General Discussion

General Discussionguess the smurf mmr

guess the smurf mmr in General Discussion
leave me alone

    its a long way off but im bored

    guess what mmr im gonna get on this smurf (only tinker/void if tinkers picked)


      5.3k or noob


        did u calibrate the other one at 4xxx? seemed like ur matches went horribly


          yea i'm looking at some of ur ranked games and the ones u lost u had the least hero dmg/low kda, don't think ur going to get 5k on that one lol

            leave me alone

              yeah the other one i pretty much gave up on because i started at like ~4.7-4.8 i think based on the players in my game but by the 4th it was like 4.3. not gonna bother playing supports, not to mention i was just having bad games too

              oh lord its coming back 0-5 pudge in 8 minutes


                i actually had a lower starting mmr than you did (i think about 4.5k), had some trash teams as well so can't really help that

                i just talked with a friend of mine and he said i misrepresented how my games went (fair enough), but basically i still see what i did as nothing other than playing by the system's rules and getting a good score. if someone wants to farm jungle as bloodseeker and be useless for the first 10 minutes, well i have no control over that lol (happened in one of my calibration games, after that i decided to spam "r" for free hero dmg whenever off cd cuz i knew the game wasn't salvageable)

                all the earth spirit abusers back in 6.80, the tb/phx/ember/invoker pickers of 6.81, etc. all "inflated" their MMRs. and the funniest thing is some of them haven't dropped back down to their pre-abuse MMR ranges, which means the MMR system is far from perfect (I'd say it still works decently for all intents and purposes). either that or they managed to improve by playing with/against players +500 from their original rating, which is another plausible explanation.


                  i'm watching altaoda (a 5.8k mmr player) play calibration games on twitch. the accounts after calibration usually range from 4700-5200.

                  it's kind of funny how he loses some of those games at 4.7k-5k even though he's much better than any of those players (people picking shit heroes like sniper on his team, etc.)

                  some people are truly uncarriable


                    nvm he's missing like 30% of last hits in a free lane, wtf is this lol


                      Why dont you just increase your mmr instead of creating new accounts?


                        because that takes effort and skill.


                          Pretty much that

                          Hex Sigma


                            What about my smurf's mmr?

                            leave me alone

                              im really confused about the people who say that smurfing takes no effort or skill. it seems to just be jealousy that people are actually capable of gaining mmr seeing as this is coming from a guy thats stuck in the high bracket of all places and repeatedly plays bot matches (tired of losing in real games?)

                              the effort part is true though, i have no interest in playing tryhardy matches with dumbfucks all around where my team lets 3 people sit mid and then ends up losing a 3v1 lane or stupid shit like that. the people there are just too dumb for my eyes and at least the people in unranked dont try and pull competitive shit with trilanes and stuff that they have no idea how to utilize.

                              also getting from 4.5k to 5k is easier on a smurf than it is on a regular account just because my ranked winrate is something like 55% and that means its going to take 100+ matches to get there versus 50-60 on unranked smurfing.

                              leave me alone

                                @raspharus im guessing somewhere mid 3k

                                ICE SKULL

                                  you can't smurf in dota 2 because of the smurf detection

                                  pls go and just call it an alt account

                                  leave me alone

                                    arent those the same thing

                                    ICE SKULL


                                      smurf - good experienced player vs bad players

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        @bot how did you guess? I mean if its mid 3k I'll still play it until calibration. If its not I'm not wasting my time smurfing


                                          It's still just abusing the system. You're trying to get better rating based on several games, instead of your life time overall ("real") ranking.
                                          If you think you got lower than your skill is, than you SHOULD be able to increase it. Even i could get 5k+ and i can assure that i'm far from pro material.

                                          Dont get me wrong, i dont have any personal problem with you guys, more like with tha fact that there are more and more people above 5k with less than 100 hours of dota and you cannot predict how dumb your teammates will be.

                                          leave me alone

                                            @raspharus your winrate is pretty solid but your kdas/hd are really low (seems like you prioritize ratting) and also once you get to mid 3k level players in unranked that style of play gets harder and harder to use (mainly starts at 4k).

                                            @szotyi maybe it wasn't clear, but I said i could raise my mmr if i really wanted to, but it just has to do with effort. if i have a 55% winrate in ranked on a 4.5k account, its going to take a long time to gain mmr, requiring (at that winrate and assuming +-25) a couple hundred matches to accomplish, whereas if i smurf, i get more peaceful games (less tryharding, more fun) and also i can maintain a winrate high enough to get placed into 4.8-5k.

                                            im not quite sure how you made the connection to "pro material" but a majority of 5k players arent pro material anyway though they're really good. 6k+ sure but 5k pubbers usually arent.

                                            and realistically if i get put into 5k and the rating doesnt accurately represent what my skill level is, my mmr will go down, and if im actually a 5k level player, then i will stay the same. basically, smurfing is already taken care of in the system, assuming players play after they get 5k.

                                            tl;dr its not like i lack the skill to do it, just the effort. and mathematically it makes a lot of sense, playing at a high 4k-5k level in ranked takes a lot longer to get to 5k than does smurfing for 50-60 games


                                              I dare you to guess my smurf MMR too!


                                                smurfs are half the reason why games are lost, if u're good enough u can climb back ez, no reason to smurf unless u can't climb back up

                                                S h e e p


                                                  lol you are not even eligible to play rank games yet
                                                  and yea smurf is way much more fun