General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople even suck at playing tb

People even suck at playing tb in General Discussion

    people say TB is OP yet some people manage to be trash at him.

    its funny even the easiest of heroes require a brain to use

    Low Expectations

      Why is terrorblade OP?


        Are you seriously surprised about it?

        As in, genuinely surprised about it?

        Low Expectations

          Well besides the first day he came out I have only faced him a handful of times and most of it he just seemed as a strong pushing carry that can be repeled by a Kotl before 25 min mark. Then he is just a normal carry (dont take me wrong he is very strong but so are most carries). I think ember and lyctan are waay more OP and harder to shut down.


            No, I meant Darkness.

            Yeah, I used to be a non-beleiver too. Well, I still don't know if he's exactly OP, but my first experience with a TB in my last Rubick game told me that at least, yes, he's very strong.


              I mean why waste alot of early game potential to get an item like radiance on him? his illusions can kill jungle camps/push with stats items such as manta,skadi,etc that actually scale on his illusions

              -He is strong in teamfights
              -Strong at solo pushing
              -strong at late game

              yet people build him like a naga that mostly just rats

              tbh i myself dont think he is OP at all. He can be shutdown really easily. a slark just can ruin his early game to the point that he cant comeback
              ofc he has alot of laning potential with the right supports/timing etc but an aggro tri with 2 nukes shits on him like sven/lina/wd


                Why is TB OP?

                -Strong laning prescence. The damage output of Metamorphosis is ridiculous early game and the slow is nothing to laugh about.
                -Takes towers in 10 seconds if you leave the lane.
                -Extremely hard to gank

                Low Expectations

                  The same thing could be said about Dragon Knight


                    Dragon Knight doesn't push nearly as fast. Dragon Knight doesn't scale nearly as well with items. Dragon Knight doesn't have as strong of a laning phase. Dragon Knight also isn't nearly as hard to gank.


                      You can press manta twice while you metamorphosis, i found its pretty op.


                        Yeah, terrorblade at early game has 4 times the damage output of pretty much every similarly farmed carries.


                          because controlling two units is too hard for them


                            Level 1 slow is ridiculous. Clearly he will have a round of skill adjustments soon.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              I know you didn't try even once to try sending an agressive trilane against TB. TB is OP when and only when farmed. His laning presence is nothing compared to some other heroes. His damage is high, but Metamorphosis has a 140 sec cooldown, it's more like an ultimate. And extremely hard to gank? Really? If you guys can't manage to gank even a TB, you shouldn't even play this game.

                              Edit: OP is right though. People literally can't handle more than two units.


                                i think its a very fun hero to farm mmr


                                  well bloodseeker or invoker rekts terrorblade... tb is just piece of shit.. his illusions can be annoying but not if u have invoker in your team or bs

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    How do you think TB stacks up to naga?