logic 年 - 月 - 31lookin for people to doter with rules are simple, don't suck add me if u want to play, ill delete you if you suckEmilimia 年 - 月 - 311. feed 2. blame others 3. delete them 4. laughlogic 年 - 月 - 311. 1v1 me as bs 2. i dont blame others 3. i delete shitty players 4. i only laugh when retards post equal or dumber shit than you didSoona 年 - 月 - 31i wish i was good :Ologic 年 - 月 - 31So do iEmilimia 年 - 月 - 31i mean do this intentionally 发表评论请登录用Steam登录
lookin for people to doter with
rules are simple, don't suck add me if u want to play, ill delete you if you suck