General Discussion

General DiscussionMy own tournament petition

My own tournament petition in General Discussion
    Pls help, sing this petition :)

    This tournament will be the first of its kind in our country. Everyone with 300 or more hours put into the game can participate in the tournament.

    The entry fee is 5 rare items per team. 60% of the items go to the first placed team, 30% of the items go to the second placed team and 10% of the items go to the third placed team. As you can see nothing goes to the administrators.

    We want to make this tournament to promote gaming in our country. We really hope this works.

    We want this petition to go through to start the very first DOTA 2 Tournament in Macedonia. This goes directly to Valve.

    We want to get the green light from them I.E for them to grant us a ticket (approval for the tournament). We call upon you, the people to sign this petition to make it happen.

    From the bottom of our hearts we thank all of those who sign this petition and help us in our cause.
    We thank you.

    Steam page :


      i would, but I'm a lousy singer.


        guys we need rly this, pls SIGN this petition :)


          kako ti se potpisuje ovo uopste, sta treba da uradim??


            klikni bilo gde i videces sta treba :D


              You are signer #14


                thanks man :D

                ako oces posalji tamo na par tvojih drugova, neka se potpisu :)
                hvala ti unapred poz