General Discussion

General Discussion6.81 NOTES ARE OUT

6.81 NOTES ARE OUT in General Discussion


    Base agility reduced from 22 to 18


      New meta, disruptor /lich or

      Lich/ void, or lich/magnus...


        Those cheeky Svens buffs they are adding every patch..


          kotol agha + balanar agha, who needs wards now lol

          Poison Touch no longer causes a ministun :'(

          Quick maffs

            little buff to bh, sampson is going be happy :P


              Wohooo! Jakiro gets buffed!!! Not much though, but buff is buff! :D

              About aghanim, I think would be more useful if macropyre would do damage to buildings. Increased duration does not mean anything and increased range is good only if you ulti to melt the creep wave when defending towers.


                dude, 100% increased duration + 1800 range does not mean anything?
                cd 60 !


                  cast macropyre, enjoy you marche of machine #2


                    the duration doesn't matter. ur chronosphere/kinetic field is not gonna last more than 7 seconds. if your cc does and the ppl aren't dead ur doing something wrong


                      You don't get a 4200 item on a support hero for extra aoe of a skill that usually does no damage to heroes. But might be good for clearing trees when chasing blinkers I guess. And for rosh fights.

                      Quick maffs

                        Is good against pushes, but still is 4200 gold ....

                        The ice armor on buildings seems nice and omni 10 seconds ulti too

                        btw abaddon with aghs might be really good, 7 seconds and you can protect allies for 35 % of damage


                          Feeder venge, new meta! Initate with a death, win the fight lol


                            lich mid incomming


                              I'd rather have had a MS buff than a base dmg buff on Sven tbh. Also, Abaddon's Scepter is now an effective -35% dmg reduction AoE while active.


                                i swear to god

                                i called this out before it happened


                                Agility growth increased from 2.1 to 3.0

                                Quick maffs

                                  I think you actually did :P


                                    Agha Kotl !

                                    Vanity  ツ

                                      Time to cast burning spears and lifesteal at the same time <3


                                        dorkly confirmed


                                        anyone else think fury swipes and spears not being uam's anymore is a lil op?

                                        Vanity  ツ

                                          Also, the broodmother buff is preposterous. I thought we were over this era.


                                            I think the Broodmother buff is understandable. Unlimited treewalking was too good. Treewalking canceled by truesight was too bad. And hey, Blink is pretty balanced; let's try that.

                                            I'm still not looking forward to seeing that fucking spider in pubs again. Fuck that hero.


                                              HOLY FUCK HUSKAR


                                                Fury Swipes is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Wish you could lifesteal the burning damage from spears :( that would be sick


                                                    Huskar now lifesteal + arrows at same time , lmao much mask of madness huskars incoming. Brood gonna be mega op Ulti is sick now and he is almost same strong as 6.79 brood. Tb and Ember big nerfs those heroes now gonna be shit


                                                      Also you can fuckyourself with Bkb vs Lina ulti now,going though bkb..


                                                        Captain obvious on the Lina remark. Not sure brood is gonna be mega op. But i'm sure you'll abuse her nonetheless, the ember nerfs actually aren't that bad IMO.


                                                          Guiri , Brood probably more op than 6.79 version for my style offlaning without spiders. For mine and Ingeenab style this brood is perfect. Probably I ll get very high mmr if I gonna play all the time Brood. Yes Ember gonna be shit man, you ll see that 40 dmg difference at early game is huge trust me huge..maybe dont seem like it but it is. They nerfed from 6.79 to 6.80 slark pounce dmg from 280 to 240 dmg and that difference is huge for slark early game thats why slark is now much weaker than before and if hero do not have perfect start and farm hero is total trash and cant kill anyone.


                                                            why shall i show mercy


                                                              Naaaa, the damage early from Ember came from his shield not from his sleight of fist, the sleight is only super strong at max level when you have at least one of deso or crit. For this purpose, it's barely changed. Look at my ember, then look at yours.

                                                              I'll believe you on the brood as I've never touched that hero.


                                                                morbid mask fuzzy wuzzy roshan yeeeee

                                                                is vs gonna be like a new necro warrior. don't kill it, touch it and let the creeps/tower kill it

                                                                windrunner aghs carry now legit? free maximum AS.

                                                                zeus best dewarder

                                                                silencer now carry with 3.0 agi growth? sadly 22.5 more AS and 3 more armor at level 25 is like, wat. agi such a shit stat for non-carries

                                                                max shadowstrike before scream of pain? reasonable?

                                                                i still don't get the naga nerfs


                                                                  Totally going to main carry Lina.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    You need to get at least 3 lvl´s of Q now with ember.

                                                                    I think this is a nerf to flame guard ember if you think about it, 1 seconds stun so shitty.


                                                                      its either 2 lvls or 4

                                                                      for the 2 sec or 3 sec

                                                                      too bad ): ember nerf was inevitable


                                                                        ya, but i'm still 100% convinced the shield is the most op part of that hero. sure any nerf will knock him back, but my 2 cents is that they could have slashed the sheild values in half and added 1 second to all sleight of fist times and he would have been fine


                                                                          shiet im gonna rosh on lvl 3 now


                                                                            the -40 damage for ember fist is nothing. playing qw ember is horrible considering W is a late-game based spell, less tankiness, less wave clearing potential, less surviability as opposed to flameguard.


                                                                              How can bogi win dota now in 6.81? Road to 2k confirmed?


                                                                                You max Sleight for the cooldown reduction to do the Chains combo more and kill more people. It's the go-to build in professional games, though people will sometimes put 2 early points into flame guard if they're up against something with a lot of magic harass.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  flame guard is for the shit ember players who dont know how to disjoint spells with fist

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Still i dont think you can disjoint all the time in some moment they will hit you, but the thing is this nerf fucks the damage of Q-W ( - 40 damage on the combo ) and fucks flame guard ember ( 1 seconds chain ? you need more time on that in another words at least 2 points ).

                                                                                    His mid game is nerfed but his late game is the same same same.

                                                                                    ( Maybe 2-1-2 ? )

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      same build you just need to wait a bit longer (lv 7). Might go flameguard for safe lane ember now tho

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        meh ...

                                                                                        btw i think people is overrating the huskar buff, he is going to have the same problems as always.

                                                                                        He just need his armor back :(

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          I tested it out its a pretty decent buff

                                                                                          did treads > HoTD > S/Y > satanic

                                                                                          worked fairly well will do some more testing later


                                                                                            dat brood change looks like a personal gift from icefrog to ingenaab


                                                                                              ^ And for me 2


                                                                                                Bogi already started practicing Brood, so far so good =)


                                                                                                  First Lion now Kotl and Lich

                                                                                                  they keep giving pub supports more reasons to skip wards and build gimmicky ags crap

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Huskar attacks so fast as low life, getting some lifesteal on him is pretty huge while still stacking your arrows.

                                                                                                    But the lich ult JESUS CHRIST. This is the most unbalanced shit ever.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!