General Discussion

General DiscussionWow ! Valve's team balancing model really works !

Wow ! Valve's team balancing model really works ! in General Discussion

    What they wanted to achieve is every player's win rate converges to 50% and now my last 10 games were like won->lost->won->lost->...

    The match I lost always had like plenty retards in my team where I had to carry them, I'm at 4.4k-4.5k mmr and yet I get ppl with 3.5k ish mmr in my team and valve must be expecting me to carry them ! GJ !

    Yesterday I just had the worst match of my lifetime where was so pissed coz I picked storm mid the 2nd pick and yet they picked pudge->gyro->troll warlord afterwards. no one bought a ward nor courier. I was so mad so I went to mid with my starting item farming 2k gold and had no courier to send any shit to me. Yet, they complained that mid wasn't ganking and started flaming shit to me all game lol

    GJ Volvo 4.5k mmr deserves this kind of match !

    P.S. game ended at min 36, yet no courier :D (And I wasn't going to buy of course since I was mad as fuck)

    Woof Woof

      valve doesnt enforce 50%wr #srs



      King of Low Prio

        I am curious why exactly storm can not find the courier item in the shop.


          coz he's mad as fuck

          King of Low Prio

            you ruin games then complain that the match was ruined?


              what do you want ? cookies ? I don't have one, sorry.

              King of Low Prio

                you seem to want attention and validation so out of the kindness of my heart I gave you a little.

                Ples Mercy

                  You play non ranked mm and expect people to be good?

                  Are you retarded or something?


                    well i used to do that shit and thats the reason i went down from 55+% to 52... but since its public mmr i do my best almost all the time and dont give a fuck about how many retards i got...eventually if u keep winning u wont play with those trash anymore and thats all i can ask for


                      leme inform u of last gamezor. it usualy isnt like this


                      @rank 4500
                      drow in 5min safelane dies 5 times
                      enemy void afk farm 40min
                      zeus feeding mid, yet get much more impact then spirit
                      mid earth spirit didnt do 1 magnetic field whole game, didnt initiate single time, got vanguard in 30min despite all towers taken

                      some games can be good but theese guys are so horrible, how did they get over 4k


                        the dota community is trained to be as shitty and mean as possible to people who make these threads, regardless if its warranted to not.

                        so... um... yea... "madcuzbadgetgoodyolo#roadtoTi4"

                        King of Low Prio

                          there is no dota community conspiracy outside of your head

                          if everyone is getting noobs on their teams doesnt that logically mean that you are fighting against noobs?