General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with Invoker players?

How to deal with Invoker players? in General Discussion

    What heroes are best to deal with Invoker? I don't play Invoker, but I'm assuming that most players do the QW Invoker or the teamfight one whatever you want to call it.

    Ya know, the tornado into EMP invoker. What's the best way to deal with that and/or heroes, not mana needy heroes? lol idk what to pick



      you need to shutdown the qwoker during the laning stage

      its hard to gank him because of high ms/tornado/ghost walk, so pick a strong mid to rape him in lane (TA, OD)


        OD is the only hero I've been successful with against an Invoker. Spam your W and yell at your supports to level 1 gank him.

        OD most tower damage lol

        B O G I  S M U R F I N G

          Ember Spirit is very good vs Invo,Viper also, Od Also..Naix,Void etc.


            Void doesn't counter him at all. A chrono isn't exactly a counter. Ember also isn't that great, it's probably an even match up but if Invo burns all his mana whats he gonna do?


              OD. he completely destroys him mid


                The trick is to simply not let him get ahead. He's one of those heroes that are very powerful when fighting from ahead, but rather lackluster fighting from behind. Once you're in the team fight stage just do your best as a team to not stack up and/or do your best to pick him off prior to a team fight.

                And of course AM's ult is always hilarious to use on an invoker after they've done their combo. It's like setting off a miniature nuke~


                  Silencer, DP, Sky, OD
                  Rarely seen these heroes lose mid against Invoker. My favourite is Skywrath :D
                  But when i had a team i mostly just picked ganking supports like Alche to help out mid instead of directly countering him in 1v1 cuz the synergy is more important.

                  Jorges Sanz

                    Laning phase

                    1. Out lasthit Invoker with high base dmg heroes
                    2. Take heroes with high armour/regen. (nyx, DK)
                    3. Heroes with skills that can zone out. i.e. Acid Spray, astral, even SA with backstab. As long as you know how to avoid creepaggro/coldsnap
                    3b. Heroes that can benefit from rune control by zoning/pushing.

                    Generally isn't worth to commit multiple heroes on solo mid qwvoker unless you have foolproof instant disable and follow-up damage/chainstun. If not you'll just hit a brickwall with emp, nado , snap, and what not.


                      TA rapes invoker no matter what

                      @bogi ember owns invoker? LOOOL YOUR A FCKING TRASH GO UNINSTALL

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        He's slow at lvl one. Encourage supports to smoke gank lvl one. Visage/CM/Venge/Dunno if alch works anymore/ Veno/ Rubick are all very good at shutting him out. dual lane with lich works as well.


                          How about play your best hero instead of counter-picking that invoker? It's not like he is going to win the game alone.

                          Counter-pick something else or pick some blinkin' stun like slardar / centaur / sand king / nyx whatever to be useful against whatever they might have.


                            Last game of last night played against a QW invoker and took DP, Just focused on last hitting and getting a super fast bottle, then got to level 3 and just started spamming swarm(nuke). As long as you got good rune control or keep bottle crowing you should be pushing him out of lane with the nukes. Found that the easiest way to keep him from snowballing. Invokers kind of like to sit back and farm until you make a mistake where they can coldsnap combo kill you, so being aggressive on them I think is a sound solution. Just got to keep map awareness as being aggressive leaves you open to ganks.

                            Its border line unstoppable on the pro scene though at the moment so expecting a nerf in next patch. 400 mana drain at max level to 2 or 3 heroes is almost enough to end a team fight right then and there.

                            Utterly frustrating to go against a fed Voker, running around 450ms while invis and slowing you, throwing you in the air, draining all your mana, turning you into a sheep and then coldsnapping you. Bloodstone commit when I see white foot prints. LOL


                              Viper, TA, OD, ( maybe razor, perhaps? )


                                For invoker players:

                                I've found that taking exort at level 1 before transitioning into a WQ build helps quite a bit against TA. More last hit damage at level 1, and you get the early forge spirit which really helps in both scouting/denying runes and removing refraction charges.

                                But yeah, TA is a good choice against invoker mid. Apart from the laning stage, invoker has very low armor which makes TA hurt a lot


                                  Buy BKB + Linken + Orchid on every hero in team and watch Invoker ragequit. =)

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    You guys are assuming he will be a retarded Invoker and skill before seeing his lane. OD doesn't beat Q-E Invoker AT ALL. The real counter would be a hero that either counters his counter-initiate (lol) or a hero that completely shuts him down, be it in laning or throught the entire game. In mid there aren't many heroes that win vs him really, you need some help, by either securing runes or ganking him. You can't hope to do so well against a hero that has a 100 mana spell which takes away almost half your HP.


                                      i cant think of a hero i actually fear at mid, i just worry about ganks as invoker. if i see viper, i go qw and dont let him have mana to cast his Q, and if i see od i spam forge+coldsnap early on and he has to leave lane every time i do it to him. there are no heroes that fuck invoker's lane, only slightly annoying ones like orb walkers and gankers.


                                        ban him duhhhh :3

                                        Quick maffs

                                          How to deal with invoker players ? Flame them a lot


                                            How to counter invoker: Buy Orchid.