General Discussion

General Discussion[LF] soon to be friends to queue with.

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[LF] soon to be friends to queue with. in General Discussion

    i don't farm, well i could really, but right now i don't really want to farm but mostly support/gank so in case you're a carry, i'll be your guy but don't make me do what i can't.

    i queue on sea server, normal mm only for now.

    well actually, i need people to carry me coz i can't seem to really get a good coordination with random people and i want to reach 50% wins or more. doesn't mean i am complaining about queuing with bad people, no, it's actually okay with me, just that, i mostly face stacks in my queue lately and of course they got a bit of an edge.
    so i thought that i'd like to stack too. add me up?

    i'll play tomorrow maybe 8-10 hours from the time of posting.

    p.s. i really don't carry unless i snowballed.


        oh, another thing, if you're on vh, i don't think you should add me. maybe ur smurf if you want to fool around.


          bump, no one wanna play with me?