General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with match Analysis.

Help with match Analysis. in General Discussion

    Hi I have recently been gaining mmr by playing hard carries. I seemed to farm way better then alot of the people in 3k so I just assumed I could raise it by playing only them. Now I am at almost 4.5k mmr but want to get on the leaderboards for Americas. With void I win most of my matches, I seem to always know what to do behind or not as that hero. But you cant always pick that hero (esp when some fucker picks axe) and you gotta play other things. So atm im going back to my roots and trying alot of the other carries and do just as well, except i lose more often than I do with void/TB. Help from Havoc, or high level players to analyze my game would be appreciated. Thanks.

    My Match and Main Account:

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      how is smurfing coming along?


        Will you shut up 3k trash? How many times are people like you gonna ask me this. 2 games 17 days ago hmm I wonder what hes doing. Maybe using my my main because I decided against it? I am so sick of getting scorned by failures.


            dude u buy fucking battlefury on void i think u should reconsider ur entire life


              holy shit how come u win with bfury void

              just go for mom mjollnir

              Flat is Justice!

                i dont get it, why do people use smurf accounts to post data on their main
                ...then flame anyone that comments on that obvious weird fact out

                btw, how is smurfing coming along?

                Oh Shit Waddup

                  i think there is a difference between smurfing, and creating a new account and playing 2 games on it


                    @Jammin He must have turned off match sharing or main might be banned from DB, unsure.....

                    @beyond I have almost completely stopped playing TB despite a massive success rate due to small changes in the game that have seen him suffer. Most people can still squeeze out wins (Zenoth, Flop, Matrice) but look at the change in their games from 6.80 to 6.81 where they have gone from playing the hero daily to situationally picking it in like one out of every 50 games.

                    With Void and Terrorblade both, it is a situation of 4 protect 1 where the team is counting on you and holding out hoping that late game you will have enough to see them win. While others have been more objectified about it I do agree that in cases of early trouble a battlefury will be holding back your early impact while a Maelstrom will still allow you to flash farm at relatively the same pace.

                    On a personal note I have looked over a few of your Void games and you're almost consistently the lowest in both tower and hero damage. My guess is that you are focused on farming more than actually using your farm effectively. Keeping in mind that solo chrono'ing someone 8 minutes into the game isn't a waste, you can pick up kills as you farm and I catch out supports all the time and chrono them. You're going to be farming anyways so its not like you're wasting your chrono that early in the game.

                    Most of your item choices are still decent but you always seem to be behind your team in items even though you have by far the most last hits. I put this down to your lesser impact in the mid/early game and you should try to pick that up a little.

           you have any specific questions though as the post was a little vague.


                      battlefury helps alot with damage and sustain. Its also alot more reliable and if youve ever played with maelstrom instead it takes longer to kill jungle creeps, as in you might as win hit them all anyway(the chain damage isnt high enough usually). Ill watch some random games and find the most important questions i could ask. But where I am at most of the time i cant solo kill someone with chrono because their whole team will tp if its someone important, and if they could survive me at that point in the game they would know they could be out that far. So sometimes its not even worth trying.


                        and where im at you can barely push towers, as the heroes in every game could easily kill you after a TP. I am not really focused on getting a high Hero Damage number, I think if im winning games this consistently there are other things more important i can work on. Theres no reason i can manfight ursa doom warlock without locking them in chrono first, where i get most of my damage out anyway, and no reason I would have more damage than skywrath or zeus because I only fight when I have to, whereas they can spam spells.


                          I am talking more about your early laning phase, you can chrono someone in your lane with your support and you should have enough to lock them out.

                          Example of early game aggression in lane with Void


                            ye i do that alot actually. I think you are right about using farm more efficiently. its not high 3k where I can just tp as soon as I get my MoM treads and kill their carry multiple times. Gonna have to find a way to make this work


                              Take 10-15 minutes as your stretch goal to have MoM, Treads, Drums and close to another luxury item if you want to miss out the drums. Consider your target of about 60+ LH for about 10 mins (not including denies) and about 90-100+ by about 15 minutes. This will not only ensure you are sufficiently farmed to take on their carries early but means the amount of pressure put on your team to wait on you is reduced.

                              Remember if the lane is pushed don't wander and wait for it to come back to you, go straight into the jungle and farm the small camp then immediately go back into the lane.

                              Ples Mercy

                                how many fucking accounts to you have.


                                  @Blunt 2. This isnt Hael for the 5th time.


                                    Havoc id encourage you to just watch the damn game, I am not that far off your mmr and already do these things. Just please watch it...


                                      When I get home I can have a look.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        Heal uninstall you fucking trash srsly.


                                          @Blunt Hael is IP banned currently after his most recent overhaul posting.

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            You do realize that we live in 2014 right?


                                              IP bans are efficient enough to block a majority of people from continued use of a service....I consider Hael among the majority so yes its 2014 and Hael is IP banned.

                                              Ples Mercy

                                                are you trolling me or are your really unable to see that its heal? Srsly its not hard to figure out..........When ur online @ steam, write me a message and ill prove that its him ._.


                                                  yeah go ahead "prove" it. Dont forget on my main i used this same name for a long time, and theres no reason I would be in very high in the majority of my matches, when Hael was always in High.


                                                    theres also no reason why someone would want like 2 3k match accounts...

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      He is not hael he is alation a guy who spammed a lot in this forum before if i am not mistaken

                                                      btw nice winrate with AM i cant win with him

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        stfu hael

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Is actually easy to bypass a IP ban, but this guy used to comment here way before hael commented for first time.

                                                          But, of course, you can believe what you want.


                                                            i love you dorkly

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              based havoc banned hael


                                                                this guy aint hael as far as i know, his main account in the op is on my friend list and he doesnt speak like hael

                                                                anyway maelstrom and midas are both items (imo) more legit than Battlefury on void, because he thrives from attack speed rather than damage. Early game in a chrono much of his damage is going to come from Bash procs which deal double damage in chrono, and his manfighting ability mid-late is determined by how often he can bash.

                                                                I used to love battlefury on melee carries but void really needs the attack speed much more, and I normally go MoM afterwards anyway so it gives fairly decent sustain (along with allowing a really early Rosh)

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Please dont play like my friend, he gets both midas and bfury on void.

                                                                  Needless to say he is useless until 50 min into the game


                                                                    i never get both. I know how dumb it is.. Although i will say it was fun one time i got BF and midaso n alch lol. but when people get midas on PL or antimage i get so pissed


                                                                      How come do you smurf?

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!