Catdaddy 猫爸 年 - 月 - 30Hi all, would anyone mind to print screen the top 50 clinkz list please? Thanks in advance!Alyosha 年 - 月 - 30If its any consolation your not on the list ;3W 年 - 月 - 31i would also like to know this :Vroksnak 年 - 月 - 31i want to know the ursa :(noob 年 - 月 - 31^Same :(Feeder Chan 年 - 月 - 31Useless feature as it's based on DBR which is no longer updated for months (I wanna say close to a year or 9 months).发表评论请登录用Steam登录
Hi all,
would anyone mind to print screen the top 50 clinkz list please?
Thanks in advance!