General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck does PL have a negative winrate

How the fuck does PL have a negative winrate in General Discussion
Hafla Enjoyer

    Did he lose his bullshit touch?


      because he is not op


        He hasn't had a change for quite a long time. And drop from 50.05 to 49.96 is not really a thing.

        Hafla Enjoyer

          That's an other issue: why isn't his winrate extremely high? Like necrophos's? I mean, PL is clearly more broken than necro. I think.


            since pl needs like 3-4 items to start ibeing usefull


              the winrate depends on the avg pub player! pl needs lots of farm and the avg pubber tries to teamfight with that pl... so, u can guess the reason of low winrate. And Necrophos just wrecks pubs with his aura and heal+damage. Not to forget that op ult!


                just get Dust

                Hafla Enjoyer

                  I don't believe people are that stupid. Also void does have a decent winrate.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Void is not countered by a single item (dust). Void isn't countered by any items actually since his ult goes through bkb.


                      necro's way easier to play. majority of players aren't good / only average at this game. therefore the majority of data of a hero is the data of those average players.

                      for those players, playing necro instead of PL will let them have a much bigger impact for the same amount of effort since necro's skill floor is lower. you can have a large impact just by ulting people, spamming your heal and even standing near a fight deals damage.


                        void is countered by ghost scepter / e-blade or disables if he doesn't have bkb, just anything to reduce the amount of time he can utilise chronosphere like euls


                          Both PL and void are countered by being owned from the beginning in lane and raping their whole team generally because they suck early-game . PL is not a threat until he gets heart. After that it's much harder to bring his pushes down.

                          Hafla Enjoyer

                            PL is not countered by dust. A smart PL would just farm the jungle while keeping his illusions push. But from what you all say the majority of people can't play him right (though it's not that complicated) thus won't do it.


                              void starts being useful at level 6, pl is completely useless until he gets at least diffusal


                                void starts being useful at level6 if he has a fucking team, either way he will chronosphere enemies for 5 secs and will have nothing to do inside that ball cause you cant dish out good amount of dmg early on


                                  You can if he maxes bash first and gets mask. If you see Void maxing Backtrack you shouldn't expect much from him.

                                  no dice

                                    Because pub KotLs illuminate creeps all day, instead of Chakraing PL all day.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      "void is countered by ghost scepter / e-blade or disables if he doesn't have bkb, just anything to reduce the amount of time he can utilise chronosphere like euls"

                                      Not if he catches the heroes with those items in the chrono.

                                      "PL is not countered by dust. A smart PL would just farm the jungle while keeping his illusions push. But from what you all say the majority of people can't play him right (though it's not that complicated) thus won't do it."

                                      Most PL's dont' know how to do this and I meant dust in lane really, kill him early when he is weak. Void's escape is much better if enemy is committed to dust.


                                        ok so magnus has no counter either if he just catches everyone in RP, same with warlock, literally uncounterable OP heroes. pls nerf. having a BKB piercing, aoe disable doesn't make the hero uncounterable, only the disable itself when a unit is affected by it.

                                        if you're now bringing other factors into play, which you are, then void is counterable.

                                        void's time walk has travel time and chronosphere has a cast animation, items do not. euls or ghosting before you get chronoed is easily possible, even if void was going to catch you on the edge of chrono, you could blink past the other side of it, and spreading out because you're against a void is obviously going to happen.

                                        void is definitely counterable even with a BKB, and that's through positioning, which if you're gonna try and argue that PL is countered by a cheap item, plus ignore the fact he can counter one of his counters, positioning is free.

                                        cherrypicking is basically what you're doing.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Yes I am cherrypicking but my argument is it's easier to counter PL than void which I don't think is wrong. Is void really stronger late game? Not particularly, with both it's about beating them early, it seems easier to beat PL early than void. Or maybe people are just worse with PL too.


                                            Wow, every fucking argument you guys have are fucking retarded. How long have you even played dota? Fucking sad. Stop posting if you dont really understand the game. Your all 4k mmr players but ur acting like you created dota and played it for XX years, you might now how to lasthit and pull the creeps bfore the 30 mark. But every fucking comment your typing is so retarded. Go back to your lowskill bracket and stop posting shit, like really.
                                            Isnt there a limit of how stupid people can be?


                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!