General Discussion

General DiscussionI need someone to help me

I need someone to help me in General Discussion

    I'm a defensive player and to get out of this shit pool that this account has been put in I need someone to explain or show an example of how to be extremely aggressive. People are throwing left and right, they make stupid engagements and I spend too much time deciding whether to help them or not. I usually choose to not help any of them unless they push past a tower or its a kill in my reach but there is still a falling out about it and they ping me like crazy cause I'm not reacting to them when I have 0 trust with people in that skill pool. They are there to have fun and I'm there to get out.

    I feel I am better than those people and I can get out but I'm a kinesthetic learner and I need to see it happen so I approach it hands on and replicate what is right in my mind. people in 3k know how to play, but they don't know how to win and I need that re-established cause these games are way harder than I thought. From keeping my cool, to not trying to perform a chain stun with them, to areas around the map. I really need to find how to 1v9 technically. The biggest enemies I have are my teammates and I need a precise course of action in order to do that every game and completely ignore the people around me.


      Pick slark, get a friend to Pick Abbadon, dive T3s at level 3.


        Needs to be solo, my party is fine its at 4500 but I'm having trouble filtering the Doodoo which is the 3k community to get out my solo rating. I lost my last game with slark cause the warlock in my lane harassed my farm and fed the kunka and treant while being out of position. He went 0 and 12 and it didn't faze him one bit that he did some horrible mistake.


          still pick slark still dive t3s at level 3


            pick sniper and assassinate them so you don't have to run past the tower


              I usually hear these suggestions a lot, but I think I need to see it happen. Does anyone have a replay of someone snowballing out of control in a shitty 3k pool where the teammates are doing awful and or feeding on purpose?


                look @ any of my slark games

                its either pure rape wins

                or being thrown by retards and lost at lategame cuz they as bad as potato


                  Whats your rating?


                    I'm not just looking for a normal stomp though. Id like to see someone win regardless if they had a teammate that was being facetious. Maybe even afking or hiding items. Just absolutely shitty teammates and someone pull it off. I can win those games where i have okay teammates and i snowball cause then they share the kills and help and snowball themselves.

                    Also that replay expired.


                      You will never reach vaikiss rating hael. That's how high it is. Now go watch his replay


                        its 5.5 - 6k

                        King of Low Prio

                          how long til Hael buys a new account after he realizes he will be stuck in 3k forever


                            Don't be mean sam. He has the skill to reach there. He clearly says so.


                              am I doing a good job so far?


                                SnY if u can get it early.


                                  > I'm a defensive player
                                  > Slark picks on previous acc
                                  > Not buying acc
                                  > Slark defensive


                                    I'm a defensive player as in I'm better at defensive games. I can play aggressive and I love slark and mirana and some other but I find biding time and doing smart plays is better.

                                    However, what I really need help with is playing behind and what to do when I get a shitty 3k lane. 1 slark game I was against a trilane with 3 disables and I had no support. I was getting a few last hits every couple of minutes. being slark you could dodge them but it was hurting my farm. So I need to know what to do in those situations.


                                      ^ first off slark needs minimum farm. At level 8 you can ez kill supports and snowball from there and also he is not an offensive hero. Even a slark should play smart. If the first thing you do when joining a fight is ulting you suck. Also you should not be even in middle of the fight unless you are cleaning up/manfighting. Use pounce to get in and out of the fight to get full HP asap. And dont buy shitty blade slark needs stats

                                      After alot of experimenting the best slark build i managed to build: Treads,drums/aquila,sSnY,basher or skadi rush depending on enemy heroes,bfly

                                      PPS: STOP BUILDING SHADOWBLADE FFS

                                      1st class tourist

                                        Can't get worse than my 1.8k mmr, fucking hell.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          if you get a 3k shitty lane you get 3k shitty opponents


                                            Another in theory response from sampson.

                                            I love going treads, drum on slark I usually just go shadow blade if I'm extremely far ahead.

                                            King of Low Prio


                                              so are you getting 5k opponents?


                                                I have before actually and I usually get 4k on the other team not 3k.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  your whole team is 3k and the other team is 4k, you should report this bug to valve


                                                    I'm just saying 3k in general. I'm high 3k so I sometimes get low 4ks and if I queue for too long I sometimes get some random 5k.

                                                    I don't know why it matters what "K" they are, I'm just talking about winning the game.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I have never once gotten a 5k MM player playing on US E at 4k MM solo que. Link match because you are known to talk out of your ass. Nobody can help you when you lie every second word.....


                                                        I think it was Fear while streaming that he got matched up with a 4.6k mmr teammate (being 5.5+k himself). Of course, the enemy team got a 4.6k mmr too, so things were "even".

                                                        Sniper and bs feeding early game.
                                                        Jungle Doom AFK farmed the whole game. Even 4v5 Riki and I snowballed and made WK rq.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          4.6k =/ >4k

                                                          the reason why 5.5k+ players get matched with 4.5k~ players is because there is a lack of 6k MM players in the que system

                                                          this is not the case for people in 3k where there are thousands of people in the que at any given time


                                                            looks like slark is doin the trick


                                                              you obviously do not play at the time i do sampson.


                                                                No 4k player queues with 6k's, they queue with you.


                                                                  Hey buddy
                                                                  you may try to watch Juice's games while he was proving elo hell doesnt exist

                                                                  basically he took a 2500MMR account to 5400 rating, achieving 88% winrate in the period. He went from 2500-3500 in a 34 win streak or something like that, can't remember the exact numbers.

                                                                  Basically he picked Storm, Viper, Ember, Slark and sometimes Wraith King. If I remember right.


                                                                  Here is his Q&A. Basically he picked heroes that are independent from their team and are strong during all game, like the exemples I just gave.

                                                                  but as slark if you want to snowball hard in shit tier you should be building shadow blade. get in invisible (or just jump into them and use it as an escape + ulti), hit, W, Q and it's pretty much over. If everything goes wrong just R and get away ez.

                                                                  Dunno if it works in higher brackets but its pretty legit on lowers one. Dendi does this aswell, but he is always trolling so idk if its legit or not, but im quite sure that i've seen SB in pro scene


                                                                    SB has such a snowball potential on Slark cause it may fit as an initiation tool if the team has no sentry (which is common in shit tier as ppl don't really try to counter heroes that aren't obviously invisible [BH, Riki, Clinkz, etc]), or a second ulti. It brings more to the table than drums imho if you are in a shit tier (as i am)


                                                                      ITT need help playing slark

                                                                      ICE SKULL
                                                                        ICE SKULL
                                                                          ICE SKULL
                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                                i saw those comments lol, u were complaining about 4k players taking carry/mid and losing u the games



                                                                                  also u give volvo too much credit for supposedly putting players with low hero dmg/tower dmg on ur team just because you have high hero/tower dmg from previous games, it's more like poker where you sometimes get dealt shitty hands and have to carry some neanderthals to win

                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                    yeah man dont queue past 1 am in eu

                                                                                    its 4k mmr timezone


                                                                                      What is your name a reference of? ^


                                                                                        as much as i would like to i don't have the privilege of complaining about 4k shitters (yet...)

                                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                                          so hael is getting boosted by a person i know

                                                                                          anyone wanna take bets on how much hael is paying?


                                                                                            Is your name an APB reference?


                                                                                              5 keys per 25 mmr seems reasonable



                                                                                                Both this guys and swiftendings "experiments" while impressive are kinda bullshit.

                                                                                                Lets do a theoretical experiment. I take the place of a 10yo in a football league and I proceed to play for him as a seasoned player and hand him the trophy at the end and go "that was easy, why can't you do it". The fact remains that a 5-6k player will easily be able to play accounts back up to their personal MMR and the reason why people complain about ELO hell is that they are 4K players who lack either the judgement or play skill to make it any higher.


                                                                                                  i don't get what ur trying to say - if ur better than ur rating suggests u should be able to win > 50% of ur games and move upwards.

                                                                                                  sometimes it takes a long time because of trolls/feeders/etc. (and trust me i know how bad it feels when someone deliberately feeds courier and does other shit that makes you want to murder them) but once u play enough games u can factor these out.

                                                                                                  as for me, i'm 5195 party and 4550 solo right now. i have a pretty bad attitude in solo q pubs while i tend to rage less in party queue (less morale destruction), and i also play on a tilt after 2-3 losses resulting in more losses in solo q (vicious cycle of losses). i'm sure i can hit 5k solo if i played my best consistently for a few weeks, didn't rage at teammates at the slightest mistake, and stopped playing after losing a few games in a row (things i have never done).

                                                                                                  i'd say the mmr system is pretty accurate cuz every time i get thrown into a game where there are 5.5k+ players on both teams, i can't keep up with the pace of the game and more often than not become a burden by dying too much/not being efficient/etc. and when the game is full of sub 5k players it's pretty easy to win (or at least get a decent score/hero dmg even if i'm on the losing team).

                                                                                                  i can see why u might be upset at having really shitty teammates sometimes but i don't see what this has to do with how their experiments are invalid. on the other hand, there's no evidence of someone ever being "stuck" at a low rating despite being good, even if reaching their original rating means having to deal with a ton of retards along the way.


                                                                                                    this is also a bit random but sub 5k invoker pickers seriously need to get brain cancer, all they do is press 2 buttons to drain ur allies' mana cuz the monkeys on ur team don't know how to position themselves properly


                                                                                                      Well it takes will power, you have to want to win. If you really want to win a game you can though sometimes winning is impossible you can at least win a majority of games if you are determined to doing what it takes to winning your game and this includes coordination building with your team mates.

                                                                                                      Take this shambles of a game earth spirit randomed and had never played earth before and proceeded to take him safe lane and farm him which for obvious reason didn't turn out so good but we really worked hard together and after a time actually managed to nearly get the win but got ratted out by an invoker at the last minute. (a qw invoker nonetheless :P)

                                                                                                      I actually kinda miss being a lot lower than I am now where the games were less skilled but a lot more wild and crazy and some fun games were had. Now it is mirana/invoker/lycan/dazzle almost every game and while its not always that bad it tends to take a lot of the fun out of the game and saddens me greatly.

                                                                                                      Still hard games are still fun and overall I think matches have been going quite well for me even though I dip in and out of wins and losses due to just churning out game after game.

                                                                                                      EDIT: I am actually surprised to have won so much given that like before I am primarily queuing with 3k players.
