General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve ?

How to improve ? in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    sup guys, so right now i have 3,5 k mmr, i dont really play ranked and i think i could go up to 4k if i did but who knows maybe not. Before i could easily see my mistakes, and with time i fixed it, but now its really hard for me to get to see my mistakes, and the ones i see its really hard for me to fix it ( being slow to click etc ), its like i am almost not improving at all anymore. I mean to climb to 4 k or 3k maybe its enough to see streams or to see your replays, but i am pretty sure that those kind of things doesnt help me anymore.

    I would like to ask 5 k or 4,5 k players about, how did you guys improve to get to that point of the game ? How much time do you guys have been playing dota ? Any big tips ? ( and pls no bullshit like go watch streams or look at replays, those kind of things doesnt help that much, and plus i already see a lot of streams ) I have been playing the game for a year and i didnt really played any other moba before, but i think i am learning too slow.

    And for last, if there any big guide about playing mid ? personally i like mid but i am still really bad at it.


      focus on the game
      and less cyka


        i personally play the heroes i suck at. for example when I first played sniper I fed. After that I first picked sniper every single game until I won with him. When I win with a hero I stop playing him. I guess that has helped me in terms of improving. You can try it too


          idk i kinda plateaued for a bit, but i have some increments here and there, so now i'm at 4.1k mmr

          i go solo queue cm so if that makes any difference...

          things i notice that i do recently that have helped me are:

          using my minimap as my main focal point, even when csing (which is quite difficult)

          really helps when ur allies don't call mia, or if they have called mia and half the time people don't even notice that

          being positive, taking control, leading team - boosting morale

          ya sounds dumb but it seriously helps if ur willing to put in the effort. i'm too much of an asshole online and i don't care enough to stretch myself to those degrees though

          Quick maffs

            "being positive, taking control, leading team - boosting morale"

            In solo queue i usually do that already, but i am a terrible leader.

            "using my minimap as my main focal point"

            That can help i guess


              "being positive, taking control, leading team - boosting morale"

              ^ This isnt dumb literally one of the biggest factors in a game

              I find everyone reaches a limit in which there skill will allow and then i think u must train ur knowledge of the game you should get to a point where u can analyse your team and theres and decide exactly who needs to ganked and who needs space provided what items they are going to buy and what items u need .... u get to a point where u should be able to know all this as soon as u see the lineups and then the next is changing and adapting to things that dont go according to plan this is where u may need to change lanes or roaming or try do sneaky smokes or roshan blah blah blah but definetly in the higher tier knowledge wins out because u know wat to do in different not good at explaining stuff it sounds good in my head and i know that once i focused up on knowledge of every aspect of the game i vastly improved even if its something little as knowing the time of every cool down so u know hey we had team fight this many seconds ago they used this we can turn and fight them now because they used this then and its on cool down blah blah blah


                only type in ALL CAPS to boost ur teams morale and then wait 3-4 games till ure muted

                Ples Mercy

                  play like a motherfucking baws.


                    Call gg when you spawn

                    On serious note: Keep map awareness. never think you are safe even if you are surrounded by wards. dota is a solo game in pubs own or get owned. if you own hard your teams owns too if you don;t you'll lose yes you can own as a support.

                    Maintain rune control if you can. like you are playing invoker and dont buy bottle and your team has no bottles. try to get runes non the less if the supports are not doing so.

                    never play when tired or drunk/high etc

                    if everything fails : Pick lycan


                      Pick carry, farm the shit out of the lane or jungle, then come out and kill everyone. Just dont move around doing nothing (especially as the main carry) and waiting the team to actually start fighting or ganking. You are losing a lot of gold and exp, while oposite carry farms like crazy. If you can secure a kill, then go. If not, farm on. Let your team create space for u.

                      In case you preffer supports - just dont go full support for retarded (3k mmr) team. There is no way they'll even care if you die, all you'll get is flaming. Also, if you go full support you lose every bit of power you have, to actually contribute a big part to the team. Support hero without items is a feeder fish. Buy currier, buy some wards - ok. If oponents have invis heroes but dust too. But dont sacrifice you life for a retarded players, cause you can do a lot more if you dont. In this bracket you can carry the game with well farmed support hero.

                      And if you want to move up in mmr- i think you should master mid role, play like crazy and just carry the team. Mid role is probably most important role in the game cause it connects all lanes and can make a great impact on the game. It makes life a lot easier for all lanes.


                        well just put yourself a goal and practice it nonstop...
                        i noticed i forgot to shift my treads to its max potential and so i started focusing on doing it whenever i went woods, tanked hits, used skill u know... even when solely regenerating, being full agi, str or int depending on the purpose and changing it 24/7 in the game, same with phase boots...
                        since u r in the 3k range i bet u suck at minimap observation so put yourself a goal to watch it every minute or so of the game right before or after a last hit, right after a GO or before one... eventually u do it unconcious and it rly boosts your play. for example... i aim my arrows watching solely the minimap and i hit ofc.... harras a lot at level 1 and 2 and learn your limits with that hero vs that one and creep positioning and other shit.... that way if u got the advantage early u should take it and own a lane from that point on

                        ofc many other shit u just think about that u arent using and juust start doing so until they are a part of u! like last hitting properly and shit


                          Dorkly is only 3.5k!?!?!? PAHAHAHAHAHAHA *looks at own mmr* ......fuck...

                          Seriously though Dorkly, we're about at the same range and what I've noticed when it comes to which team's mostly coming down to who is applying the most pressure in the early game, and whoever is successfully pushing throughout all of mid game. Assuming you secure both these things, it's very rare that the other team makes a come back. Roshan is actually very rarely a factor(hell most games he goes down 0-2 times, even in 40+ minute games), though if you can convince your team to do him as early as possible and repeatedly do it, it becomes a huge factor. I should probably rephrase's not that Roshan isn't a factor, it's that most teams at this level don't seem to consider him.

                          Also I saw you mention "being slow to click", if this is a serious issue, I suggest picking up and getting good at a mouse-based rhythm game. This way you should be subconsciously reacting to things at 0.2s or faster. I do this, and I also tend to play it for a bit before playing dota, helps a lot with precision and reaction time.

                          And if you want to climb MMR, avoid role 5. During my calibration of solo I went 5-5, and 4 of the 5 losses were as a role 5. Could be coincidence but I doubt it /shrug

                          Also, the A-Z challenge is a good way of learning(win 5 games as every hero), but so is watching multiple tournaments/leagues of various skill levels(it helps to not always watch pros! Check out the amateur and try-hard leagues some time!). Small things can be revealed, like tread switching, soul ring against OD, teleporting during ball lightning, etc and each of these can add up to being a big thing. Hell at our range, smoke isn't generally a necessity unless you're traveling through the river. Wards rarely get placed elsewhere. TPing is huge impact at our level. I can't tell you how much gold I spend on TP scrolls as a 3-5 role, but I know it's a lot(wouldn't surprise me if rushing BoT would save me a large amount of gold in some games lol) and I know that just about every time(80%+) I've used one, I've caused a gank, tower destruction, or saved a carry from dying.

                          Meh, with all this knowledge I should just apply it and pull myself out of this range >.> but then again, I don't care much for the pro-scene setups(bleh trilanes) and at this range I can pretty much do anything and be somewhat successful...what an excuse /eyeroll


                            lol well, it's rare to find someone who's willing to put in that effort


                            are u playing ap?

                            i had this one game that was like 55 minutes long... wards/counter wards the ENTIRE game, both teams constantly... it was a beauty and tragedy at the same time


                              Yea, when I solo queue I usually do AP. I don't really care for putting my...I'd say life but I'm going to go with the hands of some random person that could potentially belong in an even lower tier, and I don't care to pick the team myself either.

                              And don't get me wrong, I've had games that felt really high level in terms of wards, roshan, lane swapping, backdooring, smoke usage, etc.


                                I've been winning more by playing a core.

                                (P.S. I suck)


                                  play 1 game, downdload your game, watch the replay of your game.
                                  Score the way u play at that game, see what kind of tiny mistaked u did. See is there any room to improve.

                                  Do like that until you bored, literally u will get 5k soon. (maybe). lol.


                                    flop what is ur mmr right now jw and did you watch your own replayss?


                                      sometimes i play like shit for a whole week or just some days and still manage to win... its all about doing the necessary... heck i even win more playing like shit cause i give a fuck :)



                                        5112, yeah i hate when im making a mistake. So i always try to know what mistake i did in my game so i can avoid it in the next game.

                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                          Let Satie carry you.


                                            ded dorkly


                                              jus tpick storm or invoke ror luna thats how you win mm these days boys