General Discussion

General DiscussionHow objectively can you view yourself?

How objectively can you view yourself? in General Discussion

    Pretty much the opposite of Dunning-Kruger effect.

    How objectively can you see yourself? KDA, rating or GPM/XPM aside, can you confidently discern when you play good or play bad?

    Did you make selfish decisions, buy incorrect items or cost your team games by over extending?

    Can you truly pick out the games which you were the reason for victory and not just being carried from your poor mistakes while you KDA farm from behind for a good score?


      yes, i can be amazingly objective. nothing pisses me off more than when i play like shit and i know it.

      Ples Mercy

        im the best player in the world

        la the yeezy

          im the scond best player in the world next to blunt



            waku waku





                Most of the time yes, I just sometimes shut my eyes and go "Oh God that was dumb" but other times I think any bad plays I make get overshadowed by how badly some of my team mates are playing and then no matter what I do it becomes their fault even if I make a mistake.

                Take the last two losses

                I played ok but it was the worst possible pick, I just really wanted to see the new pudge set and play pudge after so long of not playing him. I accept that even though my team mates did ass I did not pick wel,l though I feel I did all the right things as pudge and didn't play too bad it was just the worst possible pick.

                ..and then this game

                Infuriated me but managed to remain calm. Mid fed and safe lane lost to a solo lich. Naix build terrible and I swear to God invoker missed 90% of his tornados. Item choices were bad with me doing most of the support leg work with the pipe and constant smokes to get us out of zeus combos. Naix was getting leeched by Razor and just kept fighting and would constantly die just because of no durablity (Item Build: Phase - Armlet - Maelstrom).

                ...then there are good times

                Where I get 100% involved from the start and concedes a win not just because of me but because I see the team is doing something and playing well and so I play along instead of using them as a shield to do my own selfish shit. (Stick - Aquila - BoT's) TP'ing with NP and the team to push towers and using NP's trees to TP and instant ult into fights.

                TL;DR In the average match I can actually tell when I fucked up. If allies are fucking up bad I tend to ignore my own mistakes because they are small compared to the ones my allies pull which is bad I know, but just how most people work mentally I guess.


                  Every of those question fall under the krug effect, so it's not the opposite.

                  The people who can actually answers those question without falling under the krug effect, are actually those who aren't under the krug effect.

                  Just pretty much the krug effect, but with different question from usual


                    I'm the most complex fighter in the world.



                      That CM game when the other team build aghs+refresher on all their heroes. It was hilarious :P


                        im perfect


                          I am perfectly able to objectively analyze myself. Unfortunately, only after the game is alredy finished and when it's too late to correct my mistakes and shitty decisions :(


                            its less to do with dunning kruger and more to do with stubbornness/ignorance


                              Yes I realize when I draft bad for my usual runabout team or when I make huge mistakes. I'm not perfect, but try to seek it. Hence why I come in here daily to grab some tidbits of good videos, or plays or builds by other people here.

                              Biggest mistake I make: Playing when too tired! Go to bed old caveman when you're tired! :(

                              Hex Sigma

                                i am the best player in the world my gameplay is perfect. Get rekt scrub


                                  watching replays of yourself is something not enough players do in this game.

                                  In any event, i just refuse to praise myself and generally assume I could have done better regardless of the outcome.


                                    Well to be fair watching a long ass replay isn't as fun as starting a new game :D


                                      I am, but a lot of people that say they are actually aren't. I watch replays of myself in other peoples perspective to see why they went after me or caught me out like they did.


                                        so you are objectively aware that you purchased your account and don't deserve your MMR?


                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I cant believe this HǣL kid still has the balls to post here. It is like a rapist asking for forgiveness LOL


                                            I named myself KingOfNoobs for a long time. Everyone needs a chance to be forgiven!


                                              Im really the person that wont ever throw a game.. im selfish in my real life but in dota i always want to win
                                              sometimes when i make wrong moves in game ( not talking about item build that will cost me the game) i always say " fuck if i die now game is lost " i use to make these thoughts a few months ago.. now i dont make so many mistakes ingame...
                                              I have lost many games that both teams played well and especially enemy team played better than us and thats when i really love to lose.. cause i enjoy the game.
                                              In the other hand i have lost more games that players ego.. do everything to throw a game.. i really sometimes feel that Dota 2 community reminds me of HoN community.. thats all.. i go finish my Morphling epic guide now...afk

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                Just waiting for that zephyr invite cuz I'm so much better den PURGE OLD MANG!


                                                  Always critically look at your best games. I think games you lose are lost for obvious reasons. When people win, they usually just pat their back and say, "They did well".


                                                    its amazing, when we lose but we already did our best.

                                                    its shit, if we lose because our teammate did stupid mistake.

                                                    its really stressful, if we lose because we played bad.

                                                    and its really boring, if we win because the enemy is noob.


                                                      The main psycology behind "Naiv realism" (thinking you see the world objectivly as it is) is a illusion. The fact is that when you do or see or observe something from Your point of view, you do this Subjectivly ( the oposite of obectively) You can never ever see the world for what it truly is but only your subjective verision of how you percive it.
                                                      Objectively the fact is that
                                                      Sunstrike deals 100 pure damage!

                                                      Subjectivly: In my eyes thats not that much when the guy i shot had 101.

                                                      This is also the main reason behind DK effect, people often like to see the flaws in other people they fail to consider them self actually having.


                                                        ^ Well yes of course, This is one of those instances where it translates too. (Do you ever "critique yourself in the most objective way possible").

                                                        But also the thread is named "(HOW) objectively can you view yourself?) We know, or should know that it can't be 100%. But it can also be translated to, "How often do you see what you did wrong and not blame your teammates". AKA How non-bias is your view on your own game play.


                                                          damn sir

                                                          u caught up

                                                          yeah no one can see the world objectively, everything is our interpretation

                                                          however, that doesn't mean there isn't common subjective perception, or majority subjective perception

                                                          if that were the case, then the use of adjectives would be moot - since "all we see/feel/observe is from our point of view therefore we can't make an accurate judgement for what it really is" - but thinking like that would mean you're one step beyond a retard.

                                                          ur also using lousy metaphors and comparisons between things you probably found on wiki the past few weeks

                                                          they don't correlate #MAKESNOFKINGSENSE

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!