General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would you offlane?

How would you offlane? in General Discussion

    There are two types of trilanes you primarily have to deal with.

    One that focuses on killing you, think CM, Jugger and Naga... or one that zones you like a Dazzle, Rubick and Faceless Void.

    I'm having problems with the second one. Say you fucked up and now the creep equilibrium is just in front of their tower range and the supports have forced you all the way back to your own tower. You're far out of of creep exp range and any attempt to get near means you get harassed a lot and have a high chance of being killed due to that harass. You could trade harass with the two supports but you know you won't kill them so it just drains your consumables.

    In a way you sort of achieve part of your job of keeping the supports there but clearly you're falling far behind in levels and farm. Say for example you're a level 3 Centaur or level 2 Timbersaw...

    What would you do against that Rubick and Dazzle?

    Hatsune Miku

      I would call for help


        stay alive


          You could try to sap exp, if they let creeps reach your tower.. however if they are double pulling and hard denying, and their pull camp is not blocked, and you cant even sap exp, then some offlaners just abandon the offlane and gank mid, or make plays elsewhere..
          Or so Ive heard :3


            Get a quelling blade and play with trees until youre in exp range

            or jungle


              jungle if you can jungle, and grab a tp to port once they push and get exp.

              otherwise just hug tower, and call supports to tp once they dive you with 3 waves and superior levels.

              what I do is try to kill supports. I just can't help it.


                If I play a hero I'm superconfident on like Mirana, I can play very aggressive and even grab up kills in the offlane because I know my strengths so well. When I reach lvl 2 and can't do anything in my lane, only feed, I can already be supereffective by ganking mid with 5sec stun. As I on average has 100% hitrate on Arrows I can often win 2 lanes for my team.

                If enemy has a weak duo lane in the safelane I can also win my offlane.

                If someone tries to trade hits with you/zone you out alone, just hit them some times and then you arrow and kill them. Keep in mind they might try to do some mindplays with you @dodging arrows, but just throw the arrow very fast so he cant move and oyu'll kill him eiykoasd.


                  Warding the enemy pull camp is the first step, always get a pooled ward or buy them yourself if no one bought them. Look up good places to block camps without getting dewarded, there are several very tricky spots you can abuse.
                  Beastmaster is pretty sick against these lanes, between Axes and Eagle he can really control a lane from a safe position.
                  Radiant offlane can pull the large creeps into the lane and get some exp that way.


                    ^I don't agree with this warding.

                    Warding a pullcamp doesn't really do much if they just deward it which happens in higher level games. With a ward to stop pulls you often get no good vision = very easy to gank you, and you have to play greedy in order to get exp as you don't know if supports are trying to wrap around.

                    This obviously applies if the carry freezes the lane and enemy isn't pushing.

                    When I'm playing offlane I usually put a ward, ehmhowtoexplain

                    Radiant offlane:


                    Same with Dire offlane, not in the spot that gives vision of rune, but at the same spot as the radiant offlane kinda. Close the 1tree that stand there u know.

                    It's at least the most optimal when I'm playing.


                      Go woods, gank, leech xp as much as possible, try pulling, blocking ur creeps, or just feed.


                        "^I don't agree with this warding.

                        Warding a pullcamp doesn't really do much if they just deward it which happens in higher level games. With a ward to stop pulls you often get no good vision = very easy to gank you, and you have to play greedy in order to get exp as you don't know if supports are trying to wrap around."
                        There are ways to place wards to block camps that can not be easily dewarded(specifically placing it directly into the trees). Also, you never block camps with observers.


                          max return
                          1 hoof, lvls in dbl edge are situational
                          if you think u can trade off hits and secure a kill then add to it
                          if you think u can't handle the HP loss on top of the harass, then id prefer stats

                          if they dont leave the lane

                          build tranqs, heal intermittently

                          if they leave the lane

                          build str treads > roh > either vang or hood > blink

                          as for timber

                          at least 2 points in reactive
                          always a stout
                          i think pMS is highly underrated on str heroes
                          perhaps 2 sets of tangos if necessary
                          1 or 2 points in whirl
                          max chain or put more points in reactive if i'm taking too much harass

                          u can trade off hits with their supports and force their carry to feel obligated to help them
                          which makes him lose out on potential cs

                          u want to make dat carry worry about his supports (;


                            "Warding a pullcamp doesn't really do much if they just deward it which happens in higher level games."
                            Which is why you have to be tricky about where you ward the camp.
                            The OP is talking about solo against trilane that has the ability to kill you if you try to interrupt a pull. It's best that they aren't able to pull at all so that you can safely stay in exp range.


                              if you force both supports to be pushing you away 100% of their time then you are doing your job


                                @Dipshit, then I really wonder why Na'Vi and Alliance and DK and what not uses Observers to block camps. Too much bullshit going around here.

                                Dont listen to this guy ßΣτᕆĦ©•Dαßßiπgφ

                                Apparently from what I read he said you should get vang or hood before you build blink.

                                Blink is what makes centaur the online beast of beast so the thing is getting in asap.

                                Starting items: Boots, Branch x1, Tango. Can also buy a salve instead if your team pulls you tangoes.

                                Then get tranquils into blink.


                                  "@Dipshit, then I really wonder why Na'Vi and Alliance and DK and what not uses Observers to block camps. Too much bullshit going around here."
                                  'You can not apply what pros do in tournaments to pubs'. If you're specifically using it for vision then go for it, but if you're just looking to block the camp and don't care for the vision, then you sentry the trees.


                                    Depends on where you put the ward. If you are blocking radiant pull camp, there are many spots that observers really do work in. On dire, there are less spots but they still give good vision. If you plan to place a ward inside trees, then use a sentry.


                                      lol dangdang

                                      the thing is
                                      you don't ALWAYS have to go a certain build just because it's in the recommended or suggested item guide

                                      and i didn't specify what you would get first, i simply said i would build roh into VG or hood most of the time

                                      if you have someone else to initiate for you then that's even more incentive to not go blink right away


                                        Depends on the hero you are. If you're zoned completely and have jungle capabilities, try jungling for a couple levels. Still keep an eye on your lane incase they try to push your tower down. Gank a lane if you can. Camp a runefor your mid if its necessary. Stack if someone on your team could use it. Just do anything.

                                        If you're completely zoned out there's nothing worse than dieing or standing in lane getting nothing accomplished.


                                          secure the runes, force them to put attention to you all the time preventing them from pulling and finally block every one of your waves, keep showing yourself as to prevent ganks on other lanes and keep being an ass...the more they invest on you not getting akill, the safer other lanes are gonna be. just dont care about the carry at all, unless he farms 20+ min he cant solo a 3-4-5 man gank


                                            and remember! the easier their carry ahs it on lane, the more prone he is to eat those ganks and make a risky build


                                              tower hug

                                              as an offlaner also what i can suggest you is:

                                              1. Priority is not die, if you think they will overextend you just say to your team to bring tele and prepare if they dive your tower
                                              2. Tower hug, no matter how good your enemy is. Every 1 minute the lane will get push and you will get exp and gold (if you can try to hit the creep)
                                              3. Centa can clear medium camp so fast, if you think you cant get exp at all just rotate at minute 2:20 > go to medium camp> stack > get tranquil> and tower hug again.

                                              Jorges Sanz

                                                Warding to block camps on the off-lane generally depends on which side you're facing against. Its much harder to deward on the radiant pull camp compared to dire pull camps. Though it is generally a safer option not to block the camp at all and just leave an obs for partial vision to leech xp and get ideal positioning.


                                                  I agree with flop

                                                  Tower hug

                                                  Tower hug

                                                  Tower hug

                                                  Its the best way to offlane when they have a defensive tri lane. I obviously fall in the pit of "oh i can take it no problem i can absorb xp that close... nope! Snag and die, then you have officially lost the game for your team.

                                                  I like benao's advice too. Secure runes. If its that far pulled back to their tower then go secure a rune. It's not like you're going to do anything besides hug a tower anyways.

                                                  I would also suggest maybe... backing up from tier 1 then creep blocking a bit so it draws the lane creeps closer to your tower? May as well if its that far pushed back.

                                                  P.S. I hate playing offlane centaur. YUCK :( My stats are 65% with centaur and the losses are from solo offlaning mostly. I suck at it with him. He needs to be a tank/init. and being a starved little centaur does nothing for you. I prefer playing him as a 2/1/2 or normal setup. I prefer safer offlaners like dark seer or timber since centaur has no real escape, or gathering gold like those two if you're up against a tri lane setup.

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