General Discussion

General DiscussionPc problems,can someone help me with advice?

Pc problems,can someone help me with advice? in General Discussion

    Cpu: i3 550 3.2 GHz
    Ram memory: 4gb
    Hd: 1 Tb
    Graphic: 6850 Radeon 1gb

    My pc is old 3 years but still he was working very well with dota 2 till 4-5 days ago. Settings were and still are always on maximum very high detalis and all shits and resolution and everything always worked fine,but now somehow there are laggs and I don`t know why is this happening probably just the best to reinstall windows again and all be working fine but maybe not I don`t know. I m using often ccleaner and stuff also I think I don`t have any kind of viruses in computer but I find out when I play dota Ram memory performance are 2.8/4gb usage which is kind of too much I think and dunno why is that much. Also when I do nothing its 1gb/4gb usage and 75% free. Cpu is 18% when I play dota and when don`t 2-3% or smth.

    I have 60 fps in game when I play dunno is that a maximum or not but thats how it is,still I lagg somehow and its not internet..its playeble but very anoying and it hurts eyes a litle bit. I tryed lower settings and same shit happens..
    Someone got advice? Or how can I decrease this ram memory usage? Or is best way just reinstall windows.. its quite a while I didnt probably a year.

    Everyone loves Chibi

      Maybe your graphic card is slowly diing, i would try different card if i were you. I'm almost sure it's not Windows. Maybe try to open task manager and see if something strange happens in processes when it lags, just to be sure.


        you should have no issues running dota with that.

        I'm still using a Febuary 2008 Mac Pro Tower (win 7 64 bootcamp) with dual quad core 2.8 xeon e5462 which i upgraded with an amd 6870, 14 gigs ddr2 fdimm ram and an crucial m4 ssd.

        update graphics drivers and re install dota.


          You can always check to see if your CPU is parked, I'll provide a link below. Considering you are using a dual core cpu if one of the cpus isnt picking up the slack then your performance may severely be hindered. This is an issue many people deal with and may not ever even realize it when dealing with up to x4-8 processors.

          Not sure if this will fix your issue but anyone who is a gamer trying to get the most out of their PC should do this no matter what. Just make sure to run a backup before doing this, or anything when dealing with how your hardware is being interpreted.

          Video to go with it:
          The tool is provided in the description link to unpark your cpu.


            I m sad its still the same even if I set up most low graphic ever rofl,same laggs. Seems to me like some buggs with last patch downloading cus that started to happend after last patch 4-5 days ago..its like smth bugged and that laggs its not my pc seems like. :/ Mb reinstall a game dunno..

            bum farto

              bogi.... run dota2 and do a screen cap of running processes please and hard drive activity logs, as I said over chat this might be HDD induced lag

              CTRL + SHIFT + ESC then go to performance

              Also make sure you are using the most up to date drivers


                So, I reinstalled drivers one of them didnt wanted to work tho, failture in installing so right now my dota 2 is lagging every sec.Before was every 6-7 sec. but now is every fucking second and its totally unplayeble.


                  Hurricane helped Bogi solve the problem, now Bogi will help Hurricane to get out of the trenches.


                    ^ True, my drivers were problem smth happened to them and I reinstalled, and repair one so after that all normally works again.

                    Gonna be hard tho to help this noob get out of trench but I ll try my best to make him 3500+ solo mmr


                      Yes Bogi, giff me 4k solo mmr on this account and i'll be eternally gratefull. It's way easier tho on my other account (100 more mmr and i'm there)


                        Bogi, you've hit 5k?

                        jstjkin, gj its fixd


                          I thought everything will work nice again but it worked nice just like 1 game, here we go again same issue same laggs even worse I started ranked game dunno how I even played 30-40 min my eyes totally hurts


                            I started one normal mm game to see will it laggs again cus when I go vs bots or lobby seems like no lagg much but i started normal mm game and it was so eyes hurting that I leave afteer 15 min. unplayeble :(

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              buy new CPU. Or upgrade motherboard & CPU. Cuz dota is CPU bound not GPU. It likes 4.0+ Ghz even if it's duo core etc...


                                ^ I don`t think its cus of CPU or some Pc isuess more some drivers or some dota bugg I don`t know. Its not like lagg cus of graphic I set lowest possible graphic and laggs the same way .. its some sort of bugg but dunno. I m gonna reinstall windows and Dota and everything in 1-2 days so will tell you will it works again normally,if don`t than its time for new Pc.

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  Trust me get a 3770k or any processor that can hit 4Ghz. Problem solved. Your 6850 is probably not ultilized enough til you hit that barrier. I know cuz I had an amd x4 640, amd 1090t, amd fx 8350, xeons and core 2 duos. Once you hit that 4 Ghz+ threshold the game will run at 100+ fps on that graphics card. ALso upgrade your HD if ur HD is almost full it's probably only doing likr 60-80 MB/s transfer so get a cheap 256 SSD for like 150 USD.

                                  Oh yea get at least 8Gb. 4Gb is not enough for windows 7 or 8 to play facebook games. Dota 2 takes like 1.3GB memory space. My friend has 4Gb ram and he's always the last loader so I tell him to watch a game or lobby game before queing, cuz he sometimes fail.

                                  FYI my 5850 graphics can be set at near or at ultra/max setting. Just disable 3d portraits and lighting etc.

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    ^Come on man a 3770k is wayyyyy overkill for Dota 2 :D I have a laptop with 4GB of RAM and a dual core and it runs Dota fine. I do agree that it's pretty bad for Facebook games though; Firefox is such a killer with those add-ons (not even kidding).

                                    Also Bogi, if bot games are fine and real games aren't ... then there you have it, it's an internet issue. What pings were you getting? Next time try co-op bot games to see ping if you don't want losses that matter.

                                    Edit: Or just spectate some games, that would make more sense than what I just suggested -_-

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I run dota 2 on a shitty old laptop.....


                                        "Also Bogi, if bot games are fine and real games aren't ... then there you have it, it's an internet issue."

                                        I agree with this.

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          pfff, i run dota 2 with 60 fps stable on a laptop with a shitty dualcore. u just need to know how. pfff


                                            Bogi has eye of an eagle Blunt, he sees things mortals dont see.

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              i'm a god, not mortal. But yeah, bogi sees himself as a good player, we won't ever be able to see that



                                                "Oh yea get at least 8Gb. 4Gb is not enough for windows 7 or 8 to play facebook games...."

                                                lies lies don't listen to him


                                                  dude my pc is 100 times shittier than you and i dont get any lags (1.8 dual-core CPU)

                                                  try reinstalling all your drivers and check if your ram is working correctly

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Run some memchecks and cpu checks, some gpu diagnostics, see if you get errors. Something might be going bad. Just google some tools to use. Also should check temps, if you shit is overheating it'll drop performance.

                                                    Also regarding 60 fps, that is your max if you vsync, as most monitors max at 59hz or 60hz.


                                                      I am not sure if it was mentioned previously, but since it is summer - have you checked the temperature on the GPU? I have a rather old laptop (4 years this august) and the only way I manage to play during summertime is with an AC turned to max + some DIY cooling stuff (pretty much just small bottles of ice wrapped in a towel).

                                                      From my own experience AMD cards tend to overheat quite a bit. Especially after the prolonged usage. It could be a dirty cooler/dried out thermal paste and things like that.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Laptops tend to overheat a lot worse than desktops but yes, I mentioned checking temps. If you have a broken fan or something too that could cause stuff to overheat.