General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is wrong with this

What is wrong with this in General Discussion

    9 wins - 26 losses in ranked solo. Cmon, games are so wierd. From 3900 mmr all to 3200 in these series. I literally feel the difference between first calibration game and last one in skill. Lets leave on the side system that freakin solo mmr rates on wins/losses (and that is like..). What should I do? Personally, never had anything like this.


      play better


        definitely play better
        i'd say u suck and mby u should keep losing

        Sōu ka

          this shit has nothing to do with playing better
          its about blocking a high impact role from being taken by a retard other than yourself


            blocking a high impact role from being taken by a retard other than yourself

            how nicely said


              agree with @FuckTheZeroi

              same argument I've previously said, the key thing would be not letting stupid people play mid or carry

              if for some reason they still did mess things up.. your MMR wouldn't be affected that much, considering you played good..

              Kanye Best

                The highest impact role is captain


                  Get good noop


                    yeah lets all go mid, lets all go carry


                      Btw, MMR doesn't count any of the shit u do in game, u win, u gain points, u lose, u lose points, no other shit taken into consideration, such a disappointment, really.
                      Like my friend has a party MMR of 3400 at max, I got a 4300 MMR (at that time), I carry him, I gain 23-27 points, and so he does, u might say maybe it's because this is party MMR, but my other friend who solo queues always either loses or gains between 23 and 27 points, even though his performance varies a lot.



                        You gotta know when you don't know something and kindly refrain from talking about it like you know something. I lost a game as spectre once, I went something like 18-2-7, and in the process, I gained around 80 to 100 points. I have heard similar stories, though they're usually 20-30 point increments.


                          @Vandal, was that recently?
                          Or during the calibration stage?
                          And where u in a stack, or playing solo?

                          This game -->
                          Me and Leshrac lost same amount of ratings.



                            Solo calibration, admittedly. It could be that higher uncertainty (or calibration phase itself) switches on a condition that lets people gain points after losing. That would make sense to help people be put at their true skill even if their team actually did botch the whole thing a bunch of times in a row.

                            But at the same time you and that guy got the same change in MMR, there are also plenty of instances where people do not get the same change. This could indicate several things:
                            1.) The change depends on your mmr coming into the match and that of your opponents. But the fact that it went up or down still solely depends on the W/L, just the amount of up or down will be different (predetermined by some algorithm).
                            2.) Valve may have "expected performances" out of players based on how good they are relative to teammates, and they examine aspects of the game to see if you lived up to your portion of the deal - in other words, it would rely on things other than W/L.
                            3.) A subpossibility of #2: They indeed examine performance, and that performance may only be CORRELATED with kill/death (e.g. total gold above the average gold in the game integrated, etc.).
                            4.) Other possibilities...

                            Do you and Lesh have about the same MMR?

                            King of Low Prio

                              sigh if only the MM system did not scare Relentless from ever posting again he could do his usual long post about how Mapzor is a complete idiot. You should at least learn the basics of the system dota 2 uses before u bother posting.


                                Leshrac had a 3.4 party MMR, and I had 4.3k party MMR, his solo is 3.2k, my solo was 4.3k too.
                                And I checked over about 5 games, where he did bad in almost all of them, and I did fine, sometimes highest XPM, and we still lost the same amount of MMR, and we also get constantly queued against a 5 man stack, although we r a party of 2 only (always), and 3 other guys in another party, I also gained almost 90-100 ratings after a lose with while playing with another player for the first time, the another player have 3.4k solo MMR, whereas the one whom I usually queue with have 3.2k solo MMR as far as I know, and the 200 extra ratings caused the irregularity of me gaining ratings after a lose, where I didn't even play that well to deserve them.
                                It was during the calibration stage too.



                                  He's worse than you, so valve expects him to do worse. On the other hand, you should honestly be carrying the game brutally, not just doing fine. Anything other than a brutal carry performance will result in a loss of points most likely. There is a tremendous discrepancy between 3.2-3.5 and 4. There is even a tremendous discrepancy between 4 and 4.7-5.

                                  It's probably the case that you and he performed just below the mark enough to justify about the same deduction of MMR. If you really want to test it out, have him intentionally feed one game while you don't. He should lose way more points than you.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Well it would be nice to know what they consider a good perfomance for a hero you are playing. I am sure that kda doesnt matter to win points, maybe hero damage ? Maybe they compare your perfomance with others people perfomance with the same hero ?

                                    Even if your opponents have way lower MMR than you sometimes you cant carry your entire team.


                                    This game if i am not mistaken my opponents had the same MMR i did or more, i still lost points (-26). I am not saying that i should won points for that but i think i did ok-ish, i mean at least shoudnt i lose less points ? like -15 or some shit ?

                                    What i am trying to say is that i lost the same amount of points that skeleton lost, when i think i did better than him.

                                    Maybe my hero damage was low ? Maybe my gpm was bad ? i mean i had the same MMR my oponents had why valve think i should have won that game ?

                                    Edit: Where the fuck is Relentless ? What is his mmr ?


                                      He always intentionally feeds, he is built to feed :D
                                      Much of the games begin with me farming well (if I am the carry) and end up getting raped late game cus still, u can't carry 4 noobs..
                                      Although sometimes if he plays a bit decently, it is a 100% win.


                                        "play better" lel..

                                        I am trying, communicating and stuff as much as possible. I dont play this game 5 or 6 years, only for short period, but before mmr I had ranking that was around 3900 mmr. When they introduced ranked, I set my attitude to do best in game. BUT MAN
                                        I had those depressing periods when something just isnt going, but that was like couple of game lost (lets say 9 of 11). Well this shit is apsolutly out of control. I can clearly see how my mmr drops and even if I try as much as I can, it is still going down..


                                          Rat doto all the way. If your team is good, you can join them and get ganks. If they suck, you focus on split pushing to take the enemy away from objectives and avoiding pickoffs. Never ever go for a playstyle where you are helpless if your carry/solo can't do their jobs.

                                          Communication is kinda overrated. If your teammate sucks so bad that he's making a repeated mistake like feeding, I kinda doubt it's going to get solved in that one game. Just focus on your own performance (since it's solo and all...) because you're probably never going to play with that person again to benefit. Know when and where they're going to fuck up and play around it.


                                            don't worry ur not the only one

                                            ive been lossing games in solo que like mad recently (maybe becouse its not solo que and i keep getting matched vs stacks)

                                            but yeah welcome to the club


                                              ^ well, i am not matched agaisnt stacks, atleast that. But I am defintely interested where this thing ends.

                                              i mean look at this. Teammates where nice, polite and atleast tried little bit to get this match over, but jesus, it is massacre... And its not only this, I swear, 90% of games are like this, I barely even cross the river, lol.

                                              I honestly doubt I will ever have winstreak that will neutral something like this.


                                                100% chance to win every match: get NP, rat dota. If enemies push out all lanes, get helm and cheat the backdoor system. Dont die and solo roshan ez game ez rapiers. If you want proof check my last few np games.


                                                  I lost most of the games in ranked matches so i decided i'm bad or not enough maybe.So with my smurf account, i play that harder heroes to increase skills. Sometimes you should have to stop forcing something to happen and change the way imo.(4260 rate after loses) Or maybe like some friends of me, we should play only 1 hero that we are best to increase that rating.

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!