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General Discussion[Off topic] Weeaboo Central : Anime & Manga + Music discussion

[Off topic] Weeaboo Central : Anime & Manga + Music discussion in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    Requested, and posted.
    Otaku is just a fancy word for Weeaboo.

    Some things should be noted :

    。◕ ‿ ◕。 Everyone has their own taste, please respect that.
    (ι´Д`)ノ [color=red]DO NOT[/color] post spoilers or endings. Some people take this very seriously and we all enjoy the storylines.
    (・∀・ ) We don't care if you don't like anime. Don't post it here. Grow the fuck up, be an adult and agree to disagree.
    (≧ω≦) Uguu's and Desu's are to be left at the door.

    With this being said~

    I hated Future Diary as an anime, there are massive amounts of plot holes and over all character development is weak. It's nothing but YUNO YUNO YUNO (Which I am MORE than oh k with) but it imho, was nothing spectacular.

    Black Rock Shooter , School Days, Watamote, Elfen Lied, Gunslinger Girl and a few others are my Top Tier animes.

    And what basically happens in this thread...


      My favorites in no particular order:

      > Future Diary / Mirai Nikki
      > The Garden of Sinners / Kara no Kyōkai
      > Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin
      > Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne
      > Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
      > Shinsekai Yori
      > Baccano
      > Elfen Lied
      > Deadman Wonderland
      > Steins Gate
      > Ergo Proxy
      > Code Geass
      > Berserk
      > Gantz
      > Death Note
      > Hellsing (Old + OVA)
      > Samurai Champloo
      > Claymore
      > Rurouni Kenshin (Series + OVA)
      > Kurozuka
      > Speed Grapher
      > Ga-Rei Zero
      > Psycho Pass
      > Another
      > Sword Art Online
      > [C] Control
      > Full Metal Alchemist
      > Tatakau Shisho / The Book of Bantorra

      Get rekd.

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        Wasn't a fan of AoT~ too overhyped, same with FMA & Deathnote. SAO, cheap remake of the dot hack genre~ which imho was better, rest of the list is GG. Much respect for a lot of those listed.


          The list of anime i have with me (The ones worth the spent MBs in hdd)

          - Ruroini Kenshin (All time fav/nothing compares to it)
          - Dragon Ball z
          - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
          - Elfen Lied
          - Freezing
          - Highschool DxD
          - Beelzebub
          - Steins Gate
          - Deathnote (As Melody said..overhyped but the character of L has been my all time fav)
          - Hayate no Gotuku
          - Avatar the last Air Bender (Dunno if it qualifies as anime)
          - Seikon no Qwaser (Psycho as hell)
          - Kiss x Sis (Its evil :P)
          - High school of the Dead
          - Futari Ecchi
          - Bleach (Till Aizen Arc only)

          have seen SOA, Naruto ,One Piece, Inuyahsa, Code Greass, Fairy Tale... Currently watching Shingeki no Kyojin.

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Inb4 nekos, and yuri everywhere, SaO is having another season I heard.


              BLEACH !!! :)


                Go for light novels. From a story perspective they really trump animes by alot.

                IMO LN>VN>Manga>Anime.

                But to each their own.

                SAO and the Fate Zero light novels are really good.

                Full Metal Alchemist probably one of the best mangas I've read, no excessive power creep and a good ending which nicely wraps up the story and brings closure to all the unexplained things in the manga.

                Ongoing - One Piece for sure. Easily much better than the other two of the big three.


                  My Little Pony, Katanagatari and Rapunzel are best things happened to the world of animation for last few years.


                    best manga in my lifetime as a humanbeing.
                    K i n g d o m !

                    Woof Woof

                      My fav animes when i was far away from reality around 4 years ago and highly depressed

                      Gungrave amaizing anime think i cried around 20minutes after last episode

                      Darker than Black

                      Vampire Hunter D

                      Black cat

                      Black blood brothers

                      07 Ghost

                      Blood the last vampire

                      Devil May Cry

                      Dogs: Bullets & Carnage

                      Ghost Hunt


                      Kikoushi Enma x(


                      Night Head Genesis



                        DMC is meh anime. But 3rd and 4th games are goddamn best in the world.

                        Speaking 'bout other stuff:

                        Fate/Stay Night visual novell is amazing beyond imagination.

                        Speaking of manga, I highly recommend "Onani Master Kurosawa" doujin (no, that's not a trolling).
                        My favourite ongoing manga currently(excluding extremely popular ones, like TWGOK) is AKB49. You should try it if you like good gender-bender stories.

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          Alright guys this is not a "list your favorite stuff thread" discussions are great as well. A friend of mine was talking about the F/S series? Is it decent? I never really had the chance to get into it.

                          In reference to the bleach post : Meh.

                          In reference to the One Piece comment :

                          It just goes on forever.... it never ends...


                            F/SN anime - "ok" at best. Well, probably except for GAR Archer.
                            F/SN manga - lol wtf? It could be good, but it's sooooooo slooooow.
                            F/SN visual novel - OMG PURFECT/TOHSAKA "ANO~NE"/SABERxSHIRO HEARTS BEAT IN UNISON/something like this.
                            F/Z novel - great (I didn't read it myself yet).
                            F/Z anime - minor complains from original novel readers, aside from that - it's freaking record breaker for like years.


                              The FSN VN is really good. Practically everyone who bothered to try it agrees its good, even though views on which arc is the best differs significantly.

                              F/Z novel is very well written. I read the Chinese version which is translated alot more smoothly than Wnglish. English is still worth a read if you don't mind light novels though. However, it's really dark - typical of the writer they got for FZ.

                              If decide to try more VNs play Ever17. The story literally blew my mind (though you need to finish every route to appreciate the true beauty of the story).


                                I am the bone of my goddamn sword. Level of epicness in Archer's mantra is something that will never be reached by any of big nowadays shounens, even if you put them all together.


                                  i'm not a fan of anime but how can you guys not mention Monster? fucking masterpiece

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    There are literally A LOT of animes that I've seen or own that I didn't mention haha. If you're not a fan of anime why is it a master piece. ;) ;) ;)


                                      if bleach =meah melody san, what do u think about DEATH NOTE...


                                        Well I'm not a fan of rap but I like Mike Shinoda, I'm not a fan of country and jazz but I love Hugh Laurie's songs.


                                          Best manga: "Angel Densetsu"

                                          Best anime: "Full Metal Panic!"
                                          google yourself =P
                                          Kalinin - one of very few cool Russians in anime. =)))


                                            steins;gate is a masterpiece
                                            chaos;head is good
                                            robotics;notes is good as well

                                            Just started watching mirai nikki
                                            0/10 would not recommend


                                              I'll throw in another nod to the FSN visual novel. It's great.

                                              And I'll rec a manga that nobody else has: The Legend of Koizumi. The following image, presented with no context, is all I feel necessary to support my recommendation:

                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                He looks like a troll doll. Not impressed.

                                                Edit... oh god... must read.


                                                  @Hardcore Heaten: That manga is epic. I think I saw an OVA of it a few years back and it was absolutely crazy.






                                                        Only one I cared for the series was:

                                                        Cowboy Bebop. It was short for a series and actually had a conclusion.

                                                        Bleach: Liked the first 2 seasons, then I found out no one dies on there after getting hacked to pieces and such. So ridiculous. And I notice it doesn't have an end.

                                                        What I dislike about anime the most is they have like a ton of episodes, then they have no conclusion. I guess you could call it "Campy" they camp out trying to make stories and not progress plot, "skill" themselves for a "big" battle and its a draw or something. Then on top of that the first 5 minutes of most anime items are recapping what just happened in the last episode which allows them to draw out the series more....

                                                        If they ever had a conclusion or end game I'd like them more like Cowboy Bebop. If anyone can suggest a short series instead of something like bleach where theres 500 episodes and no conclusion then I'm down.


                                                          So many Steins Gate lovers... :3

                                                          Oh yes, I'm going to be frequenting this place in order to not have to bother on discovering crappy mangas and going for the good stuff inmeadiately.


                                                            most anime ROFL

                                                            u've seen 2 series and ur talking about longrunning shounen series like they are representative of the medium

                                                            most series are one cour (11-13 episodes) not fucking 300 like the shit that airs from american tv or whatever the fuck you watch, get your facts straight before pressing that post button you god damn monkey


                                                              duhhhh mmmmkay! :(


                                                                Those Chinese porn-cartoons aren't cool anymore. Real manly mans watch My Little Pony.


                                                                  If you want to talk with real pony lovers you should talk with either Chris or Nova here


                                                                    all of these animes you must watch.

                                                                    > Slam Dunk = one of the best anime sport



                                                                    >phantom: requiem for a phantom

                                                                    >Major : all seasons

                                                                    >Hunter x Hunter 2011

                                                                    > Monster

                                                                    >Gundam Seed

                                                                    >Break Blade

                                                                    and there are alot more animesssssssssssssssssssss...................

                                                                    @ Melody
                                                                    School Days is one of the worst anime i've ever seen.


                                                                      @Melody: Yeah, I uploaded the wrong image first. The current one summarizes the sanity level of the manga pretty well.

                                                                      Other anime products: Team Four Star's various Abridged Series. They're most famous for DBZ Abridged (which is spectacular) but they also do side projects like Hellsing Abridged. Hellsing Abridged birthed the phrase, "Bitches love cannons," which I'm currently trying to get on a t-shirt.

                                                                      Can I do a de-rec? I'm doing a de-rec. I think Neon Genesis Evangelion is the most overhyped piece of shit in the entire anime universe. None of the characters are likable, so it's impossible to get emotionally invested in the events that are going on. Also you're stuck following the worst protagonist I've ever seen, whose response to being told he is the Savior of Mankind and gets to pilot Giant Robots against Evil Aliens is, "2spooky 4me."

                                                                      I firmly believe that I am a good person today because I have directed all of my negative emotions at Ikari Shinji and thus have only good things left for the rest of humanity.


                                                                        The last season of bleach will blow ur mind. And yes it is coming to a conclusion.


                                                                          @Hardcore Heathen
                                                                          I agree about Neon Genesis Evangelion. Best part when Shinji faps on Asuka while she is in coma... Best main character EVER!

                                                                          There is one good anime nobody mentioned so far - "Bokurano" (I rate it 10/10), for those who don't like immortal heroes.

                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                            ^ i wold like to watch neon genesis now :D thank you soultrap


                                                                              @Hatsune Miku
                                                                              What do you think about this part of Shinji? Two boys, one bed, etc... =)

                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                Nooooo yaoi ;w; my eyes got burned


                                                                                  My favorite anime is Dragon Ball Z.



                                                                                    kuroko no basuke anyone?



                                                                                      Also, Baldr Sky is great :)


                                                                                        Akagi, Higurashi and Cromartie High School are some of my favourites if that's what we are listing.


                                                                                          akagi owns



                                                                                              The art style might deter people from watching Akagi but it's really amazing. I think I have re-watched it four or five times over the years. Mahjong can be quite difficult to grasp at first though so that might be another reason why Akagi is so unknown.


                                                                                                i rewatch it every year, the atmosphere, the characters, the music, the narrator, all of it is absolutely amazing. definitely top 3 for me


                                                                                                  Rewatching "Initial D" atm.

                                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                                    So.... Melody-san Does this replace the music section?

                                                                                                    Sol Devguy
                                                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                                        @ Minazuki Sora

                                                                                                        5Cm/Second. << Oh god. I love depressing shit like this.

                                                                                                        @Hatsune-kun I wouldn't think so, more of actual conversation about music rather than endless posting of links and stuff.