General Discussion

General DiscussionHow did you improve?

How did you improve? in General Discussion

    Hi, I am a bad player (2.5k MMR). Recently (the last 2 games lol), I have started playing with the intent to improve each game and reflect on the mistakes I have made so as not to do them again. However, it's hard for a player of my caliber to analyze a game when my eye isn't as trained compared to the more experienced players.

    I was hoping you guys could list some of the mistakes that were harder to correct and how you improved to be as good as you are now?

    And I use another account now -->


      Add me on steam buddy I will help you.( I m 4800 mmr if that means to you anything)


        Added, thanks!


          if you dont have time to play just watch stream/page 1 game analyse them
          you will start analyse better if you stop playing and watching replay


            At your level just play more. You have a lot to improve on, mostly mechanically. Try laning against the most difficult AI bots. Once your mechanics become good enough, you should be able to outlane unfair Viper Bots with unorthodox melee heroes. A large part of it is dependent on your ability to issue commands quickly and accurately, which comes with practice and experience.

            King of Low Prio

              just watch your own replays from your perspective AND from the opponents perspective (helps understanding their train of thought) and question every decision you made in the match

              who am i

                ^good advice


                  Training decision making is good advice but more applicable to 4k+ mmr. Game mechanics are more fundamental at a lower level - additionally people with good decision making but bad mechanics will consistently feel like they are playing with noobs and burdens and get frustrated very easily.

                  who am i

                    true too. but watching competitive games or playing supports (not trying to go full retard here but i've found its a lot easier to analyze bad carry/mid play when you're on the support role, which makes it easier to improve on all parts of the game, and vice versa depending on the role).

                    as for general mechanics read up on them first then try and implement them one at a time and gradually try to collage them. for example if i dont have any map awareness instead of trying to win the game, consciously pay attention to the positions of enemy heroes and stuff. after you do those things for a while its really easy to get used to.


                      Try to avoid playing heroes that are demanding mechanically (Invoker, Chen, Visage etc.), require strong sense of timing (Alchemist, Enigma) or jungle heroes. Instead focus on simple ones like Viper, Lifestealer, Dragon Knight, Lich, CM etc, and focus on the early laning phase.

                      Most beginners fail at the laning phase, not understanding how to control creep equilibrium, creep aggro rules, tower aggro rules, when to gank, anticipating enemy ganks, pulling to deny enemy exp, double pulls/stacks, rune control, rune denying as support, dewarding, warding.

                      King of Low Prio


                        to watch your own replay you have to have alrdy played a game so you should be getting in the mechanics while creating the replays to watch :P

                        Сука Spirit

                          You need to stop playing carry


                            first improvement is taking losses like a man and dont blame the team (even if its their fault).


                              Thanks for all the suggestions!


                                dno wat ppl above said, but the only way to truly improve is to play with better ppl

                                Woof Woof

                                  dont waste your time improving in dota 2 means u are going to end up with worse teammates on avg against better enemies on avg its sisyphus work at its finest IF you dont plan on going pro or 5stacking each game just quit and look for fun/relaxing activities in rl


                                    Watch games,on pro and pub level,read guides-start from the basic level,than play all heroes with bots,couple times,than try them live,then start crashing keyboards when you are in team with 4 Russians-dive-feeders....
                                    In time you will learn how to play games,i'm saying to play,you can't learn to win,for that you need decent team,and most important thing,do not feed.....


                                      Lets assume you are bad at football. Watching a lot of pro players play football and reading books and tips about football isn't actually going to make you much of a better player besides the knowledge you gain.

                                      Once you have the knowledge and information all you lack is the training and experience. Best way to do this is to find better players to game with otherwise you will plateau and never improve and remain in a skill pool where everyone plays the same style of shed dota.

                                      Find better players, admit you aren't the greatest but are willing to learn and support for the time being (never promote yourself as a carry no one will take a lower skilled player to rely on to carry) and you will over time, being forced into a harder game be able to slowly pull yourself down and you will notice your gameplay improving.


                                        I have definitely learned FAR, FAR more from watching good players play than practicing at being bad. DotA is incredibly complicated and just playing and playing may just get you into bad habits that you THINK are correct but are, in fact, bad.

                                        Badger's example of football isn't a fair example imho, football is, basically, all about technical skill. Being fast, passing and shooting accurately, tackling well etc. DotA does have it's technical ability side, how fast can you click the right buttons in the right order, but learning what to do and when to do it is MUCH more important.

                                        Watching games on the first page and watching from 'player perspective', opened/is opening my eyes to a whole load of things I simply would never have thought of and can then go and have a go at.

                                        As an example I was watching a guy play Luna. He picked up a Helm Of The Dominator, nipped into the jungle, stole a creep and then used it for the NEXT 30 MINUTES to stack the camps in the jungle for himself to go and farm. He had all the lane XP and then every 50 seconds or so he'd back off a little, control the creep, stack a camp, rinse and repeat. After a fair few stacks and him levelling his Glaives, off he went to around 3 triple stacked camps and joined the team fights with a couple of extra levels to anyone else and 1000+ net worth more than anyone else too. I was watching just shaking my head, wondering why this had never occurred to me, (I soon realised it's because I'm dumb as fuck), as he went on a team rampage and won the game almost by himself. Even when he was pushing tier 3's he would remember his little creep and stack the neutrals in his own jungle. He had that creep for the entire game.

                                        So yeah, watch games from first couple of pages from player perspective and think about what and why they do stuff. Obviously practice and playing yourself will help a load as well.

                                        Good luck.

                                        Think I should mention that I am still very bad at this game, just not as cringingly, jaw achingly, bollock numbingly bad as I used to be.


                                          play moar


                                            You improve your mechanics by playing more. It may take you 1k games or it may take you 100 games but you will improve with playing eventualy. Also i dont think analyzing replays will help you that much now. I mean from what you said (NOT YOUR RATING...FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING STOP JUDGING PPL BY RATING OR OVERESTIMATING YOURSELF FOR THAT MATTER) you are not very experienced player and it takes some experience in game mechanics and good knowledge on how stuff actualy work to be able to analyze a replay. Also watch pro can learn a lot from them. I would suggest Merlini stream because he is explaining why he is doing the thing he is doing. Others just troll on their streams but you can learn from them when they play on a tournament.

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!