You want a competitive matchmaking system with ladder, yes. Same can not be said for everyone.
Having a ranked mode like LoL has would be very nice indeed.
If you want to play casual, there's the casual queue. If you want to tryhard, there's the ranked queue. Not so difficult right volvo?
dota 2 direction was obvious when valve hid /removed cs of your teammates and rating check through console
rating check through console?
U meant Skill lvl check right?
and this was done like 2 yrs ago..
Not saying they should have done it, just informing u there has never been any rating in dota 2, just skill lvl, which was completely inaccurate.
nah i meant literally rating check through console
developer 1 / dota_game_account_debug
example from old tl thread where some people posted their rating
Dota is becoming a casual game.. its ridiculous.. now they dont show us neither the skill bracket of thematch..
this is ridiculous.. what they want with this? We want a competitive match making with ladder system, and they took off the skill bracket from us.
this is a shame.