General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the strongest 3 star carry full items?

Who is the strongest 3 star carry full items? in General Discussion

    List of them:


    harvard graduate

      Oh this thread again.
      Just gonna tell you what 1k ppl said before me:
      The three hardest carries are medusa spectre and void. All of them in different ways though.
      Spectre deals damge to an entire team while void is a pure Single Target Carry who is going to take anyone in his chronosphere (maybe except for 45 armor Tiny hehe).
      OD get countered by BKB entirely as he will be a pretty soft right clicker during it,
      Lone Druid is for pushing and starts to become weaker past 40 minutes because his bear just becomes food to enemy carries at that time.
      PL and Morph are really hard carries but just cant go head to head with SPectre medusa (they can take out void if he gets unlucky with Backtracks)
      PA is strong on Paper but not really survivable and relies on RNG entirely. If you dont get some crits in a fight you are basically screwed.
      Terrorblade - Not gonna write about him because he isnt in CM yet and because he is obviously a little too strong right now so I expect some nerfs.

      I dont know if u forgot them but Tiny and Sven are ridicolous lategame carries and outcarry like every single hero on your list except for the first 4.

      btw, if you are talking pure 1vs1, add Alchemist to that list. Even tho he isnt rly viable as a carry anymore, he will permabash anyone to death if you build some attack speed.


        Top4 are TB, Medusa, Void & Spectre. TB is probably the strongest 1v1 & Medusa, Spectre 1v5, Void has great ulti & perma-bash.


          Not this shit again.

          There are like 10 threads in last 20 pages about this.

          Quick maffs

            troll isnt really good late game my friend, i mean if your main carry in your team is troll you have a problem if the game goes into late game.


              ^ in a certain lineup, troll can be good.

              On the other hand , 99 % of time, you will lose, due to lack lf coordination. Also easily countered and uber easy to kite.

              Or, you can play troll as suporter.


                Best team fighter is Medusa.
                Spectre has great global presence, so she can splitpush without creating 4vs5 situation.
                Void is not that great in both, but his initiation, while being less predictable Medusa's one, can often decide a fight outcome.

                TB isn't compared to these - he can be countered easily.

                Quick maffs

                  Troll is a really good mid game hero, but he gets kited hard and he doesnt really bursts anyone down, he is one of the best anti-carry heroes and can easily manfight almost any carry. Even lifestealer with one or two more items dies to troll, TA, etc.


                    life-stealer comes under a different type of carries IMO.
                    he's a carry no doubt,but only a mid-late game one.
                    he's good super late game also but not as good as the top 10


                      TA no contest in 1v1. Lifestealer is the king of anti-ranged carries - a six slotted Lifestealer can easily kill down a six slotted Luna or Gyro with his kit which grants him both magic immunity and initiation.


                      Luna was actually outfarming me the whole game but an early MKB and focusing him first every teamfight ensured his BKB and Manta were of no relevance when he got bursted down before my Rage ended.

                      TB outcarries Medusa by virtue of his split-push alone - Medusa forces the team to five man down one lane - a competent TB will easily be able to cut three wave of creeps, preventing the enemies from even going high ground.

                      Void is possibly the most efficient carry in terms of making sure he actually gets to use his farm - carries like Luna or Gyro can often be taken down before they contribute much to the team fight.

                      Low Expectations

                        Isnt PL stronger than Medusa lategame? I mean the only time a medusa can take a fight is during her ulti when her ulti is down PL should prevail.


                          Medusa is a natural PL counter. Even not during her ultimate she's able to attack real PL like 80% of time (and that's really hard to find a moment to start a teamfight, when Medusa has no ulti). PL is more dangerous usually, but unlike Medusa he has strong counterpicks. Not only Medusa, but also Gyro, Sven, Mortred and even carry Magnus will obliterate PL.


                            No one can whitstand spectre in late game. You name it, gyro, luna , dusa ( this would be 50:50) spec will just tank the damage during their bkb and fuck up their team, and when the bkb js done, they are done.

                            On the other hand, while spectre gets 6 sloted, luna and gyro would get like 10 sloted and all of spectre base. That is big disadvantage of true hard carrys ( medusa , spectre and void ), they need a lot of time to come up online. But when they do, you can't do shit, and i mean shit


                              Spectre can't manfight Medusa nor can she teamfight her. But she has incomparable better mobility, global presence and splitpush ability. If you picking Spectre against Medusa your goal is not to fight her, but to bring down lanes and eventually their base while stalking for lonely preys.


                                Tbh, we can't talk abut spectre or dusa ( or anyother hero , if that matters ) on forums. It is quite different in game.

                                Quick maffs

                                  Zenoth giff TB guide

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Strongest at what? Living through team fights? Wiping other team? Raxing? Carries do different things just like supports. You don't play CM and Bane the same way, why would you try to do play void and lycan the same?

                                    Plus in no game will you ever be going 1v1 against their carries with equal farm. Dota doesn't work that way. It's like saying every carry beats anti mage with equal farm, well duh, but anti mage can farm much quicker and get 6 slotted much eariler.

                                    Crime Master

                                      what about very very late game with lone druid.


                                        As stated; Medusa, Spectre, Void are ~the hardest carries.

                                        However, the best hero is: Natures Prophet.


                                          If enemy cann't steal illusion
                                          PL > all

                                          If you only play morronic teamfight in which everyone run in without any idea but going in, then insdeed, spectre is most probably the strongest one, followed by void and medusa (lot of rapier medusa).

                                          This question anyone, have some big flaw, such as suggestion all hero, without anyconsideration to what happen in the game, then hero like medusa can enter the pool, even thought they will be more than useless for 50 minutes, and can counter (spectre for example) very easy in retarded mode teamfight


                                            Most of my Medusa games are finished before 50 min mark. Statement that Medusa needs 40+ minutes of farm to be effective is a huge lie.


                                              ^ but she needs a lot of farm. That is the reason , you mostly lose with Medusa in pubs. No one wants to turtle, protecting Medusa ( in this example ). But when she gets to the point of being 6 slotted, you can leave.

                                              I have played a lot of cw in wc3 against Medusa, and when we failed to push base and end ( before 30-35 minutes ) , you can't do shit about it after. She just steam rolls .

                                              As matrice said, pl can fuck up all, because he has way better mid game, then, lets say Medusa or spectre. But when it goes ultra late, one Medusa ultimate, is enough to render pl somewhat useless. But you all forgot about 4 other heroes who are standing behind those 2 heroes.

                                              I recall some game, 2 year ago ( lets say ) on DLG where Maelk played Spectre vs some , also known player ( i can't remember his name ). All game was on pl side, until it went to late. Then , spectre won simply be having a bit lankier supports, due to other team letting ALL of farm to pl.


                                                ^ Well, it's not like I'm saying she needs no farm at all. Given equal farm, she's one of the weakest hero in the game until she gets her first big item. After that she's pretty much at the same level as an average hero. After she gets her second item she becomes a stronger teamfighter than most heroes in the game, so there is no need to go for full six slots. Farm three slots, get fourth while fighting enemy with your team, win the game in 40 minutes. Simple, right?


                                                  Spectre because I love the teamfight and of course when your team starts fighting with Tidehunters ult initiated welp, that should be enough damage from the rest of your team to win.


                                                    Why would PL not do so well against Spectre?


                                                      strongest carrys are the ones with more than 2 pasive skills or ability to make illusions

                                                      aka pl/terrorblade/morph

                                                      rest kinda situational

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        Centuar with 5 hearts & 1 blade mail!

                                                        The Cat Named Money

                                                          I've played with medusa once from a random pick. I gotta say, i can't imagine her being a very good carry, even if i was more experienced. Maybe if she had like... 10 eyes so her Stone Gaze 360'd around her. but she felt just much more like a support player, using Stone Gaze to get a team to pummel the trapped enemy, and quickly eliminating illusions. And then she has two other skills that felt more for crowd control on creeps, with the Penta-attack and Snake jumps.

                                                          Tiny on the other hand... Played him just earlier today... Normally I suck against the likes Sniper and Bloodseeker. With Tiny though? I finally triumphed over them. No more fear. that Grow, and his stun... mmm, just beautiful.



                                                            ur void has 5 rapiers? lel get rekt easy E


                                                              Medusa is one of the best carries because of her great surviveability and AoE right-click coupled with awesome initiation and counter-initiation skill. One can get a false sense of security fighting her: "Even if she's too tanky, it's not like she can chase and kill me" until Medusa comes to their base and there's no way to take her down.
                                                              Also Stone Gaze does has 360 degree AoE.

                                                              Btw, 4-5 slotted Medusa can easily murder 6 slotted Sniper without bullshit items like Shadow Blade. Bloodseeker can't be even considered a threat.

                                                              The Cat Named Money

                                                                Does Stone gaze 360? huh. seems like there was only like a cone vision coming from that move. maybe it just missed it.

                                                                but yeah. I'll admit, the penta-attack was pretty sweet. maybe I just need more experience and messing around with her to make it more useful for Heroes.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Isnt naga a really good hard carry ?


                                                                    Naga with spectre build is very very dangerous...
                                                                    I once got early radiance on naga, it was just ridiculous how my illusions pushed their base in late game...

                                                                    Strongest 1v1: 12 slotted Lone Dr00d
                                                                    (Or 1 shot Huskar)

                                                                    Thing about Lifestealer is that he is fucking dangerous once you are lvl 7 and have maxed rage. He starts to carry from very early on, and is strong in lategame also. He also forces the enemies not to take items like Hearth of Tarrasque...

                                                                    Strongest carry... probably Medusa, Spectre or Lancer..? Weird carries.
                                                                    Sven must be strongest, he's fucking MANLY, he fucking manfights everything to death..!

                                                                    AND PL>DUSA!!!

                                                                    Quick maffs


                                                                      Just one thing, is naga the best rat dota carry at the moment ? Our you guys think that tb can be better at this ?

                                                                      The Cat Named Money

                                                                        I recently had an awesome game with Lancer. I can say he is one dangerous mofo with multiple Illusions, well increased damage (chances are your attack speed also be decent-high), and lifesteal.


                                                                          Thing is, despite usually PL is more dangerous than Medusa at pretty much any stage of game, he has several heavy counter-picks and Medusa is a one of these counter-picks.


                                                                            Don't think medusa lost to PL if the dusa knows exactly what to do
                                                                            The reason why dusa is counter to PL is her ulti.
                                                                            So people who can't use her ulti at the right time will lose to PL

                                                                            But the thing is, PL is much more easier to play and popular hero than Medusa
                                                                            so it's easily understood if majority of people master PL more than medusa and can counter medusa with it


                                                                              riki is the best 1v1




                                                                                  spec is not that op strong. in 6 slot 1vs1 situation.
                                                                                  you just buy bkb to nullify spec's 2nd and 3rd skill. some two-star carry like jugg,wraithking kills spec easily.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Doom. Aghs + doom go through bkb, do 110 dps gg. I don't think any carry is overcoming that with just auto attacks. Doom even disables bashes and evasion so gg.


                                                                                      ^ linken .


                                                                                        Strongest carry all will bow:


                                                                                          @Let the Wookie win
                                                                                          1vs1 Rapier Medusa can actually manfight him. Doom doesn't disable Mana Shield, and Linken's will give her just enough time to activate Stone Gaze.
                                                                                          Though, I do agree that this fight is heavily in Doom's favor. He's universal counter-pick for anyone.

                                                                                          @whoji 颓頽魋
                                                                                          LVL?Death + Abyssal.

                                                                                          @-hg- Cpt. Caveman
                                                                                          Let's start posting Chuck photos here.



                                                                                            I would like to see them both have a fist to fist battle since they're both in their 70's to see which old man would win.


                                                                                              Arnold will be back.
                                                                                              Chuck was everywhere before the very beginning.
                                                                                              Your arguments are invalid.

                                                                                              Jokes aside, I would bet my money on Chuck there. He's an actual martial artist, while Arny is a bodybuilder.