General Discussion

General DiscussionIndeed

Indeed in General Discussion

    (this convo is spaced out over the course of a 45 min game)
    (I am WD laning with FV and Omni)
    (I take last hits)
    (FV gets mad and feeds 3 kills)
    (Beam is my friend Tinker, mid)

    Beam: whys he doing that
    Trep: i took last hits
    Beam: why
    Trep: why not
    Trep: you should hear me laughing
    Beam: deleted after this game
    Beam: retard

    (it's on)
    (I delete him first, then kick him from the party)

    Trep: get mad
    Beam: have fun in 3k scrub
    Trep: get mad
    Trep: youre out of the group btw
    Beam: ? you are trash pls stop msging me
    Trep: upset? :)

    (POTM comes on mic and it's a girl)
    (Beam spergs out and "flirts" with her)
    (nervously asks her "how cute are you IRL?")

    Trep: LOL
    Trep: no keep going
    Trep: pls
    Trep: wait let me start fraps
    Trep: ok go
    Trep: i want to catch your nervous laughter while talking to a girl on the fucking internet
    Trep: whenever youre ready
    Beam: you wonder why no one every accepts your invites
    Trep: no dont type
    Trep: talk
    Trep: be a sport, pimp
    Trep: hey you should ask her what size bra she wears, chicks dig that
    Beam: you are really sad
    Beam: i cant wait til this games over so i never ran in to you again since you will never up in mmr
    Trep: ask her what her name is and where she goes to school
    Trep: hey bro buy a mekansm and walk around healing her
    Trep: you probably arent around girls much but trust me
    Trep: they love that
    Trep: LOL
    Trep: did you get nervous
    Trep: ?
    Beam: why are you still talking to me?
    Beam: you are non existent shitty dota player
    Trep: i think shes into you bro
    Beam: stop trying to get my attention you faggot
    Trep: maybe if you keep nervously laughing and asking her questions
    Trep: shell have sex with you
    Trep: cmon
    Trep: you should add her to your friend list
    Trep: after we win you should call her your fair maiden
    Trep: then add a nervous giggle for emphasis
    Beam: ive gotten more pussy then your lesbian moms
    Trep: you sound like it
    Trep: LOL
    Trep: jk nerd

    (we are winning somehow. Beam dives fountain and dies with team nearby)

    Trep: aw
    Trep: she saw that too
    Trep: tell her you sacrificed yourself for her
    Trep: do it on mic

    (game ends)

    Trep: jesus nerd
    Trep: you failed man
    Trep: you blew it.
    Trep: you almost had her too

    (blocked as he is typing a response, before it is sent)

    Beam is now Offline.


      why do u take last hits not good


        why not


          How can you


            2/10 blog post couldn't make it all the way through would not read again.


              cuz I'm better at taking last hits with a projectile speed, lower base damage, and no quelling blade than the guy who didn't get them.

              Hafla Enjoyer


                Why did you even get boots? Everyone knows scepter is in higher priority than boots


                  so the point of this thread is......?


                    OP is a fucking idiot who somehow thinks it's ok for WD to take last hits from Void and boasts about it





                        That's not very nice.


                          are you seriously expecting people to laugh or side with you


                            I wasn't, but now?

                            Flat is Justice!

                              lets see what happens here

                              OP takes last hits as support
                              Cant keep carry alive, blames carry for "feeding 3 kills"

                              Trashes people who plays invited games with him
                              Insults the friend lists with kiddies pokes
                              Blocks and deletes friend so they cant reply him, because OP knows hes in the wrong but does it anyway

                              AND Posts entire tread on forum to prove how much of a douche he is

                              /Clap clap Well played
                              Here is someone no one needs as a friend


                                Stopped reading around the halfway mark.
                                Bad support, should feel bad.
                                Bad friend, should feel bad.
                                Bad party host, should feel bad.
                                Bad post, should feel bad.

                                Verdict: Feel bad.


                                  anyone feel bad for the girl? i mean all she did was say something on voice chat and ended up getting some nerd hitting on her and a jerk making a huge spectacle out of it rofl

                                  Miku Plays

                                    Lmao... There once a girl on my team who picked pudge and everyone was very obedient couriers up and wards up

                                    Ples Mercy


                                      last time i played with a girl she told me that she loved me, creepy shit right there.


                                        Whats the purpose of this thread if not that to make you look like a stupid 8 year old?
                                        And that's not even an offence but a true question.


                                          Thank you for asking. It's a good example of insult humor from how I continued picking on him. It's a showcase of internet savvy by making sure to get the last word in, kicking him and deleting him before he could so the same to me, and it shows control of the situation by continuing to mock him over the same thing and ignore anything else he said. As you can see, it worked like a charm.

                                          That's what I thought was notable about this exchange. Some people (who have appreciation for such things) have agreed, though I do understand that this sort of humor is an acquired taste.


                                            imagine you go out on the street, you kick a beggar, then spit in his face, laughing at him for not being able to dodge it

                                            then you get your friends to spit at him as he begs from other passerbys

                                            after that you post that on a forum asking for people to commend you

                                            thats what it looks like to normal people

                                            Polkadot Piranha

                                              Congratulations. You have mastered the art of bullying the less fortunate. Well done. We are all very proud.


                                                That's actually pretty funny Zenoth, let's be honest.


                                                  Are you going to TI?

                                                  Cause it'd be fun sexually harassing you. OP is a troll, has to be.

                                                  Oh Shit Waddup

                                                    Viceroy, i think the "acquired humor" you are talking about is actually in fact, just being a cunt. No wonder you have to resort to the internet to act like this since you're probably the biggest bitch irl.

                                                    overthrow mmr

                                                      op youre a tard. its people like you who ruin more than just dota


                                                        Yall are starting to make me feel really bad about this.

                                                        waku waku

                                                          you're so mean delete dota


                                                            I would love for everyone to gangbang Viceroy at TI4, then post it because it's funny.

                                                            Ape Prime

                                                              Can someone tell me what is OP?
                                                              And don't feed the troll guys

                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                OP - Original Poster .


                                                                  OP = Overpowered, thefuq you talkni bout

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    I put dash for a reason.. lol


                                                                      i bet irl he is a lady, what a dickhead. he is educated to avoid gettin his ass kicked

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Yeah my carry is failing some last hits, lets play against him so he misses even more last hits.


                                                                        If i had you in my team i would probably rage quit or something


                                                                          yeah that'd show me

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