General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo Ranked vs Unranked in SEA

Solo Ranked vs Unranked in SEA in General Discussion

    Only Storm could play. Chen stayed in lane, didn't skill Persuasion, went for Dagon build, and didn't know how to send allies back. SP refused to grave anyone but himself. PotM free-farmed safelane for 16 minutes to get a Linken, with no skill points in Moonlight Shadow until level 12.

    Best part is all players were above 4k MMR (except Chen, who was TBD).

    In comparison, here's solo unranked in SEA:

    Marked difference in player quality. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me, given how ranked is supposed to have the better players in terms of competitive desire and know-how. I'm seeing better picks, better individual skill, and more teamwork in unranked games than I do in ranked. In short, I'm seeing in unranked what I expected to see in ranked, and vice versa.

    My take on this: Players are stacking up to level 13 just to boost their starting MMR. As a result, games in the lower 4k bracket are utterly depressing. Something needs to be done about the calibration phase (more games maybe?), or at least bump up the requirements (maybe up to X games played) to participate in ranked.


      could you see if all those people in your ranked game are at or around level 13?


        @raziel "Players must be above Profile Level 13 to queue for Ranked Matches" - DotA 2 Wiki


          what i mean is are they 13-15 or are the lvl 50+ kind of players, if they are all in the teen levels you are probably right about the mmr stacking


            ^what does mmr and lvl have in common?


              In the 1st solo unranked example you gave, the enemy team had an intentional feeder (Lifestealer, if you didn't notice :D)
              You probably wouldn't have been happy with the player quality if he was in your team :3
              Its just that though.. People complain when they have the bads on their team, although don't really complain when they're on the opposing team.
              Its supposed to even out, with you getting the bads 50% of the time, and facing them 50% of the time.
              I don't really play ranked much, Cuz i guess Im scared to go even lower than I already am (Pretty low, dw :D)
              So I hadn't really played solo ranked much since i did calibration back when it came out.. Played Like 7 games or so very recently, idk.. And Im fairly sure we lost only 1, and rest were easy stomps.. (The one loss was an LC that went Nc, never left NC, and managed to feed 0/5 or something.. and then left.. along with someone else feeding couriers..)
              We had another where SF and BS went dual mid.. And SF proceeded to feed 0/4/0 or so, but stopped when we started stomping (I went bot with slark :3) And eventually when we started stomping, the enemy weaver started feeding.. Rest of them were all where I'd go mid, and we'd just snowball to hell.. And Id still have teammates bitching at each other.

              ._. My point is, ranked is full of whiny lil morons. :D But that doesn't mean unranked is any better :/ Although unranked don't really whine as much imo. Atleast in my sub potato teir bracket ^^

              That's just my two cents. :D


                @dangdang, if the bad players relied on smurf stacking to inflate their MMR, they are probably in the 13-20 profile levels, so it confirms that the problem is that they dont belong in the MMR range.

                i'm more inclined to believe that most people have either accepted or resigned to fact that their rating has stabilised/stagnated so they can just not care and do whatever they like without affecting their MMR much. And even if it falls by afew hundred pts, they can climb back up if thats what they want.


                  @raziel Not sure about that, can't check for most of the players because they've turned on profile privacy (most older accounts I know turn this off).

                  @dangdang Nothing, which is why I think basing the minimum requirements for MMR on account levels is insufficient. My account level is 245, but that means jack shit about how good/bad I play.

                  @נαкє That Lifestealer got crushed by Timber, it wasn't really his fault. I still play at least 1 ranked solo game a day. If I get teamed with idiots, I go back to unranked; if I don't, I keep on playing (which is rarely the case). Most of the ranked games I play these days are with stacks from my guild.


                    also if you look at the match history of the dazzle in your first game, it doesnt look like someone with inflated MMR. could be he was just having a bad game or got pissed at his team for some reason?

                    have you observed other differences in ranked these days?

                    I've noticed alot more instapick pudges now, something that almost never happens in the earlier days or ranked.

                    Also more people fighting over mid lane, "i picked first", "i called first", "stfu", "gtfo"

                    And then alot of players just call gg very early in the game, even before a single t3 tower gets taken. All these I almost never see when ranked first came out


                      Story of my life:


                        maybe it's time to get some friends you nob


                          Ah, wow.. ._. But still.. 0/14/0 His teammates are probably not gonna say "Its not his fault" :3
                          And yea, I know that feel bruh q.q