General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick rant, and then request for tips on getting better

Quick rant, and then request for tips on getting better in General Discussion
Scott Hall

    I know I'm not the greatest DotA 2 player on the face of the planet. I never claimed to be, nor do I have any real desire to be (although.... jesus.... a 10 million dollar pot makes me wish I was). However, I like to think I'm an alright support player. This is good because generally, no one ever wants to play support.

    I play a lot of games with my brothers and a couple of our friends. The problem is that they ALWAYS blame me when we lose, and always take credit when we win. I understand that this is typical of a support role, but I am getting to the point where I am wondering if I am just awful at this game, or am I letting them get into my head? We played a game last night ( where we were getting dominated by a fed Luna (fed by Froggy), then we won a couple major team battles (noted by the sudden drop in the Radiant's exp differential) and Froggy disconnects (his PC overheated). Sure, he reconnected about 4 minutes later, but the graph speaks for itself what happened the rest of the game...

    I missed one shield and one heal that might (BIG maybe) have kept us alive longer during the last 4 minutes of the game. Afterwards, they all commend Froggy on his amazing play, and then just all berate me for my missed heal. They kick me from the party, then go on to play more games.

    I'm on a terrible stretch of games right now (0-4), and I think 2 of them we were just outplayed, 1 of them we had a guy intentionally feed the entire game, and then this last one. I am always the only support, even when my teammates say they will also play support, they don't. They pick support heroes, and still try to carry with them (drives me insane).

    Is this just the way of a support player? Or am I that terrible?

    Regardless, any tips on how to play a better support (specifically Abaddon, but really in general)?

    Thanks in advance.


      Wow, those friends don't sound like friends at all. Seriously, kicking you?

      Anyway, thats just the deal with support. You get a lot of shit from others. If you don't want to deal with such crap then get a stack of NICE friends or simply became a badass at support.

      When you play Abaddon, you need to be particularly conscious of your allies. You can't harass in lane and certainly don't have any damage output unless snowballed. So just focus on keeping your team alive. Its quite simple to play him, really. Play him in a self-sacrificial way (but not stupid suicides) and people will praise you like hell. That was how it was for me.


        Item build from good support abaddon

        Carry abaddon

        Abaddon has mana weakness so unless you went tranquil + soul ring i dont think it's enough.
        Or you can always go mana boots instead.


          The game is hard to learn.

          Scott Hall

            I always grab tranq just for the move speed. By mid game, I'm usually okay with mana, but seeing how much mana boots is recommended (and that it helps teammates more), I will have to go to those. Also, I never think about Force Staff or Euls on Abaddon. I will have to try those and see how they impact my play.

            Extra question (and pardon the noobiness of it), when my inventory is full, what is the item usually recommended to drop to grab wards? I usually drop magic wand (too afraid to ever be without a scroll).


              You sell your wand. Nothing else (btw wand is a toal waste of $$, stick to sticks).

              When to get tranq or manaboots is subjective. Ideally if you're doing well, then blowing 1.45k early on manaboots will be a huge help but sometimes when laning phase is hard or you really can't wait for 600+ gold (which is a lot for a support), tranqs are the way to go.

              Anyway, I can honestly tell you, you're playing Abaddon the wrong way for pubs. You're not transitioning to semi-carry nearly enough. Sometimes as a solo support or if the game is going bad, then its understandable you build him as a hard support. Abaddon is a snowballer, you should be last hitting kills while giving farm to your allies but be tactical on how you do this because its a fine line between making your peers respect your support or think you're a shitty kser. Just a necrobook or late cuirass turns you into a beast.

              Scott Hall

                Oh god, the thought of taking a kill away from my teammates... (especially the one that's anonymous in most my matches... "THATS TOO BAD") is like killing their children. That's what makes it so hard. They want every last hit on creeps, every last hit on heroes, the jungle to themselves when they demand it, and want me to get all wards, courier, upgrade courier, heal them, and initiate.

                Hmmm.... I just realized the issue... maybe I need to not play with my brothers and friends... lol

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