General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's matches like these...

It's matches like these... in General Discussion

    Pudge decides to quick-pick captain and then proceeds to draft silently while the text chat fills up with "wtf" and "the hurts." What we get is a Riki counterpick for Bristleback, a Pudge with no hook skills whatsoever, and a shit game all around. Worst part is that this isn't even the worst draft a captain has picked for me.

    So anyway, is there a way to save my mmr from people like this? I started at ~2.2k and I've made it to ~2.7k but games like these always pull me back down. I've abandoned before first blood but my mmr still drops. Does it help to abandon sooner or is my mmr just doomed as soon as geniuses like this get captain?


      Meh, I'm at 4k MMR and I still deal with people worse that that:

      Rubick/Veno 1-9/1-8

      Weak defensive tri lane (me as spectre) vs Aggressive tri lane (CM/ES/Slark).

      Of course, 0 denies on rubick, 2 denies on veno, 13 denies on... spectre.

      Meanwhile they're hiding behind tower/forest while slark/cm force me out of exp range or gank me while they twiddle their thumbs.
      How odd that the hard carry dies when there are two supports a screen away.

      But no, it was Spectre's fault.

      CM: "To be fair, your tri was pretty weak so we went aggro"
      Rubick: "no if this spectre didn't play up all your asses".

      Dat rebuttal so good it brings me to my knees.


        You could have done better too, bfury on BH + lowest hero damage in your team as a BH is kinda bad...


          I'm not saying I did good by any means. The bfury was more so I could farm since I couldn't get shit in the laning phase.

          The whole point of posting this is that I knew almost immediately (during drafting) that we were going to lose and I am wondering if there is a way to save my mmr in games where this is the case.


            I hate abandoners in games more than anything


            this game would have been easy win for us had axe not abandoned at 8 mins


              And another one

              Good fucking lord. ANOTHER RIki vs. Bristleback, 0-7 carry in 10 minutes, shitstorm of a match.

              Is there no way to prevent this? Again, I just got above 2.7k mmr and this happens. I can tell from the picks and the captain not saying a word that we're fucked but how can I get out of losing mmr?

              King of Low Prio

                holy shit that BH in the first game lol. I love shit players who play invis heroes then bitch about how much their teammates are dieing. If you are soooooo little of a threat that the other team does not buy detection to kill you then you should look at your own gameplay first. No plz stop there is no justifying buying battlefury stop it now.

                You are at the very bottom of the Dota 2 ladder do not play captains mode


                  @Sampson, I almost never play any invis hero (and only did because no one else played him either) so I honestly don't care what you have to say on my performance.

                  And you also missed the point of the post which was not that my team sucked, it was that my CAPTAIN sucked.

                  Clearly you are superior to me in every way so I'll assume that your stupidity here was an isolated incident.


                    in your mmr range, this will happen quite often.

                    if you know what you're doing, quick-pick the captain yourself.

                    King of Low Prio

                      picks dont mean shit in that low of a MM bracket and you cant say X hero is better than Y hero therefore if they pick X hero we lose


                        Picks don't mean shit? Really? Do you even play this game?


                          QUOTE: SAMPSON
                          holy shit that BH in the first game lol. I love shit players who play invis heroes then bitch about how much their teammates are dieing. If you are soooooo little of a threat that the other team does not buy detection to kill you then you should look at your own gameplay first. No plz stop there is no justifying buying battlefury stop it now.

                          You are at the very bottom of the Dota 2 ladder do not play captains mode



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