General Discussion

General Discussionthis is what happen, when some piece of shit strikes you on the nerve

this is what happen, when some piece of shit strikes you on the nerve in General Discussion



    Fucking imbeciles.


      you smashed your monitor because you were angry, i think that makes you the imbecile m8


        That's some sick ass high end monitor

        ICE SKULL

          hahaah HAHAHAHA

          this monitor


            Are you, by any case, serbian?

            ICE SKULL

              if i knew you irl i'd give you my shitty 1920x1080 samsung monitor that i dont use


                Ye, i am serbian :-P

                And ye, that is state of the art monitor.

                For 2006 or 2007

                Quick maffs

                  Did you just smash your monitor ?

                  man that its some anger issues


                    those still exist ;O

                    Quick maffs

                      You know what is funny ? i am pretty sure that you play dota with more fps than i do, my laptop is so broken inside that i play at 20-30 fps


                        For 1996 or 1997

                        Fixed that for you


                          i can find that kind of monitor lying on the street around my house
                          the electricity is too expensive to maintain that monitor -.-


                            @dorkly, same as me.

                            I really dont have anger issue, but when someone goes off the limits, ( this was the case ), i really snapped.


                              did he call your mom a slut


                                lol its funnt when people get mad over game :D

                                also hi tech ftw :D i had familiar monitor on my first pc back in 90's


                                  What the fuck would make you hit the monitor in front of you? What kind of human would hit their MONITOR because they got annoyed by someone ingame.

                                  Fucking ragequit and leave the game, not hit your monitor XDdd I doubt you care about that monitor anyway though.

                                  No anger issues? I don't know man

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    its the balkan rage, you can tolerate anything but at some things, the world ends


                                      you need to be an imbecible to do that


                                        he probably said kosovo is not serbia :DDDDDDD


                                          Dude, I think it's time you get a new monitor and PC anyways.

                                          Did he say something like "I like Croats" to piss you off? xD


                                            I really didn't cared about that pc anyway, need to change it.

                                            He flamed my mother, above normal things. I was like, relax, relax, dont get upset, and when he said that into mic, i just kaboom.

                                            you know the rest of the story.


                                              ^Lmao , r u srs.


                                                jel si neki cigan ili nesto?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Is that a CRT? Funny thing is some really hard core gamers still think CRT is superior because it has faster response time.


                                                    Nah, it isnt crt.

                                                    Aj bezi tamo, molim te.

                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                      @ mark

                                                      100% True. CRT response time is like .25 -.5 ms, where LCD is 1-8 ms response time. Now 10ms isn't much however, I can imagine there being a situation when it matters.


                                                        Really? All it takes is insulting your mother? When I was a kid, insulting each other's mothers was a joke.


                                                          its a different culture, between friends its normal i guess, but people fight a lot for "fuck your mother/sister" etc.

                                                          zidane headbutted materazzi because he insulted his sister


                                                            i did also that, but up to the some border, after that is joke.


                                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                @ Concede, youtubeeeeee


                                                                  yea yea i fixed it


                                                                    whats up with these balkan fags taking mother insults so serious lmao

                                                                    this is internet everyone slept with each others mom yesterday so deal with it

                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                      Lol.... the fuck...

                                                                      Also, pretty sure that is stepmania. And I just keep watching.... Weeaboos are fucking angryy man lol... what the fuck lol


                                                                        you have a lot to be angry about since your waifus aren't real


                                                                          I am gonna guess it was this game

                                                                          I bet that ES was flaming you right?


                                                                            "your waifus aren't real"


                                                                              So did you buy a new monitor or are you just trying to work with what you got...?


                                                                                @Wink look at that guy he's the definition of a weaboo except cleaner, you can tell he just came out of the basement for the first time in months after ejaculating on his waifu pillow 10 times a day


                                                                                  I tried playing on my laptop, but seems that i can't. It isn't bad lap top ( i bought around 2010 for my blog ) and still, it has lower fps, then my , broken pc. Don't get it.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Meanwhile i have to carrefully handle my laptop beucase if i move it too quickly he just shuts down.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Shiba i play with everything on minimum and i close everything that its not dota when playing


                                                                                        Well i did same thing. It has same fps on highest , or lowest ( with cfg ) settings, no matter what. Maybe i should reistal windows, but i have toooo much important things there.

                                                                                        Or i will just work this summer, before exams, and get money to buy something normaly


                                                                                          Its Counter-Strike era monitor. Just typical, 90% of them are on dota 2 from CS


                                                                                            well thats gotta suck.. I remember having troubles with my old PC that i bought in 1998, after that I've changed it many times but i understand ppl cannot afford to change it that often.

                                                                                            Now im on an SSD, Nvidia GTV770 etc. feels much better

                                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                                              having a good pc is shit if your internet is awful


                                                                                                I got great internet, and awfull pc.

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