General Discussion

General DiscussionStop bitching about Terrorblade

Stop bitching about Terrorblade in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    He is a awful hero who is extremely easy to shut down and once shut down takes forever to come online

    aggro trilane against -------> him stop all farm --------------> get bitches


      It's [URL=]easy[/URL] to stop terrorblade, just make your carry go 10/0 in first five minutes.

      King of Low Prio

        that works too


          That was a joke, I had to ask for tri-lane (Lion, Weaver, Tree) after seeing TB, Veno & SD get picked.

          You're completely right, shut down TB early game and he wont come back for some time.


            nah in pubs your team will forget about him for a couple minutes, he pushes down 3 towers and is huge no matter what.


              It is way harder to get tri-lane and good supports in pub games, than to fuck bitches.
              that's why tb is op in pub games



                What's stopping you from asking your pub team mates to cooperate?


                  same thing that stops me from playing 8 games of Treant Protector in a row yesterday


                    Too hard?


                      I don't think he is a terrible hero. He would work well in defensive spilt push line ups. Frankly i think he is kinda OP if he was added to competitive.

                      Low Expectations

                        42 min tinker no BoT, legit game indeed. TB is uberbroken hero at lvl 2 in agressive trilane with say visage, cm there is no way you can stop him, either his first skill or third skill needs nerf (and I dont count increasing the cd on the third spell as nerf)


                          It's definitely possible to win tri vs tri against TB.

                          I wouldn't be surprised if TB got a slight nerf tho. =p


                            Or pick swag doctor and outcarry tb
                            (check the match i solo killed him all the time lol)



                              it's easy to counter tb at level 2, cast all your spell on him, he is dead. it's nice to have damage, but that's not really working when people can kill you before you land 2 hit.

                              Nevertheless, if you have, let's say earth shaker on the lane, along with that visage, yeah it's even imba strong, when meta is on, but ssoooooooooo trash lane when meta is off.


                                dat tinker


                                  tb only loses when you have 4 carries on your team .__.

                                  he's still quite hard to shut down if he plays safely, 2.6 regen is nice w/o any items.


                                    Adding to this, while I have never complained about TB I do think he can raise eyebrows and turn things around.

                                    Sitting on some wifi, disconnecting all the time and lagging non-stop, playing my support TB against a trilane.

                                    0-8 but then actually managed to get items and come back dispite being all towers and a lane down in about 18 minutes (with a massively farmed CK)



                                      S&Y and manta TB
                                      welcome to the sampson trench


                                        vlads on TB

                                        i hope thats a support TB


                                          lets not lie to ourselves. fucking bitches is on a difficulty level similar to climbing mount everest. so no, it's not more difficult to get trilane and good supports than to fuck bitches


                                            Very high ranked: 59% win rate

                                            Shutting down lane farm isn't enough, you need to push fast, ward his jungle and control the entire map.

                                            "Forever" to come online if you mean 700 gpm with just levels and no items once he gets space to catch up.


                                              Sooo...the answer is to pick Lycan and Lion to rat faster and prevent opposite rat?


                                                zenoth i can only win games now by consistently picking tb, plz halp


                                                  once they nerf ember and tb i can go back to picking phantom lancer but not gonna bother


                                                    terrorblade is a really weak hero, i just pick ta or storm and kill him in one hit, in almost every ranked game when i play vs terrorblade they go afk =)

                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                      If you look at all my old matches all of them are VH and I am only 4100 and you still see shit like manta SnY TB :P


                                                        had a good score vs some random tb in the 3k rating pool. wow. i must be sick, should totally post it on dotabuff so others can see


                                                          if 4.8k rating is 3k to you then whatever.
                                                          btw exploits not working anymore? shoo now..


                                                            who says exploits aren't working lel

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              ^ anyone on van-art's friends list is a exploiter imo

                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                im not exploiting anything bra
