General Discussion

General DiscussionStacking with scrub

Stacking with scrub in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Is it me or does the matchmaking really fuck up big time when you queue with someone with a much lower MMR?

    Let me hear your experiences with that shit

    talking about 2man queue


      yeah, it does fuck up. If you're the high mmr and go mid, you'll usually get easy games cause you just outplay him so badly.

      However, if the difference is 3,7k and 3k I doubt it'd fuck up very much.


        ^3.7k is so difference from 3k


          3.7 and 3.3 is the same shit


            Blunt, please tell us more about your experience. For example what rating was he compared to you?



              Lone Druid was 4k
              WK was 2k


                132 lasthits in 50 min, 2k?
                Hahhahahahaha u fucking mad, the 2k maxim lh per game is like 75-95 lh


                  Wink, im totally aware of that, however. Matchmaking doesn't get fucked up when a 3,7k stacks with 3k, compared to when 5k stacks with 3k.


                    Ranked will not accept parties with an extremely large MMR spread,
                    and in normal it doesn't matter


                      5000 to 3000 is pretty extreme mmr spread. Don't you think?

                      Dire Wolf

                        I often stack with players ~400 mmr different than me. We actually run a 3 stack with a 2500 player, me at 3300 and my friend at 3700. The opposing team always ends up with a similar spread, one guy under 3k, most around 3k and one well over like 3700. I believe matchmaking has logic to closely match the best and worst players and then average everyone else in between.


                          its huge difference. i usually can troll as much as I want and still win with ease.


                            I can tell only about 5 man stack, since we do most of them. MMR is spread from around 4k to 5.3k and games are usually great and balanced. 2-stacks with really different mmr can be shit tho and really hard to win.


                              The problem with huge spreads are:

                              If you as the highest of your team with 3.7 k face the enemy 3.7k mid, everything is fine. If your 2.5 k goes mid and you take a support, you will get fisted hard. A spread above 600 should not be allowed.

                              For those kind of bullshit there is still the unranked mode. You can random and stack with your mentally disabled friends there.

                              Dire Wolf

                                That is true, when our sub 3k player tries to carry he fails miserably. When he tries to support us and our best player is safe lane farming type we lose. Only way we win consistently is if our best player goes mid lol.

                                Bot (Passive)

                                  if your best player goes safelane it works fine if he builds similar to how he would out of mid and builds more for the mid game as opposed to winning a farm war since you cant count on your team to create space, you have to be the guy doing it all but you get easier farm

                                  i really wish valve would force mmrs to be in a 500 range since once it gets out of that range games are entirely dependent on which mmrs pick what. pretty sure it would be worth longer q times in off hours



                                    Usually, the carry player has LEAST impact on the game. You want your best player on a high impact role, that also transition to lategame.
                                    ^Obviously don't count to every game.

                                    ~ Mid.


                                      3.7k and 3k are the same thing - bad.

                                      hey in fact anything below 5k are the same thing - bad


                                        nope games are really easy when u stack with low mmr

                                        as far as impact goes mid > carry > off >supps

                                        ICE SKULL


                                          mid > off > supp > carry

                                          put the retard on carry

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            DD im playing party, if u want to join u can come, we are 2 only

                                            Quick maffs

                                              Wave dont you think it depends of the game ? I mean, if your carry is really bad he is going to die over and over


                                                not if your team makes enough space for him not getting pressured so he will be farming all game while you actually carry him

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  I guess


                                                    like this game right here

                                                    my team was killing left and right so i basically was splitpushing lulz


                                                      no point if u win offlanes if ur carries (naga) is this bad


                                                      Bot (Passive)


                                                        u didnt read what i said, if you go high impact carry heros (ember, mom treads/no midas void, clinkz, slark) you end up being more impactful than mid although you dont end up winning a lane for your team, but you also get an easier time farming and can get a 7 min blink on slark and win mid/top for your team just by tping to the lane.

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!