General Discussion

General DiscussionShrapnel needs a remake! I think I just came up with the solution.

Shrapnel needs a remake! I think I just came up with the solution. in General Discussion

    In the last seven or more years, sniper has never shined in tournaments nor public games. Sniper lacks mobility, escape, and disable, for these reasons, he will never be good enough for the team. All we have to do is change his shrapnel.

    Sniper fires a ball full of shrapnel toward a single target. The explosive shot knocks the target away by 200/250/300/350, stuns it for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75, and the recoil sends sniper back back by 100/150/200/250.

    Mana Cost: 120
    Casting Range: 500
    Cooldown: 15 seconds
    Damage Type: Magical

    This ability will give sniper the escape and/or space he desperately needs.
    Link to balance thread:


      Why not show drow some love?? That ult nerf is just pure bullshit
      Man i used to love playing drow


        sniper is op. what are utalking about?
        sniper is all about positioning without that your done


          I like your Idea, in fact nearly every gap-closer/long range stun gets sniper and he is dead. most other carries with the same amount of farm are way more powerfull ore have more live or an escape. Since shadow blade was nerft so much this item became more or less usless on sniper


            Ever heard of this thing called positioning?
            The best fix for sniper would be to give him a 5-10 starting MS buff. That is all he needs.

            Purge does the shrapnel build, its autowin mid at level 3 and then insane teamfight damage and farm speed.


              also when he ulti, he does pure dmg and headshot proc every hit, wait thats alrdy the case. nvm


                While sniper isn't seen in pros, with this buff he probably still won't be...
                Also sniper is one of the most played heroes, he sucks but is still seen as playable.
                Brood & meepo got buffs when no one played them, Sniper doesn't deserve one. =p


                  not sure why people are giving you shit about positioning, when its common knowledge that snipers weakness is he has no escape mech and he is squishy as hell.

                  While i like you spell idea, i don't really like giving it to sniper. Its not a bad thing having a hero in the game like sniper as is. also, the spell seems kinda op... you would be able to use it to do all types of stupid shit with cliffs...


                    Ofc sniper shines in trench doto.

                    Trench doto is what matters.

                    Woof Woof

                      if enemy is killed by shrapnel his death is permanent there hero is fixed


                        Well the thing is, a sniper that isn't fat is a sad sniper..

                        Imagine a Storm Spirit just flying to you and more or less instantly kills you cause of your lack of escape, mobilty and tankiness.
                        There is nothing about positioning when you can get ganked so easily. If you're having good positioning in fights, that doesnt matter if you dont have items. Aka, so easy to shut down. The key to play Sniper is not just positioning, but playing against bad players.


                          It can't be abused because the knockback range is short like napalm and casting range is short too. If sniper stands right next to cliff, I guess he could push himself up, well that can be fixed so that he can't use it that way.


                            I thought in Dota1 that it worked much like Mirana's move where it hit a couple targets rather than raining down as it does now. I remember really liking that one.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Sniper lacks mobility, escape, and disable, alone with farming, not feeding and the brain picker his has.

                              Woof Woof

                                replace shrapnel with camouflage like spell when hes near trees + grant small move speed bonus + make his first attack/after x s grant double headshot There now i fixed him for sure


                                  Leave him. It's good that he is a bad hero, he is easy to learn and appealing to new players but when they start getting easily ganked and owned every game it will be a harsh "Welcome to Dota 2, did you think is was gonna be that easy?" lesson.

                                  I don't understand why anyone who has played more then 20 games would wanna pick Sniper.


                                    Fix to sniper: Make blink the same as before 6.4x...


                                      @Brood & meepo got buffs when no one played them, Sniper doesn't deserve one. =p

                                      People played them and they did play them good, just because hero is not played does not justifies a buff.

                                      I think shrapnel is totally fine, it gives you great safe push, aoe-slow, vision and great range. People do not know its strength!

                             Pretty much unbeaten after headshot change

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        Just make his shrapnel semi-invisible like 3-5 years ago in dota 1 and very fast casting. You get hit so fast with it you think sniper is sniping you. Then all sudden he ults.

                                        Making it magical? WTF? Don't you remember when people use shrapnel on buildings/towers?

                                        Happy :)

                                          I think sniper gets a lot less credit than he deserves. He's a situational pick and very counterable but with the proper play style and strategy he can be a very effective carry. The real trick to playing sniper starts in the drafting stage. He's a lot like Riki or Meepo, if you pick him early you'll get counter picked. The situation where you usually want sniper is vs a team that has weak instant initiation and durable heroes that want to draw out fights rather than ending them quickly. The second thing you need for sniper to be effective is a good team composition on your side. This is actually fairly easy. You want long disables, like venos gale, silence, and heroes with strong zoning abilities like Jakiro. Your teams goal in fights should be to stay inbetween you and the enemy team. Next is your play style as sniper. In the early game denying farm vs a good sniper is difficult. You can last hit from a considerable range and harass melee heroes with shrapnel. As sniper you can go safe lane or mid (sniper is actually very good vs mids like TA in the early game you can usually win the lane with shrapnel and rush to big ticket items like deso and Maelstrom). Think of sniper like Drow, you are devastating at range but will only be really effective if your team is able to keep the enemies out of melee range. The difference is that what Drow has on chase with her frost arrows and team fight in her silence sniper has in flash farming with his shrapnel, bash with his head shots, and a TON of extra range. When playing as Sniper you have to capitilze on you strengths, realize that you are supposed to fufill a very specific role (a ton of damage from a very long range) and not get greedy. Once AM has all of his items he can jump on someone and kill them instantly. Sniper on the other hand can grab an mkb and deso to blow up tier three towers from the low ground while your team sits in front of him forcing the enemy to engage into an unfavorable position. Most people realize that sniper is reliant on positioning but what many don't see is how powerful he is at forcing your opponent into a bad spot. When playing with a sniper you have to protect him and adjust your play to take advantage of his strengths but once you do sniper is absolutely devastating. No other carry can take a tower without haveing to even get in range of it, no other carry has a 3000 range nuke, no other carry can make a team as hard to initiate into when played correctly (trust me going up against a bash chance with almost 900 range doesn't make running into an enemy team easy). As you've probably already guessed sniper is a "gimmicky" carry because of his reliance on the advantage that his range gives him but that shouldn't deter you from picking him when he can be effective. Most people just assume that a sniper player is going to be a feeding noob that gets easily separated from his team and picked off but with coordination on the part of your team and carful play from you making sniper effective can be fun and rewarding. Other things you should note: Snipers item build is relatively flexible you are hurting for attack speed early. To fix this I wouldn't recommend shadow blade because it delays your really important items too much and doesn't give you any aggressive advantage. You can go for a Yasha if you're behind or heavily contested. Manta and S&Y are both mediocre/bad sniper items most of the time (although there are builds that can use manta like a Skadi build you honestly want damage or attack speed items more than stats most of the time) Maelstrom is a good early item as well. You usually want it before deso and after treds (the interaction between deso and maelsrtom and Mjollnir is actually very nice because it gives you both magical and physical damage and the debuff from deso usually gets refreshed regardless of lightning hits so even though they are unique attack modifiers they almost always stack with no problem) late game you've got mkb, AC, crit stick (although you can't crit on lightning so the interaction there is a little bit worse), and butterfly (even if you're not building stats this is always a good item). MoM is not an item I would recommend. It gives you a ton of dps very cheap but you will die to one nuke while using it. I'm not a Sniper pro or anything is post is just my opinion/personal experience so definatly take anything I say with a grain of salt and look for other sources and your own feeling about what's good in any particular situation.

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            stuns 5 heroes and creep wave and push them back 350.. and 1.75 stun? sounds like a good lineup for mag ult etc..

                                            In a good 5 lineup he can farm with MoM to daedalus or MKB. SB/BKB in situational games. Maybe giving in an actual 3rd spell instead of just right click might help. Say learn something from Windranger or some meld/shadowalk function like Teemo.


                                              DOTA is a game that players at all skill level will enjoy.
                                              that's why there's hero like sniper riki. there 's no need to change them.

                                              "sniper has never shined in tournaments nor public games" right. they are for the beginners.



                                                paragraphs motherfucker. Use them.


                                                  even with paragraphs nobody will read.

                                                  TOO FUCKING LONG


                                                    fucking gay hero with permabash on lategame and u want to boost it even more ?

                                                    pls no


                                                      @I AM THROTHGAR!

                                                      Single target, not aoe



                                                        Damn, wall of text. Here's your cookies.



                                                          Would you mind writing my essays?

                                                          Happy :)

                                                            I just don't like that people assume a hero is completely unviable because he is played at a low skill level. Yes Sniper, Drow, Spirit Breaker, and Riki all are used a lot in low level play but that doesn't make them low level heroes. If used correctly they all can be the right choice in many situations and the fact that many players assume that they are "too good for these scrub picks" just means players who do use them well are at that much more of an advantage for taking their opponents by surprise.

                                                            jess the goat

                                                              I remember watching a pro game with a sniper completey dominating, hes not up, you just need a good team.