General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the point of having ranked matches/ratings when dota2 juz wan...

what is the point of having ranked matches/ratings when dota2 juz wanna keep everyone's winning rate at around 50% in General Discussion

    ya know what im saying?


      Don`t play if you don`t like it. Point is to see how good you are or how far you suck?

      Woof Woof

        i won 54 out of 88 played could be more if autism didnt hold me back


          I call this "forced 50%": Illustrated.

          Or you can call it simple coincidence I guess :D


            Everyone who is saying mm is forced 50% is a complete idiot and should not be allowed to reproduce


              A gd MM system should force a 50% winrate somehow, but in not like, u won ur last game, then the next MUST be a lose, no.
              Every team has a 50% chance to win, by that, they don't mean u will lose 1, win 1, lose another 1, etc.
              If u deserve a higher MMR, then u would slightly drag ur self up step by step.
              If u used to troll before MMR was implemented, then ur ranked games should be really easy games, as u don't deserve ur old hidden ranking.


                You can have 5k MMR even without a super high winrate. There are 51% winrate players in the 5k range.


                  I agree with the author I wanted to make a thread about it and explain more in details but basically he's right.

                  King of Low Prio

                    if dendi plays against a team of 2k rated players and wins the first match he is fucked because MM will force the 2k MM players to win. GJ Volvo


                      I'm not sure if you guys are talking to me and taking far too seriously that little pic where coincidences of the world actually made me win once, then lose the next one and so on. Despite the second sentence I wrote.

                      I'll assume you are just talking in general about people bitching about the 50% thing, discussing through the Internet is boring and too quiet. :D


                        both wr and silencer acquired their heroes by randoming.
                        they both failed to objectively play their hero properly.


                        i have a theory that people who "random" are actually added into statistics and valve ensures to put these mongoloids in your team to prevent you from winning but this is just a theory, if anyone can confirm that people who random fail to play their hero correctly, then my theory is correct and the hypothesis was accurate


                          ^ Wrong thread :v


                            Randoming is retarded.
                            My only emphasis, unless he randoms before anyone else picks, and only one player is allowed to random on each side.


                              no. playing one hero all the fucking time is retarded.
                              randoming is fine.


                                "Randoming is retarded.
                                My only emphasis, unless he randoms before anyone else picks, and only one player is allowed to random on each side."
                                Not a phrase mentions playing the same hero every game, it is just randoming is bad, unless u random first, if u random after someone picks mid, and another gets a carry, and u by chance get a mid hero, like SF, who won't fit as a support or offlane in this case, and u would tend to cause some frustration between the team mates.


                                  I know what are you trying to say but it's not less annoying than someone picking total trash lp instead of randoming it.
                                  only problem I have is when people pick furion, and proceed to be absofrigginlutely useless.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!