General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do u do when u solo offlane and have a complete zoned out lane?

what do u do when u solo offlane and have a complete zoned out lane? in General Discussion

    and end up dying between ur t1 t2 towers?
    cause 4 man gank

    besides get yelled at by your team for "sucking"


      dont suck then, problem resolved


        As Clockwerk, stay near your tower and shoot rockets.

        King of Low Prio

          lvs > gold in the offlane


            Tell your team: 'space created!'.

            Quick maffs

              Nice mirana stats



                dont suck works cuz like

                if the entire team was a 5 stack and smoked behind your T2 tower while u sat there waitin to block creeps not expecting it to happen because quite frankly it's only happened once to me in like 5000+ games.

                but yeah
                pro tip is dont suck
                problem solved. thx brah


                that works

                @ dorkly


                @ samp

                havent u ever seen lane control in effect? they attack their own creeps as soon as possible and deny while having significant range advantage and disable over me, i tried to cog creep waves back but their pulls and lane presence was better. abba/luna/VS/prophet (tp)

                but yeah, what it does is it ends up pushing the wave towards their tower. i thought everyone knew this?

                King of Low Prio

                  No the thing about playing the offlane is to accept that you will die if they commit alot to kill you. It is a bad idea to play super safe because it hurts your team more.


                    i just go rambo on their 3 asses

                    i quit

                      leech xp where possible

                      you shouldn't really be able to die if you're between t1 and t2s since they can't do anything if you put your cogs down properly. but if its a crappy position then just gotta cog and hope for tp suppport

                      if you can force supports to stick to you that's fine and worth not getting any xp since u should still be able to leech off of pulls and hide in trees and what not


                        You can always abandon the offlane depending on your hero. Last time i was getting 3-4 manned in the offlane as bristle, I went and killed an ancient stack. They took my tower and pushed the lane, which let me farm back up near my T2.

                        Space created for my mid and safe lane.

                        King of Low Prio


                          If they commit enough to kill you they can kill you at any point in the map outside of your fountain. True offlane players accept that they will die from time to time but only at the expense of a huge commitment of the other team. Diving 5 heroes past a tier 2 might snag you a kill but it will open up the whole map to your opponents and leave you open to a counter gank.


                            type this in global chat and wait for their reaction : "my carry is so fat, are u sure really want trilane me?"


                              if you are zoned out, the only thing you can do is wait for the creeps to come in range of your tower. As long as they do not kill you it is a win. That's how a solo offlane works, you can't expect to get alot of farm and exp on the solo offlane.

                              You can also try to roam and gank mid etc. As a new meta offlane sniper I just abandon my lane once the enemy slark/huskar/storm/qop reach 6 and have solo kill potential on me and go farm with my mid hero. Cuz it would be stupid to stay in that lane


                                As a 3 player I get this problem very often in competitive matches. There is a mental flow chart I have for when I have this situation.

                                First of all, can you trade hits with the enemy zoning support? If no, then move on to the next step.

                                Are you a hero that can sap exp without being caught (Invis heroes or heroes that can blink into trees). If yes, then do that, but DO NOT sit in lane with invis, sit behind trees but within range of exp, but with invis always on.

                                If you aren't one of these heroes, you will need to have the creeps near your tower so you don't have to enter danger zone for exp. Now your question is: Is the enemy team pulling and hard denying?

                                If no, then the creeps will reach your tower, where you should hard deny and maintain the creep wave in the safe zone, if yes, you have a problem.

                                Can you prevent the enemy team from pulling? Heroes like Nature's Prophet can send treants into pull camps to block them, or Clockwerk can time his rocket flare to block camps. A skilled Puck/QoP/mirana can quickly blink/run/leap to the edge of the camp to block it, then run around the long way (through river) to get back to the tower.

                                If you can't do that, then can you force a hard push on the tower and/or carry? Dark Seer and NP can push really hard on an enemy trilane that is pulling. If you end up destroying the tower, you did a good job.

                                If you are left with 0 options (meaning you're tidehunter or some kind of really bad offlaner), try to gank mid or farm jungle.

                                Also, if you are getting dived that hard with 0 tp support, something is wrong with your teammates, not you.


                                  yes, which was what i was trying to do

                                  they had luna/vs/abbadon/prophet

                                  so they could tower dive easily and prophet w ould just tp in behind and cut me off

                                  i kept asking for tps, and i even said prior to the game starting, i shouldn't go offlane vs their tri, i should safelane clock vs timber

                                  but no, they made me stay top and didnt bother rotating, then blamed me and said "don't pick something if you can't play it"

                                  which to that i said, "explain what you would've done better, and then you deserve the right to speak and criticize me"

                                  and to that a couple of them said, "no you just suck blah blah blah" etc

                                  just wondering where i stand mentally before i shoot myself in the foot


                                    i agree with what they said actually
                                    ur just bad at positioning
                                    u know they have a furion, u know how close to u they ahve to be to kill (YOU SHOULD), so you shouldnt die
                                    simple as that

                                    u just suck with clock, deal with it


                                      I experienced this a lot.
                                      But i usually just stack ancient or carry TP and jungle
                                      1 death is the max you can give to them in this situation, beside that just play safe


                                        [Step 1]: Anticipate the lane

                                        Is it likely to be a tri-lane? or a difficult dual lane? You must figure this out before you buy items.

                                        [Step 2]: Prepare for the specific lane you will face.

                                        Do you need vision to avoid ganks? Then you must have an obs ward or you will die. If you have the ward up you can walk up close enough to get xp and still be able to back up in time and in the correct direction to live when supports try to kill you.

                                        Will you take physical attack harass? Then you must get a stout shield no matter what hero you have. Will you take magic dmg spam? Then you must have the extra regen to allow you take it and not be forced out. Will you be burst down from full health? Then you must get boots and back up before they cast the first spell to stun or slow you.

                                        A support cannot stand and zone you out forever at level 1. They will become worthless if they try it. They will go back to pull or stack or check a rune. You must have obs vision of them so you know when its safe to get close enough for xp.

                                        Will they try to deward? If they are good they will. But if they do not see you place the obs ward they can't know where it is. There are at least 5 good ward spots to protect an offlane solo on either side (radient/dire). Place the ward before they can get there. DO NOT let them see you place the obs. If you don't use the most obvious spot and don't let them see you place it the odds of deward are near zero.

                                        Step 3: What to do while zoned...

                                        Supports will zone you out for some periods of time. You have good obs so you back up no problem but now what? You can check rune or stack ancients. If you have long range skills you can steal creeps. If you are the right sort of hero you can leech jungle xp, gank mid, take the rune, gank the jungler. Do something. Find a way to cut the right trees to walk near the creep wave unseen. Its possible on Radiant and Dire. Even pros do it and don't get caught because its possible to do it completely unseen.


                                          oh benao do you know you're just the worst type of person

                                          Hero Result Match ID Duration KDA Items
                                          Ranked Match
                                          Lost Match
                                          8 days ago
                                          All Pick


                                          4 / 8 / 6

                                          Phase Boots
                                          Drum of Endurance
                                          Aghanim's Scepter
                                          Stout Shield
                                          Clockwerk Lost Match
                                          5 months ago
                                          All Pick


                                          6 / 10 / 18

                                          Phase Boots
                                          Blade Mail
                                          Magic Wand
                                          Drum of Endurance
                                          Aghanim's Scepter
                                          Clockwerk Lost Match
                                          6 months ago
                                          All Pick


                                          1 / 11 / 13

                                          Magic Wand
                                          Arcane Boots
                                          Aghanim's Scepter
                                          Robe of the Magi
                                          Town Portal Scroll
                                          Clockwerk Lost Match
                                          12 months ago
                                          All Pick


                                          0 / 6 / 5

                                          Arcane Boots
                                          Dust of Appearance
                                          Stout Shield
                                          Sage's Mask
                                          Town Portal Scroll
                                          Iron Branch

                                          dunning kruger to the max


                                          hypothetical perfect situations are nice, but i'm sure everyone here has went at least 0-4 in game and i'm being extremely generous
                                          you could come up with redundant insults like, "i agree with them you suck (pathetic ethug troll)"

                                          or perhaps you could show me some of your replays where you had similar situations or know of any people who do.
                                          all the talk and none of the walk


                                            "Best" scenario as an offlaner is when the enemy has ShadowDemon and Mirana as supports and they are constantly pulling (after dewarding your wards) while the carry denies that much that absolutly no creep reaches your tower. They force you to go further from T1 and theres no hero that can dodge the SD+Mira+carry combo on LOW level.
                                            Have fun with ganking on lvl1-2... maybe this is the time when all you can do for a while is just stacking some camps and be ready to help mid when they try to smoke gank.


                                              He never said he isn't bad, he said you're bad.


                                                oh yes, clear cut. ima have fun with this one


                                                  Had a really rough league game last night as a timber vs Luna/witch doc/Lich lane. They were pulling through and hard denying incredibly and it was utterly frustrating as even though I had a ward to keep safe they had a ward to see me coming to try leech XP. I was lvl 2 and there supports were 4 and their offlane was 5. They focused on shutting me down hard because the first game I got way to much farm on a weaver and that hurt them. The thing is that all the time they spent shutting me down the rest of my team was taking over the map, as soon as the rotations came we hurt them hard and I caught up heavily.

                                                  I know its frustrating and sometimes even boring but its a role that needs to be played and occasionally shits gonna be rough. I like invis heroes in the off as you can easily find spots to hide and leech XP. If you die it happens, You are 1v3 so positioning is the only way you will succeed. Learn just how far you can be from the creeps to leech XP, its pretty big now. Otherwise like the others said, move to the jungle or stack to help others.

                                                  Against good teams offlane can be a lonely place to be for the first 8 or so minutes. Just be patient, try your best not to get caught out and eat as much XP as you can. Eventually your team will come and hopefully get a successful gank off or their supports will roam and you will get a little room to work with.

                                                  Offlane has massive responsibility as you are in contact with the majority of their heroes from early and any rotations should be called by you, If you are not paying attention you or your team will suffer.

                                                  Offlane = best position



                                                    tell that to trixi....


                                                      im not a great clock but u can go ahead and watch (and learn) because im XXX times better than u
                                                      i usually only offlane heroes like mirana, puck, bb and weaver cause the rest is not suited to my playstyle. I rarely play clock and if u watch each of those clock games u'll see if i did bad or not

                                                      eidt: and next time take a look at no stats recorded too where i supposedly play without braindead people


                                                        @benao XXX better than me, in the case where X = 0.

                                                        0 times 0 times 0 = 0 times better.

                                                        I can tell. But in comparison with my mirana you're about 5x worse which probably means you suck.

                                                        Edit: and next time take a look at no stats recorded too where i supposedly play without braindead people.
                                                        there you go benao thats a good boy, time to take ur own advice


                                                          u didnt even watch the laning phase or u wouldve realized how much better i am compared to u (the feeder)...its just that i cant solo win a game with clock unlike other heroes (sf/mirana)
                                                          my mirana is waaaay better than yours too


                                                            ur right im not willing to spend the time to watch some noob's replays

                                                            who can barely maintain a 3kda with mirana

                                                            lel ur definition of waaaa (four a's)y better, is actually 4 times worse.


                                                            65 GAMES
                                                            70.77% WR
                                                            8.37 KDA





                                                              u r just so sad


                                                                good comeback benao thats a good boy