General Discussion

General DiscussionNoob teammates, Shit matchmaking, GG valve, forced 50%. Post your fru...

Noob teammates, Shit matchmaking, GG valve, forced 50%. Post your frustrations with losses here!! in General Discussion

    I've seen numerous threads on the Dotabuff forums about games that were lost because of retarded teammates. Alot of them have roughly the same storyline: where the threadstarter pubstomped so hard and got an obscene killscore, but lost the game because of lousy teammates. I'm sure we have read it way too much to know how the rant ends by the first sentence. Might as well keep it concise so we know what happened without being frustrated by the wall of text.

    If you are frustrated with your losses (it happens to everyone) post it here in the following format
    Your Hero:
    Your KDA:
    How your team failed:

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      My NS fits the bill. link:

      Hero: Night Stalker
      Winrate: 60.42%
      KDA: 4.33
      How team failed: ganked really good first night usually 5-9 kills first night. Somehow doesn't make my team win their lanes. 15/6 and still lose, 14/7 etc... Generally people KSing NS. So he has no item progression. No late game abyssal blade/bkb. People not initiating or baiting on the ganked hero at night until Night stalker is already hitting it, so they just KS etc.

      Mr. Crowley

        Yes. I have been frustrated by stupid teammates for the past 5 days. I win only 1 in 8 games.

        I do everything i can to help my teammates but they are just lousy, feeding heroes ( Especially Shadowfiend ) and getting their ass kicked.

        Storm Spirit:
        Win rate: 36% ( I know. )
        K/D ratio: 6.5


          I just had a game with this SF who I think is a new account that shot up to high mmr.

          My hero: Mid pudge
          KDA: 12/9/9
          How SF failed: asked for Mid, was given bot (we were dire). told us he needs levels. I suspected at this point he came from Dota 1 and don't even know the usual challenges of offlanes in higher level games. Soon he feeds bot. Then asked for mid. Kept trying to take mid and dies at mid to one lions ulti. 15mins+ has brown boots. 30 mins+ built SB, which was completely negated by enemy's gem, so effective item = treads. Ends game 1-19-9. I think his 19 deaths is quite a record.


            How pathetic SF
            i'm here with AM
            1 people DC
            Then poof, i raped in bottom till end


              Thats not noob teammates that's you feeding lol
              unless somewhere in that garbled english i'm missing something


                My last game after which I just rage quit Doto.

                My Hero: Doom Jungle
                KDA: 2/5/4
                How my team failed: We were a 4 man stack, we find a Captains Draft game. Before anyone of us manages to click on the Become a captain button, the 5th guy picks it. He refuses to listen to us and do the picks as we want them and instead picks COMPLETELY RETARDED. At the 15th minute the they had like 18-20 kills advantage. And then the enemy team starts bashing us thinking they're all pro. Noobs.

                Yes, the Storm Spirit was the 5th guy. Just go see his awful profile.



                  Your Hero: Visage
                  Your KDA: 26/6/22
                  How your team failed: Bane left, simple as that. It was quite impossible to 4v5 against such a lineup. And bat got a blink at the 40~ minute. Also, I was stoned as fuck.



                    Just look at our picks, no commend needed.

                    Double Agent

                      Played this on my other acc, and surprisingly our windrunner rushed a ring of health and built it into a battlefury. I'm not sure if this guy was trolling or just retarded.


                        WR with BF? Maybe she sleepy xD

                        z :)
                          Quick maffs

                            ^Both stack with really good players

                            z :)

                              Yes i play with both, point is, if you play with people that you know are solid and play winning dota there is no system that forces you to a 50% wr. However, if you solo queue simply due to how MMR works it tries to make the match as equal as possible, so over a large sample you should be close to 50%


                                QQ. KDA has nothing to do with winning the game.


                                  Your Hero: Puck
                                  Your KDA: 12/0/25
                                  How your team failed: Russian man-mode supports.

                                  solo offlane♛

                                    20 match

                                    18 match

                                    15 match

                                    Nyx Assassin
                                    15 match
                                    14 match

                                    Phantom Lancer
                                    13 match


                                      to be honest, i find it more frustrating when i do everything i need to in order to carry my team, through all of their mistakes etc, but i make one misstep and it costs the game.

                                      Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                        say mr furion only, well thats quite funny