General Discussion

General DiscussionKing of the Trench

King of the Trench in General Discussion

    I have claimed the Cyka Throne.


      Skadi and SnY in the same build? That doesn't synergy at all considering SnY as an early game item and Skadi usual late. How terrible are you?

      waku waku

        and you did not even at least get manta style with radiance on top of such stat boosting items


          Why are they so bad together? The slows stack, and after Butterfly it's the best item for +agi (aside from Eblade which is terrible on him). Plus I needed some more survivability and didn't have an orb yet. What should I have gotten instead?

          Toxin: It's not like I rushed Skadi. It was the last item I built. Radiance is bad on BS anyways. Doesn't give him much compared to +agi items because of his Q buff.


            Im not a fan of skadi on bs, there are better items to get like ac, daedalus, abyssal


              Your build is definitly fine dacheat, I woulda personnaly went for a tarasque, considering enemy team was full of no physical damage apart from naix, which you obviously owned very hard.

              But people really understimated the double slow effect, which is sooooo strong when you win, not to mention that skady is the tankiest item of the game, when it comes to damage from both magical and physical source.

              Edit: i personnaly like also to play him a bit more offensiv, but here, considering the slow he had + mkb, he didn't ned abysall, i guess daedalus was a perfect last item choice here.


                ^bkb overrated against magic


                  Daedalus is a great item on him, but I wanted to make sure they couldn't burst me down during SK's stun (their only reliable stun (yay AR)). I knew if they didn't kill me during the stun I could pretty much 1v5 their team. I got the MKB to counter Tinker's laser miss chance and obviously for the interrupt.

                  If the game had kept going I probably would have gotten Abyssal or Daedalus for the 6th item.

                  BKB on Bloodseeker IMO should really only be gotten if the other team just has ridiculous lockdown. It's not great on BS lategame because it dispels his Q buff.


                    What I wrote was a obvious joke I guess. Your build is fine, and after the buff to movespeed on BS makes Skadi better on him.
                    Stacking SnY and Skadi is very nice aswell, and what Matrice said is pretty accurate.

                    Bet it was fun to stomp them :-)


                      Lol we really need like a designated sarcasm font or something.

                      It was a fun stomp. Lots of funny situations.


                        Spoke a little too soon on the BKB thing I guess.

                        6.81 Patch Notes: Bloodrage can no longer be dispelled


                          i have no king


                            Bloodseeker might actually be viable in 6.81. The big baddies about BS is that he cant buff his dmg while using bkb thus bkb being a kinda bad item on him. However, this ability works almost like doom in 6.81, thats fckin amazing boys. Also you can buff your damage and still use bkb without removing ur bonus damage. Preddy good huh?

                            I've tested a lot of the most interesting changes already, I really like how the Tusk work now and his combo feels so much smoother as u can cast spells like ice shards while snowballing. (before u start rolling though).

                            BLOODSEEKER FOR PRESIDENT 6.81!


                              I feel like he's a good counter to OD mid, but we don't see OD mid as much anymore.

                              The BKB buff is huge though. I think he's definitely going to see some play this patch. His damage output once he gets his Q maxed is crazy even without many items, and he's really hard to shut down mid if he has a quelling blade. You can gank him, but he can easily transition to the jungle and let a support or someone soak up XP mid.

                              Treads > Aquila > S&Y > BKB is probably the way to go now.


                                ^I actually love seeker :3 (One of my absolute fav heros ^^)
                                And hes gotten buffed sooo much :D Like.. this would be idk, the 6th buff in a row or something.. (Idk maybe, didnt really check :D)
                                He's fairly good against some mid laners, like puck, OD, Qop, etc.

                                Till recently, Id never make blademail on him, but I tried it a lil while back, and now its like my fav item on him.. Mostly cuz if they choose to focus you, a lot of their hps will drop, and you can even get an easy kill on a few aoe supports or those who chose to cast their shit on you :3.. And if they choose not to focus you while you have blade on, you get time to bash their skulls in :3
                                It gives you some raw damage, a bit of armour and some mana to help support your bloodrage/ruptures a bit in the early-mid game

                                And idk, I prefer phase on him.. Free pathing with his obscene ms is awesome :D (and it lets your ms go even higher, since there isnt an ms cap.)

                                Quick maffs

                                  Fuck invoker

                                  he buys bkb ? still fuck invoker


                                    If Weaver and Timbersaw were more prevalent in 6.80 I think Bloodseeker would have started seeing some pickups to counter them. Now with the buff to BKB on him I think he can be a decent pickup.

                                    Also I just set a new lasthits/minute record woo!


                                    I always feel bad asking for ricing carries in ranked games (kinda like being that guy in a pickup basketball game that just shoots every time he gets the ball), but if I can get a decent lane I usually do well on them. That's mainly why I play AR. To absolve myself of the pressure of picking a hero. Is that bad?

                                    Heck, even if I don't get much support (Gyro was challenging my lasthits) I can do well on them.

                                    EDIT: Well I've gotten a lot better at farming since I last played AM:


                                      Congratulation Dacheat for hitting a new record. The record is still not good, but you should be happy for improving. One day you might hit 10lasthit a minute or even higher.

                                      You're very cute.


                                        Thanks. It could definitely be way better though. I got a pretty late battlefury (like 18 minutes) because of a combination of lag and Gyro trying to take my lasthits. And of course I just straight-up missed a bunch that I should have gotten.

                                        And yes I am adorable.


                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!