jobs and have half a brain...and you will most likely be pushed to perform.

                  King of Low Prio

                    I looked at your game with the spec, you barely beat him on any stat. Get off your high horse


                      i suspect OP is a faggit homosex


                        you cant deal with those.. just play with it...


                          kotol gief mana


                            you know, lol copied their new ranking system from dota. ppl get allocated into the bracket they play for a reason. sometimes it isn't the carry's fault for being underfarmed 30-40mins in if you as a support soak up exp in the lane watching the carry farm then you are playing support wrong. supports have one of the hardest roles in the game usually they are the ones that determine how the leaning phase is going to go. and as a support you should never care about farm but about your lane presence. you showing up to a lane provides kill potential which is greater than getting one or 2 last hits in the jungle