General Discussion

General Discussion4ever alone

4ever alone in General Discussion
Ples Mercy




      Ples Mercy

        Well Played!


          Lol fuck communicating with pings and chat wheel for 3 months :D ur crazy

          Ples Mercy

            well what can i say, i don't like russians and they dont like me.


              When in doubt > Well played!

              Feeder Chan

                I like you blunt

                Ples Mercy

                  lets see how long that lasts. Bogi said that too, then he switched to some sort of retarded arch nemesis wanting to dominate my penis bcause hes gay as shit.

                  Feeder Chan

                    Well the thing is I know I'm a scrub and don't take advice as insults.


                      You still have the lovely DB community with you. I'll let you decide whether that's good or not.

                      Lester, Moe

                        dont giWell played! this cunt symphany Well played!

                        this idiot srsly sucks at dota 0 out of 5 stars

                        King of Low Prio



                            Oh my god JC a bomb!

                            Ples Mercy

                              why does jc 2k bracket player talk?

                              ah i know, he wants my attention.... what do i tell him?....mhhhhh.....

                              ahh i know!

                              JC, you're a 2k shittier bracket player, noone cares about your opinion.


                                muted doesn't stop communication in party chat anymore, even in game.


                                  хорошо играл!

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    i love how people use google translator