General Discussion

General DiscussionLack of impact

Lack of impact in General Discussion

    Well, i usually play mid and often I win my lane, bbut sometimes I end up lacking more relevance in the game. I can do my shit and even kill one or two during a fight, but thats it. Also, i intend to pick a lot of TA from now on, cause i wanna improve on the hero. I feel like i always win my lane but i cant really kill anyone solo until lv6 (if enemy has no blink) or until i catch a haste rune. Any tips on that? In my hracket supports dont gank mid lane even if I ask, so I really need some tips on killing someone solo with TA, or to knoe that its a hero limitation and he is really rune depedant. And I wwould like some tips to achieve higher impact. I usually dont gank sidelanes when i dont have a good rune or when i know i wont get the kill. Should i gank anyway? For atleast nake the enemies retreat, or should i focus on farning mid? Thats it, sry bout the wall of text here but i cant really format the text from my phone. Thanks in advance


      A good TA will net 6-7 creeps per minute against common pub mids (Storm, Puck, random trash hero like Ember/Drow).

      Thats all you need. Gold and exp.

      If you don't understand why then I find it difficult to explain. TA level 6 is a ganking beast. Unless your teammates are downright idiots who don't throw their spells even after you initiate with your ulti slow + melt + refract, then your enemies are bad enough that you can do it without teammates.


        ^What he said, you can use 2 refractions (use 1 before you go in) and 2 traps in most ganks which will give you plenty of time and survivability to kill the enemies with little to no help from allies and just phase boots. If you happen to die in lane what I like to do is tp to a side lane and get an easy gank, they won't expect it 90% of the time and only costs 135g and like 30 seconds to go back to lane. After you have blink dagger you can pretty much kill anyone who doesn't have some kind of good escape or survivability but of course this might not work against multiple enemies unless they're not communicating.

        Ganking the side lanes works really well with TA in lower brackets (I'd say sub 4k) and you can just snowball out of control but make sure you kill their mid and carry more than just supports.


          Yea like I said i manage to win my lane. I outcs the enemy and i get lvl advantage. But is kinda impossible for TA to kill before lv6? With traps its very ez if the enemy has no blink, just trap meld and gg. But its hard to rely on my teammates for ganking purposes cause I say "ok im ganking top", then they push the hell out of the lane so the enemy hugs the tower and the gank fails

          but do you think i should leave lane just for certain kill ganks or i should keep roaming in order to make enemies retreat and play more carefully? i usually do the first, so I might have the money if everything else fails


            Well before level 6, as TA, most of your laning kills will come from enemies trying to kill you and making mistakes. Harass them out of lane with psi blade splashes, its definitely good enough.

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