General Discussion

General DiscussionFountain Farming

Fountain Farming in General Discussion

    Is it any punnishment for farming heroes in their fountain? Like, grouping 5 fat heroes outside your fountain just hooking u out and "farming" you instead of taking TI1, TI2, TI3s?

    Just asking cause I've recently experienced people just sit there farming heroes while the opponent had all their TI1s up.

    Your thought?


      There is no punnishment for that.


        its your punishment for getting stomped


          you got stomped, there's nothing to do about.

          you should buy a quelling blade and cut your way to freedom


            "you should buy a quelling blade and cut your way to freedom"

            this ^^


              Play Rubick. If you stomp, you'll have plenty of items.
              If you get stomped, you'll have very high level skills to use against the fountain farmers, kill one or two, get your force staff/Blink dagger and then abandon your teammates to their demise.


                buy a midas - smoke - tp somewhere - hide afk in jungle using midas when on cd


                  if u dont have the money to even buy a midas at the end of a game u deserve to be farmed tho


                    I've not been stomped like that, but if this happened:

                    Nature got FED like HECK so he just tped to the opposite base and killed them whenever they spawn. All towers are up, no dmg done to any tower and nobody is pushing.

                    The game lasted 93 hours, and radiant wouldnt leave cause they don't want low prio.



                      93 hours?


                        93 hours thats pretty legit


                          Quit all at once as a team, and no one gets abandon.


                            you deserved to get farmed if you lose, its punishment for sucking that game


                              93 hours ? I hardly believe you but if it is the case there should be a punishment for him.


                                oh yeah better play the game straight for 4 days feeding than getting 5 matches in lpq


                                  also, match id or didnt happen


                                    ^ That was an hypothetical scenario...


                                      Well, I did actually write this:
                                      "I've not been stomped like that, but if this happened:"
                                      _but if this happened:_

                                      The numbers are just random, the point is clear and any person should understand that (at least my expectations).

                                      If a game got out of controll after 20min where the opponent had like Daedalus+Deso ++ whilst the opponent had brown boots and branches, and u went to the fountain to juts farm heroes. No push at all, aka the game last 4hours.

                                      If one of the radiants leaves due this will he be punnished?

                                      It's just a question cause it sounds ridiculously dumb, aka no logic.

                                      Did you understand what I stated earlier now? :)


                                        Well, you have to realize in time that the game is def lost, and you are "allowed" to give up. Best to ask your teammates if anyone still sees a slight chance to win or not. If you all decided to give up, buy: tp, smoke, quelling blade, optional: wards, couriers. You need at least a T3 tower thats not pushed at that moment and you are free. Go to one of the sidelanes the jungle at the top or bottom line of the map is enough big and you can have fun there with your teammates. If someone was late from the last un-supervise T3, your necrobooks or other summons and a BoT can do the trick. Theyll get bored if you arent there anymore. Yes, they can buy flying couriers and search for you, but usually they arent that obsessed with fountain farming. Also, when they go after you, you can just tp back before they catch you, so its wasting time.
                                        You can have fun in the jungle with your teammates, like cutting rooms and decide which is the living room, bedroom, kitchen etc... You can decorate it with wards or even make a stable for couriers you took with you when left base. The idea is, you can laugh at them searching for you while you chill and try to make up jokes about the situation, so you have fun and they dont. However you need funny teammates for this. Or you can just go alone and go afk there.


                                          If one leaves, yes, he'll get punished.

                                          but as crimsonSoldier said, the entire team can abandon at once, and nothing happens.


                                              v-god never shows mercy


                                                Sell your items, buy Blink, hide in the treeline and leech some creep xp (or alternatively kill a jungle creep). If your T1/T2 is still up just TP there with a Quelling and do the same.


                                                  I never appreciated fountain farming. It is a waste of time, rude, inflates KDA stats (not that it matters) and promote bad gameplay behaviors. The last one is really key. I hate seeing players go dive the fountain too early and all die and throw a perfectly legit chance at rax.

                                                  I'd like to see a little alcove added to the back of the fountain where players are immune to damage, but can't perform any actions.

                                                  That's just me though. Dota for me is about destroying the throne as quickly as possible.


                                                    well their fault for sucking



                                                      Another case where we lost the game and once the enemy team pushed through our first barracks just started fountain farming. It's annoying indeed.


                                                        dont suck and u wont get fountain farmed


                                                          5 stack in LPQ, ez


                                                            Chris died 1 time omg feeder l2p exploiter


                                                              Annoying but i think you deserve it if u get completely raped..


                                                                Just sell your items and buy blink then hide in trees


                                                                  Well, kinda pointless to write cause people either missunderstand or talk about totally different things.

                                                                  How does "dont suck and u wont get fountain farmed, Ez?" fit to the topic at all?

                                                                  My question was if it is a punishment for doing so if e.g: the opposite team get superfat and just camps your base forever. You can't do anything buy leave, u cant escape from those 5 cause they either have radiance or a storm spirit that takes down all trees. They _never_ leave your fountain and you'll be punished for leaving?

                                                                  Again, I've never been stomped anywhere close to this. Just childish to talk about to not suck or anything else when it doesnt fit the question at all.


                                                                    if u get super stomped in the way u talk, like u cant even tp out etc.
                                                                    just go5 man disc and u will lose after 30 sec with no abandon? hard?


                                                                      I've never played a game where a team has camped my fountain, sure maybe like for a few kills right before throne falls but who cares about that. If you care so much about your kda just buy smoke and get the fuck out of there before it happens.

                                                                      No need to punish something that doesnt even matter.

                                                                      Solo Leveling

                                                                        just 5 man quit instantly so the game will be ended without getting any abbandon. easy :D


                                                                          Vroksnak, that was still not the question. It seem its really hard to stay on topic in this forum.



                                                                            reading this it sounds like you're getting raped to the point of no return. where you question your sexuality. get better and don't allow yourself/team to get farmed in the fountain. yes you may get a chance to do this one day so just calm down kid


                                                                              everyone saying "just 5 man DC" is assuming that they are playing a 5 man stack, except they know most people dont 5 man stack, and almost every time that extreme fountain farming happens, its against pubs.

                                                                              The same is said for blink dagger to trees. A team stomping that hard will cut the trees down or pull you out.

                                                                              Trollish responses to a game issue are meaningless. The only thing that makes those responses acceptable is that this forum is completely irrelevant to such discussions.

                                                                              Solo Leveling

                                                                                yeah, that is nothing u can do about it, quit is the best solution. = =

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  If you're getting stomped like that game isn't going to last more than a normal long game anyway like 50 mins. Why? Other team is going to get bored. Also I don't think you get punished unless your team reports you and sticks around 4v5'ing. I've left a few games that were hopeless and nothing happened. I think all my teammates abandoned as soon as it went safe. Also low priority queue isn't *that* bad. People act like it's the worst matchups ever but normal queue matchups aren't that good to begin with.


                                                                                    remind me of this video LOL
                                                                                    funny stuff
