General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me.

Please help me. in General Discussion

    Im a casual doto player who wants to find some fun in game after a long day at college and hard times with gf. Im not Dondi level but i know at least something about dota. Im asking for your help how to climb up mmr? Im stucked on 3.7k-4k. My main problem is dat i have to play with no fuckin clue about dota players and it makes me sad. It seems impossible to go higher. u can do whatever u wont get higher.
    U forced to play with ppl who does 200last hits on 40min games with alchemist or 1st item 30min shadow blade on slark or only 1 right click dmg in enemy but your carry doesnt wanna buy bkb...u forced to play with ppl who never ever though about "what gonna happen if u buy this fuckin item" they see on pro games Xboct builds shadow blade on alchemist and its great and its gonna win the for us. NOOOO
    u dont buy shadow blade to farm an other 20min to buy ac against massive spell dmg to skip u dont. u dont buy shadow blade to farm fuckin jungle....
    ppl know nothing about how to controll a fight or just simple how to force a good fight...endless pudge mid with 0 fuckin hook hit...never heard about smoke. but they think they are dondi cus they hooked some hard bot.
    I know ppl will come and say " u are fuckin nub. under 4k mmr shitface lord whatever..." but u forget 1 IMPORTANT thing
    You are dat strong as a team as your weakest member!!!! u can lead your team in the 20min with invoker with 7-1-6 stat with ~100last hits, with succesful ganks, with tp reaction to save your lane. if your carry farmed out claymore in 20min with maxed greed and midas.
    U can giff free farm to your carry and u can spend ton of gold on wardz, dust, smoke when ppl dont know how to last hit and cant understand how impotant to get the good items.
    they can say you're bad farmer when as a support they are pulling away the creeps with stupidly harrassing enemy and make u have double ranged shit or triple shit...and let the enemy farm dat under his tower...or single pulling or support prefers to get phase over wardz or dust...

    im done. im not angry or rager. 90% i mute idiots and dont care about them. IM sad. Im close to +50 win/loose. and on terrible loosing shit. tried evrything. and i dunno what can i do.

    Please. trolls and 5k+ "fuck yourself under 4k shitface" PLEASE. dont shit on this thread. thx

    Help me. what can i do to stop this and get higher on mmr list?


      play with friends

      add that guy who played nicely on your team

      or instalock op heroes


        last 2 weeks i didnt meet a guy who "played nicely" or didnt flame/rage.
        under 4k. = its hell...flamers/rage boys/terrible players/ counter pick instalockers...
        i tried. i have ~65-70% winrate with invoker on 6.79 and 6.80 but whenever instlock it they pick od... :

        King of Low Prio

          I have a 80% winrate with invoker.......


            ^ don't do all pick for a bit and do captains draft/mode. I feel there are more polite people on there and gives you a chance to ban OD so you can secure your invoker pick.

            like 95% of the people on my friend list from dota 2 are from captain mode/draft people. I think their game sense, and maturity are a bit higher in those modes versus all pick.


              lol sampson your 5 plays you're just an invoker boss :D


                won 24 lost 12 on cm...95% i did the draft or my friend. prolly should go back and play more cm..but the draft time or u can't grab the scary :D


                  ^ yeah i get to pick captain 95% of the time. You just machine gun click the area before it pops up "become captain" works like a champ if you can click faster than me! O:


                    I am well above %50 and for some reason my MMR is 2059. WTF how do you all have MMR in the 4K range? Im level 34 im on dotabuff almost %52

                    Oh Shit Waddup


                      You could have 100% win rate vs the noobiest people in the world, but that wouldn't show your true skill. Stop crying about a number and figure out why you're in that bracket and how to get out of it