General Discussion

General Discussionweaver offlane advice please.

weaver offlane advice please. in General Discussion

    assume solo offlane:

    Boots or no boots?

    Early game items? aquila and drums vs rushing a linkens? Deso first? etc...

    Trying to expand my offlaning prowess past BB (practicing timbersaw as well).

    waku waku

      i don't know much but i read that people prefer medallion to aquila on him for early game


        I dont think i would ever risk going midas as an offlane weaver.


          You don't have to have boots due to your W, but make sure you focus mana items if you are going to put them off
          Always go Aquila. It gives you +18 damage for 985G including +9 agility. This is a great value item.

          Personally don't build drums, I go for the regen rings, whichever I need more first. If you are not getting harassed too much go mana ring and start to spam W.

          For the build I try and max E early. Weavers Q just feeds gold early and is more important for vision/armor reduction that damage IMO. With the E you can deal 2x damage quite safely every 2.5 seconds.

          Manny Mammoth

            et offlane is ez


              no boots and passive farm until lvl 5+


                go with ring of protection first item and couple of heals and iron branchs,than buy basilus and ring of health next in the lane. After that go boots and ring of aquilia,after that finish treads,than you go linkens and deso.



                  Ples Mercy

                    Just make sure u dont die, also you do need boots as fast as possible. Also a stouts shield is pretty much needed aswell so you can be suvivable aswell. Its important that you don't die and play it safe, its very important that you use shukutshi wisely, dont use it and show urself, because that is the moment when you are the most vurnrable. If you go up against a trilane with alot of stuns, then i would suggest that you sap EXP in a corner and when you reached lvl 6 or so go gank mid or bot, depending who needs the most help.

                    theres not much more to it, items etc. are very situational. Also bogi, how the fuck do you have a 4,7k rating and yet be so fucking bad? Jesus christ.



                      Ples Mercy



                          ^dont nope me im not nopable

                          Ples Mercy

                            ofc u are, nope

                            see? i did it again.

                            waku waku

                              could you show me a game where a stout shield on weaver won your lane or just saved your ass


                                Blunt @ Fnatic stout shield on weaver ok boy. HAHHAHAHAH



                                  Blunt @ Fnatic How you have 3.7k and play like 2k?


                                    `go with ring of protection first item and couple of heals and iron branchs,than buy basilus and ring of health next in the lane. After that go boots and ring of aquilia,after that finish treads,than you go linkens and deso.`

                                    This is best build,also for safe lane weaver..maybe if perfect farm you can even go midas +.

                                    waku waku

                                      is not linkens kinda situational?


                                        stout on ranged heroes is retarded


                                          If you don`t want to ever go to base than linkens is a good thing always. Sometimes can be better bkb but that`s rare in pubs..more like in cm games some tournaments etc.


                                            undeadable + 1


                                              But you can`t explain that to 3kish mmr trash guy..


                                                Weaver's entire loadout is dependant on the game. My personal build is usually trying to rush a perserverence, then power treads, then Linken's, then Deso. Reason I don't just get brown boots is because Weaver's attack stupid is slow as hell early on. Sometimes though, I get insanely bullshit farm in my lane and I can get a Radiance at 15 minutes, and then I go heart or Linken's, then Deso.

                                                Retarded farm:
                                                Radiance rush:
                                                Normal game:
                                                Normal game:
                                                Need survivability:


                                                  eh, get a stick and finish treads. weaver hp is abysmal.
                                                  I usually throw in a casual cloak as well.
                                                  dead carry=carry that deals no dmg.


                                                    Linken's is core most of the time. You will get targeted and hear that shield going off a lot. If Weaver gets stunned or disabled he's dead. The stats are decent too and he needs them. It builds well from Perseverance, which you can get fairly early and not have to worry about mana too much at all from that point on. Weaver without mana = dead.

                                                    Orchid may be an alternative, however the main issue here is that it doesn't give you any Agility or Strength which weaver really needs. The extra damage is nice and the active amplify too, but it offers weaver little protection. As xan said, dead carry = useless.

                                                    Medallion is a better pick, as its only 1100? and it can be picked up pretty early. Add another sages mask and just harass with W during laning. You can sometimes make the cost of this item back with kills, probably not against a tri-lane though. Still a good pickup against a tri as it is pretty cheap and you can just TP for some kills elsewhere.

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      iron shield, 2 wraith bands & phase boots FTW!

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        bronze shield, ring of swag and manguard


                                                          start: ring of basilius
                                                          lane: decide between aquilia(good 4 dmg); or ring (sidelaneshop to fast persev, 4 survival and mana)
                                                          deward u have to keep poking !!!
                                                          main items linkens, radiance
                                                          look 4 wards dust gem kill them and weaver is unbeatable


                                                            ah and always check if u rly need linkens sometimes its better to build bkb or pure dmg (for example aoe dmg enemys no need 4 linkens; if u have bad lasthits = no money for linkens go other items)


                                                              So.... What you guys are saying is I should rush Radiance?

                                                              :). Thanks for the input.


                                                                y radiance with good postioning best item

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  radiance... they get gem.. the fun is OVAH!!!


                                                                    Getting a radiance is nice against squishy heroes, not tanky ones. And if you get it past 20 minutes, it loses its effectiveness quickly.


                                                                      Rushing radiance on weaver is a horrible idea. You really need the mana for early game survivability which is why you go linkens first.


                                                                        ^aquila and levels fixes most of your mana problems, and if you can afford a fast radiance, odds are you dont have level problems.


                                                                          What order would you prioritize a Radiance among your early items? I usually start with Tangoes, Healing Salve, Slippers of Agility, Ring of Protection and Iron Branch (total 615).

                                                                          Would you complete your Ring of Basilius first for extra armor/damage and then rush Radiance? Or would you go Ring of Aquila and even boots before Radiance?


                                                                            I go to the offlane with Healing Salve, Tango, and 3 branches OR slippers of agi and a circlet (depends on lineup). I make my wand/ring of aquila, then i get brown boots, that is around 800-1000 gold for all the survivability I will need in the lane, then i go for my radiance.

                                                                            I Am Back

                                                                              Aquila is good and always a first choice off-laning start for me, not sure of others..


                                                                                Just went solo safe lane as weaver in an inhouse (so its against good players)
                                                                                It was against a doom, so my farm was splendid
                                                                                17 minute radiance
                                                                                25 minute linkens
                                                                                32 minute desolator

                                                                                easy game. easy triple kills.


                                                                                  @community toxin
                                                                                  "could you show me a game where a stout shield on weaver won your lane or just saved your ass"

                                                                                  See? It works! =)))

                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                    25 minutes linkens is bad


                                                                                      They obviously weren't very good if they couldn't shut down a vulnerable weaver for 25 minutes :\ Jesus what was Doom doing? You doom Weaver and that's it. Even with linkens you just cast something else first.

                                                                                      Also I hate radiance on weaver as I don't see the point, he's right click damage. A butterfly gives roughly the same damage with a tonne of attack speed for not a lot more G. Or just a few more G from a butterfly you can just go #YOLO rapier and watch everyone melt.

                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                        if you go bfly on weaver when its not even mid game ur dumb


                                                                                          Well if you are throwing money on Radiance it should be mid game. I'm not sure why Radiance would be first item ever. It is mediocre in every way for Weaver.


                                                                                            it's not


                                                                                              defo no boots rest situational

                                                                                              phases works wonders if u can get them early and there is no burst potential


                                                                                                "so it was against good players" sure lols - free farm weaver or any hero should get at least 13-14 min radiance, 25 min linkens when ure farming with radiance is really bad as well


                                                                                                  the fuck are u smoking?

                                                                                                  25mins radiance linkens treads in a match is not bad.............the fact that they let him get those is bad.....


                                                                                                    I think he meant that once you get the radiance at 17, going into a linkens as the next item, rather than a BKB (maybe a heart) is less than optimal. A large part of linkens is the regen for farming, which weaver doesn't need as desperately once he is already leveled up in mid game with a radiance.

                                                                                                    Just a guess though as to the reasoning. I wouldn't say it is a bad second item.


                                                                                                      there was a doom on the other team, getting linkens is like a mandatory item. If you still need bkb after that get it after that.

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