General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some weird builds that have extremely HIGH success in pubs?

What are some weird builds that have extremely HIGH success in pubs? in General Discussion

    > Might as well feed the ancients.

    No... not really. Armlet... attack speed, armor, damage, burst of HP. The item, though used effectively with his ultimate in the troll strategy, gives other valuable things. It's not the most cost effective item for those things, but other items also don't enable the sometimes powerful troll strategy. Another aspect is that armlet str goes to illusions without the unholy HP drain. Before making an illusion, pop your armlet on for an extra tanky army.

    I have seen a 5.5k player use this strategy and win his game. It's obviously not as certain/safe as other builds, but it's nothing like feeding the ancients.


      i present you the tinker furion. midas is optional.
      -dagon 5


        WK's slow buff to ultimate is game breaking.

        Its the entire reason for Hailrake's success. It has nothing to do with popularity regarding this one. He's good.


          I would say it is a substantial buff but not really that gamebreaking.

          Slow increased from 50% to 75%.
          Slow duration increased from 4 to 5.

          50% slow is already big enough to drag people enough so that they can't position well. I'm sure 75% will do more but if the person doesn't have a movement spell it's not going to change that much.

          EDIT: Actually, you're write, because I missed the previous version's buff.

          Slow increased from 30% to 50%.
          Slow AoE increased from 700 to 900.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Dagon 5-EB BH.

            Quick maffs

              Zenoth how did hailrake deal with counter picks like Wex invoker, Lion, etc ? Even with drums and blademail i still can get out of mana

              Dire Wolf

                These aren't that crazy but I often delay more than 1 pt in frost armor on lich. I find extra stats to be better.

                Same with jug, after Q a couple levels into stats helps his mana and general early stat issues a lot. At that lvl his heal ward might not be useful yet since you aren't pushing and his crit won't do much dmg. Easy to spec those up after 6.

                And then some consider my Doom build weird cus I build halberd on him every game. I just think everything it gives suits Doom perfectly, my normal build is midas, phast, vlads, halberd.

                casual gamer

                  @Dork you buy a magic wand and pop it before you die. The only real dangerous counter is Lion IMO


                    I play weirdish builds on Bloodseeker and Wraith King to over 60% win percentages respectively.

                    BS - Solo mid - rush force staff(have to get in like 6-9 minutes) - treads - mom - blademail - optional

                    WK - Usually short lane - Treads - Armlet - Heart - Deso (BKB, AC, Blink, Force)


                      Just played this shit without raze

                      and i didnt like it...

                      Dire Wolf

                        Oh hell no I would never delay bkb on WK for a heart, not unless their team had literally no magic disables.

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