General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo MM getting fucked up ...

Solo MM getting fucked up ... in General Discussion

    It was very good when i started out actually had very nice team mates who really wanted to actually win the game and worked for it in a cooperative environment but suddenly after a few games i started to get paired with some of the most retarded players i have came across in a long long time.
    Cliff farming nature's prophet and I think its the most fucked up way to farm him he had a midas and brown boots at 16 mins and thought he was fucking [A]dmiral Same goes for our lifestealer farmed like shit but still made a late as hell midas and i won't even bother talking about alchem
    This OD fought for SOLO mid (Now just to make things clear I insta pick invoker in almost all my invoker games bcuz im really confident on the hero having soo many games played with it and therefore don't give a damn about counter picks bcuz im used to dealing with them) he picked OD way after my invoker and mid call ... he picked after they picked pudge to lane against invoker even tho invoker can easily take on a pudge at mid anyhow i gave the way as he wasn't moving and i didn't want to ruin the game so i went bot what happens next is that AN OD LOST MID TO A PUDGE and fed the shit out the game turns out that CM+OD+Slardar all were in the same stack and all 3 of them fed whole game like champs
    Safe to leave no stats recorded
    That LC had no idea what he was doing and had shit farm at around 34 mins only armlet and blademail if i can recall it right and he whole team could'nt kill 1 damn mirana after i take on the others and die ... I don't even know how we won this half of the time in the game I was struggling to resist push from radiant and finally our team ends up getting some farm mid game was soo bad the team had already written GG in the chat
    My latest game after which i don't feel like playing dota for awhile that void made 2 boots ... the bot was suffering to DS went bot as well I thought that its ranked MM so i should go for exort build instead of quas-wex (gank oriented build) so i can 1 shot pa mid game and make her farming suffer but the team was really weak and they fucked up bad at the bot then np and ds went to help as well with me keep an eye for sunstrikes but that void just won't stop getting raped ... at the end their pa had BF and our void had 2 brown boots

    Now this MM was good or should i say great at the start bcuz in those game i could actually really rely on team and now suddenly it got fucking worse than normal MM ... My question here is WTF is going on?

    MMR started at around 4000 and now dropping thnx to these matches sometimes it increases even when i lose but it decreased in my last match where i had no control and void fed intentionally ... Would really like to know what is going on and stop it from messing my rank thank you


      ok tl;dr
      noone cares


        You are expecting to win everygame? Go stack with 5.5k+ people.
        Oh and my MMR started at 4k+, now 3.7k, and I'm ok with that.

        Currently 2wins7loses, I'm totally fine with that. That's how it works.
        And yes, you can gain MMR by losing.

        Woof Woof

          report vrosnack for racism against asians PLS

          SMELLY APE

            @OP: Stop acting like this is anything new. Is ur vagina bleeding yet?


              Vroksnak is unreportable hes the " heart of dotabuff community" !

              SMELLY APE

                ^I have u on my friend list wtf. Who r u? :D


                  ^ Im the MESSIAH Bro! :D


                    I have noticed that players in stack are usually very bad players, tough they are used to play together and do a few things together that may works vs noobs but usually it don't work in the mmr they play.
                    Most of the time they flame everyone but people in their stack.

                    So this mirana in the team has 2k games and only 49% wr which make me thing he's pretty bad, he played with his friend who take legion commander. In despite that both got a double kill at mn one on their lane they started to trash talk after only 3 mn of play. At one point invoker came to gank top (about 7mn into the game) and this guy flamed him for that, and two minute later they both tp top leting all lanes open and could not even do shit. His friend with legion commander lost his first two duel and end up 4-14. So somehow the game consider that win ratio don't mean anything and I have 53% which is pretty hard when I play with people like him, and this guy has 2k games and only 49% wr when the game actually force everyone to have 50% wr. That's what I think is screw with solo MM; this game was so bad that I decided to give up at the beginning could not even farm shit as these assholes tp on my lane.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!