General Discussion

General DiscussionEh, top 50, please?

Eh, top 50, please? in General Discussion

    Sorry for creating a thread about this, but could someone please tell me (if there's a way) how close am I to getting on Top 50 for Spectre?



      I assume this is the last guy on the top? Interesting, I have higher win rate and more KDA, guess I only need higher skill bracket and more games.

      Thanks for checking, Yfay!


        well..I doubt you did as much as you think, obviously the skill bracket of the matches are the most important aspect here, but considering that he has a lower win rate and lower KDA, you must be doing quite a lot wrong to have 89 less GPM than him on average. 400 is extremely shitty for a 73% win rate..

        that said, what is your DSR? Looking at your recent matches its hard to see you coming anywhere near the top 50 (which may be for other reasons like queuing with weaker players or playing in other modes or at bad times)


          What was your old DBR?


            Yea, I think I play in the far end of normal bracket. I've been in high skill for a while but this changed after a few consecutive losses. Most of the time I play alone, I only queue with the people you see on my Dotabuff profile and we usually go for two or three games together.

            The lower GPM is because I suck at last hitting :) My DSR is currently 811 ( but it's been like that for like 20+ games already so I assume it probably dropped even lower since then. I queue for AP, SD and RD. When solo I mostly get AP while when in a 2-3 man stack we usually get RD.

            Thanks again.


              krkshka, I'm sorry, I think I'm missing the meaning of the DBR abbreviation atm, could you please clear up that for me?


                If you're not playing in very high then the chances of you hitting the top 50 of any hero are practically zero, naught, nada, zilch, nowt, nothing.

                At least it should be if it isn't.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  DBR = Dotabuff rating. If you don't even have one, you won't be included in the list.


                    Monkeh, Sam,

                    I'm neither on very high nor have such rating. Thank you for the feedback, guess I will have to try again when I hit higher skill level :)


                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      No. If you don't have a DSR, you just can't get into that list even if you have high KDA/winrate and play in very high bracket.


                        Hmm... sorry for the stupid question, I guess it is written somewhere but how can I get DSR/DBR?

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          DSR and DBR aren't the same thing. DSR is the number you get from . It is a way to determine your skill but has nothing to do with Valve.
                          DBR is Dotabuff rating and it is a number that Dotabuff gave you to determine your skill level before Dotabuff was haten by Valve about a year ago. If you got your account after this moment then you just can't have a DBR but if you got it before that then you already have one but you can't see it.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!