General Discussion

General DiscussionMatches like this makes me wanna slam my head into a fucking wall

Matches like this makes me wanna slam my head into a fucking wall in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Same story, why should we push when i can stay in the jungle and farm a 30 mins radiance? Oh anti mage got free farm, nah we will be ok. Ember goes afk after i ks from him 2 kills.

    You know what i fucking hate with a passion? Games like this where in the last moment the enemy gets his hand of god(aka stupid retards in my team that don't want to fucking push) and win the game because of reasons.


    Hafla Enjoyer

      30 min radiance best radiance

      Hex Sigma

        Why don't these kinds of players want to push? What the actual fuck? Are they that braindead?


          Pardon me, sir. sir.
          Do you have anything that wil make a butt extremely slippery?
          I want the slipperriest butt imaginable.
          The most slippery butt you can have is the kind of butt that i want.
          I want this becuase of reasons.

          Hex Sigma

            What gets on my nerves is that usually when i get an anti mage he is useless. But when he is on the other team he has loda last hitting skills.


              dear diary